Ilm va ziyo => Darsxona => Chet tillari => Mavzu boshlandi: Robiya 17 Dekabr 2007, 15:59:03

Nom: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 17 Dekabr 2007, 15:59:03
Bu mavzu orqali chet (English) tili grammatikasiga oid va boshqa ma'lumotlarni topishingiz mumkin.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 17 Dekabr 2007, 16:04:41

Тil odamlar o‘rtasidagi aloqa vositasi bo‘lib, nutqda og‘zaki va yozma shaklda qo‘llanadi.
Og‘zaki nutq gaplardan, gaplar so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan, so‘zlar esa, nutq tovushi (fonema) dan tarkib topadi. Fonema so‘zning bo‘linmaydigan eng kichik bo‘lagidir. U so‘z ma’nolarini ifodalash va farqlash uchun xizmat qiladi. Har bir tildagi fonemalar yig‘indisi fonemalar sistemasi deyiladi.
Yozuv esa og‘zaki nutqni aks ettiradi va mustahkamlaydi.
Biz ingliz tilini o‘rganishda bu til talaffuzidagi murakkabliklarni hisobga olgan holda, avvalo harf va tovushlar haqidagi ma’lumotlar va fonetikaga oid mashqlarni taqdim etamiz.

I. Ingliz tilida yozuv va o‘qish

A) Ingliz yozuvi.
Ingliz tilida harflar uch xil katta-kichiklikda yoziladi.
Birinchi xil kattalikda harflar belbog‘siz, halqasiz bo‘ladi. Ular to‘rt chiziq o‘rtasida o‘rganiladi.

Ikkinchi kattalikdagi harflar kichik halqali va belbog‘li harflardir.

Uchinchi xil kattalikdagi harflar katta halqali va bosh harf¬lardir.
Ingliz yozuvi qoidasiga binoan, bir so‘zni yozib bo‘lmaguncha qo‘l olinmaydi: nuqta, belbog‘ kabi belgilar keyin qo‘yiladi.


   Ingliz tilidagi so‘zlarda bir harf doimo bir xil tovushni ko‘rsatmaydi. Har bir harf so‘zda kelgan o‘rniga qarab, turlicha o‘qiladi.
   So‘zlarni to‘g‘ri o‘qishni o‘rganish uchun maxsus belgilar qo‘llanadi. Ular lotin alifbosi asosida tuzilgan tovush belgilaridir.
   Ana shunday tovushlar yordamida yoziladigan yozuvga transkripsiya (yozuvi) deyiladi. Misol uchun «a» harfi to‘rt xil so‘zda to‘rt xil o‘qiladi.

Can  [k#n]         car   [ka:]
Cane [kein]         care [k±с’]

   Ingliz alifbosida 26 harf, 44 ta tovush bor. Shulardan 6 ta unli harf (a, o, u, e, i, y), 20 ta unli tovush, 20 ta undosh harf, 24 ta undosh tovush bilan o‘qiladi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 17 Dekabr 2007, 16:07:51
Bo‘g‘in turlari

   O‘zbek tilida 2 ta bo‘g‘in turi bor: ochiq va yopiq: Bola—bo-la (ochiq), daftar—daf-tar (yopiq).
Ingliz tilida 4 ta bo‘g‘in turi bor: 2 ta ochiq bo‘g‘in, 2 ta yopiq bo‘g‘in.
Ingliz unli harflarining I yopiq va II ochiq tur
bo‘g‘inlarda o‘qilishi

I,II tur bo‘g‘inlar tavsifi

1. «R» harfidan boshqa har qanday undosh harf bilan tugaydigan yopiq bo‘g‘inga I tur yopiq bo‘g‘in deyiladi.
   Misol:      in, tap, bed, tell.
2. II tur ochiq bo‘g‘in deb, shunday ochiq bo‘g‘inga aytiladiki, bu ochiq bo‘g‘indan keyingi bo‘g‘in «r» harfidan tashqari har qanday undosh harf bilan boshlanib ketadi.
Misol:      na-me, fi-ne, li-fe, ti-pe.
3. Ingliz unli harflarining I,II tur bo‘g‘inlarda ifodalaydigan tovushlari yuqoridagi jadvalda ko‘rsatilgan. I tur bo‘g‘inda unli harflar qisqa tovushlar beradi. II tur bo‘g‘inda esa unli harflar diftong yoki cho‘ziq tovushlar beradi.

Eslatma: 1. «U u» unli harfi II tur ochiq bo‘g‘inda [ju:] cho‘ziq tovushini beradi. Misol: use [ju:s], mute [mju:t]. Agar unli «u» harfi oldida [ l,r,$,t$ d¦] tovushlarini beruvchi harf yoki harf birikmasi kelsa, u holda [ju:] tovushidagi [j] tovushini tushirib, talaffuz qilinadi.
Misol :      blue [blu:]      chute [t$u:t]
         rute [ru:t]      June [d¦u:n]
2. «Diftong» so‘zi grek tilidan olingan bo‘lib, ikkita      elementdan iborat bo‘lgan bir tovushni bildiradi.Misol :
name [neim]  bu so‘zda 4 ta harf, uchta tovush bor.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 17 Dekabr 2007, 16:20:52
3. Ingliz unli harflarining I,II tur bo‘g‘inlarda ifodalaydigan tovushlari yuqoridagi jadvalda ko‘rsatilgan. I tur bo‘g‘inda unli harflar qisqa tovushlar beradi. II tur bo‘g‘inda esa unli harflar diftong yoki cho‘ziq tovushlar beradi.

Eslatma: 1. «U u» unli harfi II tur ochiq bo‘g‘inda [ju:] cho‘ziq tovushini beradi. Misol: use [ju:s], mute [mju:t]. Agar unli «u» harfi oldida [ l,r,$,t$ d¦] tovushlarini beruvchi harf yoki harf birikmasi kelsa, u holda [ju:] tovushidagi [j] tovushini tushirib, talaffuz qilinadi.
Misol :      blue [blu:]      chute [t$u:t]
         rute [ru:t]      June [d¦u:n]
2. «Diftong» so‘zi grek tilidan olingan bo‘lib, ikkita      elementdan iborat bo‘lgan bir tovushni bildiradi.
Misol :
name [neim]  bu so‘zda 4 ta harf, uchta tovush bor.

4. Jadvalda uchragan undosh harflar quyidagi tovushlarni ifodalaydi:
   Pp [pi:] harfi [p] deb o‘qiladi.
   Dd [di:] harfi [d] deb o‘qiladi.
   Tt [ti:] harfi [t] deb o‘qiladi.
   Kk [kei] harfi [k] deb o‘qiladi.
   Nn [en] harfi [n] deb o‘qiladi.
   Ss [es] harfi [s ] yoki [z] deb o‘qiladi.
   Hh [eit$] harfi [h] deb o‘qiladi.
   Mm [em] harfi [m] deb o‘qiladi.
   Ll [el] harfi [l] deb o‘qiladi.
   Rr [a:] harfi [r] deb o‘qiladi.
   Xx [eks] harfi esa undosh harfdan oldin (text) va so‘z oxirida pyx [piks] [ks]  tovushi bilan unli tovush oldida kelganda (exam) [igz#m] [gz]  tovushi bilan o‘qiladi.

5. Qo‘shaloq bo‘lib kelgan undosh harflar bir tovush bilan o‘qiladi.

Misol :   
tell [tel]               Ann [#n]

6. «Ss» harfining o‘qilishi quyidagicha:
«S» harfi so‘z boshida [s ] tovushi bilan o‘qiladi:
Misol :
a) sit [sit], stop [stєp].

b) «S» harfi so‘z oxirida:

1) jarangsiz undoshdan keyin turgan bo‘lsa, [s ] tovushini beradi:
sits [sits], helps [helps];
2) jarangli undosh va unli tovushdan keyin esa [z] tovushini beradi:
beds [bedz], plays [pleiz];
3) so‘z o‘rtasida kelganda «s» harfi ikki unli o‘rtasida [z] tovushini beradi: visit ['vizit].
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 22 Dekabr 2007, 16:20:49
Text One   ['tekstwА‡n]

'Send Ben. 'Tell Ted. 'Help Ann.
'Send 'Ben his map. 'Send 'Bess my pen.
'Send me his pen. Tell 'Ted my name.
'Take his note. 'Send me his note.

Faol so‘zlar

Send [send] —  jo‘nat
Ben [ben] —  Ben (o‘g‘il bolaning ismi)
Ted [ted] —  Тed (o‘g‘il bolaning ismi)
Help [help] —  yordam qil
Ann [#n] —  Anna (qiz bolaning ismi)
His [hiz] —  uning (m.r.)
Map [m#p] —  xarita
Pen [pen] —  ruchka
My [mai] —  mening
Name [neim] —  ism
Take [teik] —  ol
Note [nout] —  izoh, kichkina xat
Sit [sit] —  o‘tir
Still [stil] —  jim, tinch.

«Text One» uchun tushuntirishlar

So‘zdagi bo‘g‘inning kuchli, alohida ajratib talaffuz etilishiga urg‘u deyiladi. Urg‘uli bo‘g‘in oldiga urg‘u belgisi (') qo‘yiladi.
Ingliz tilida gapdagi hamma so‘zlarga urg‘u tushavermaydi. Yordamchi so‘z turkumlari va ba’zi bir mustaqil so‘z turkumlariga urg‘u tushmaydi. (Bu haqda keyinroq gaplashamiz.)

'Send 'Ted his bag.

Тranskripsiyada so‘z bir bo‘g‘inli bo‘lsa, urg‘u belgisi (') urg‘uli so‘z oldiga qo‘yiladi. Agar so‘z ko‘p bo‘g‘inli bo‘lsa, urg‘u belgisi urg‘uli bo‘g‘inning oldiga qo‘yiladi: pen ['pen], consent [kс’n'sent]. Gap oxiridagi ovoz pasayishini ko‘rsatuvchi oxirgi urg‘uli bo‘g‘in oldiga (\) belgisi qo‘yiladi. Ovoz ko‘tarilishini ko‘rsatuvchi oxirgi urg‘uli bo‘g‘in oldiga  (/¬) qo‘yiladi.
So‘zlaganda ovoz ohangining pasayishi va ko‘tarilishi intonatsiya (ohang) deyiladi. Ingliz tilida ham o‘zbek tilidagi kabi pasayuvchi va ko‘tariluvchi ohanglar mavjud. Intonatsiyani tasavvur qilish uchun yozma tasvir qo‘llaniladi. Urg‘uli bo‘g‘in uchun belgi (-) chiziqcha, urg‘usiz bo‘g‘in uchun (.) nuqta, urg‘uli bo‘g‘in ko‘tariluvchi ohangni ko‘rsatsa,  yuqoriga qaragan yoy (), pasayuvchi ohangni ko‘rsatsa, pastga qaragan yoy () belgilari bilan ifodalanadi. Bu belgilar ikki parallel chiziq orasiga muayyan balandlikda joylashtiriladi.
Misol:      It is good.   [it iz gud]    
      Is it good?   ['iz it gud]
Fikr tugallanganligini ko‘rsatish uchun ikkita vertikal chiziq (II), tugallanmaganligini ko‘rsatish uchun bitta vertikal chiziqdan foydalaniladi.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 22 Dekabr 2007, 16:29:20
Buyruq gaplar

Buyruq gaplar buyurishni yoki iltimosni ifodalaydi. Iltimos yoki buyruq bevosita II shaxsga qaratilgan bo‘ladi. «Let» so‘zi orqali esa III shaxsga qaratilgan bo‘ladi. Buyruq gaplar boshida fe’l turadi. Ega esa bunday gaplarda bo‘lmaydi. Birlikda ham, ko‘plikda ham buyruqni fe’l o‘zagi ifodalaydi.
Misol:      Tell Ben—Benga ayt.
      Send Ben pens.—Benga ruchkalar jo‘nating.
Buyruq gaplar pasayuvchi ohanglar bilan talaffuz qilinadi.
Misol:      Send Ted.   ['send ted]
      Send him.   [send him]

Ingliz tilidagi so‘zlarda bo‘g‘in ajratish qoidalari

1. Agar so‘zda ikki unli harf o‘rtasida bitta undosh harf bo‘lsa, bo‘g‘in chizig‘i ana shu undosh oldidan o‘tadi.
   Misol:      na/me, ti/me, ki/te, e/ve, ba/by.
2. So‘zda ikki unli harf o‘rtasida ikkita undosh harf bo‘lsa, bo‘g‘in chizig‘i shu undoshlar o‘rtasidan o‘tadi.
Misol:      pen/ny, in/tend/ doc/tor/ let/ter.
Eslatma: Agar ikki unli harf o‘rtasidagi ikki undosh harf quyidagilar kabi bo‘lsa, u holda bo‘g‘in chizig‘i shu ikki undosh oldidan o‘tadi. «bl», «dl», «tl», «gl», «cl», «br», «pr», «dr», «tr», «th» va boshqalar.
Misol:      a/ble, i/dle, li/brary, A/pril, ba/the.
3. So‘zda ikki unli harf o‘rtasida uchta undosh harf kelsa, yuqoridagi qoidalarni hisobga olgan holda bo‘g‘in chizig‘i o‘tkaziladi.
Misol:      lit/tle, mid/dle.
4. So‘z o‘rtasida kelayotgan unli harflar digraf bo‘lmasa, bo‘g‘in chizig‘i shu unlilar o‘rtasidan o‘tadi. «Digraf» so‘zi haqida keyinroq to‘xtalamiz.
Masalan:   pi/a/no, cu/ri/ous.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 06 Yanvar 2008, 15:35:45

I mashq. Quyidagi so‘zlarning bo‘g‘in turini aniqlab, transkripsiya qiling:
ham  hate      full   fume
bad  made      pull   blue
met  mete      ill   line
bed  be         him   time

II mashq. Quyidagi so‘zlardagi qiyoslab berilgan tovushlarning talaffuziga e’tibor bering:
hot  home   tab   table
cod  code      lid   little
tip  type      bug   bugle
pyx  cry      bat   bathe

III mashq. Quyidagi so‘zlarda nechta harf va nechta tovush borligini aniqlang:
Ann, hut, chute, blue, little, time, name, Bess, note, middle.

IV mashq. «o» harfini so‘zdagi holatiga qarab talaffuz qiling:
   not      no      note
   sod      so      sole
   got      go      home
   Tom      toe      tole

V mashq. «U» harfining so‘zdagi holatini aniqlab, transkripsiya qiling va o‘qing:
mule — rule         tune — chute
dune — June         fule — blue
cute — lute         mute — rude
fume — plume      cute — jute

VI mashq. Unli fonemaning o‘zgarishi bilan so‘zning ma’nosi o‘zgarishiga e’tibor berib, talaffuz qiling:
yomon — bad      bed — karavot
yigit— lad         led — boshlab bordi
kishi — man      men — kishilar
qum — sand      send — jo‘natmoq
jamoa — band      bend — egmoq

kulba — hut      hot — issiq
ishqalamoq — rub      rob — o‘g‘irlamoq
yong‘oq — nut      not — emas (yo‘q)
zerikarli — dull      doll — qo‘g‘irchoq
yopmoq — shut      shot — otdi (o‘q).

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 06 Yanvar 2008, 15:36:56
I va II tur bo‘g‘inda reduksiya holatlari

 Urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda unli tovushning qisqarib va yedirilib, talaffuz qilinishiga reduksiya (qisqarish, yedirilish) deyiladi.
Ingliz tilida unli harflar ikki guruhga bo‘linadi: yumshoq unlilar (e,i,y) va qattiq unlilar (a,o,u). Yumshoq unlilarning urg‘usiz bo‘g‘indagi holati yumshoq reduksiya deyiladi va tegishli tovush o‘rniga unli tovush o‘qiladi.
Masalan:   encamp [in'k#mp]  lagerga joylashmoq, begin
         [bi'gin]   boshlamoq, city ['siti]  shahar, snowy
         ['snoui] — qorli.
Qattiq unlilarning urg‘usiz bo‘g‘indagi holati qattiq reduksiya deyiladi va tegishli tovush o‘rniga [с’] unli tovush o‘qiladi. Masalan: consent [kn'sent],  submit [sb'mit].
Yumshoq va qattiq reduksiya sifat reduksiyasi bo‘lib, u faqat I va II raqamli tur bo‘g‘inlarga tegishlidir.
Urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda cho‘ziq unlilarning qisqa qilib o‘qilishi, miqdor reduksiyasi deyiladi.
He [hi:] [hi]      We [wi:]- [wi'] [wi]

Тopshiriq:   1) Yuqorida o‘tilgan qoidalarni misollari bilan yod oling.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 06 Yanvar 2008, 15:40:51

I. Quyidagi so‘zlarni transkripsiya qiling va reduksiya holatlarini tushuntirib bering:
a'bout      'fatal      'ruby      sub'mit-o'clock
a'go      'pupil      'pocket   at'tract-a'dopt
'comma   'finest      'lesson   'seldom-o'mit.

II. Quyidagi gaplarni to‘g‘ri talaffuz qiling va yod oling:
1. 'li:v iz 'pi:ts ni:s ||
2. fini$ it | it'iznt difikс’lt ||
3. 'betс’leit | `с’nс’nevс’||
4. 'evri kА‡ntri h#z its kА‡stс’m ||
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 06 Yanvar 2008, 15:50:33
Text Two ['tekst tu:]

This is a hat. The hat is black. That is a book. The book is thick. It is on the desk.
That is a notebook. It is thin. The notebook is yellow. The desk is brown. The window is grey.
My name is Jane. I am nine. This is my text-book. It is blue. His name is Tom. He is in the room.

Matn bo‘yicha savollar

Is this a hat?  Yes, it is.
Is the hat blue?  No, it is not (isn't). It is black.
Is that a pad?  No, it isn't. It is a notebook.
Is this Jane?  Yes, she is.
Is that Tom?  Yes, he is.

Faol so‘zlar

1. a hat [h#t] — shlyapa
2. black [bl#k] — qora
3. thick [|ik] — qalin, yo‘g‘on
4. a desk [desk] — parta     
   on the desk — parta ustida
5. a note-book [noutbuk] — daftar
6. thin [|in] — yupqa, ingichka   
7. yellow [jelou] — sariq         
8. brown [braun] — jigar rang
9. a window ['windou] — deraza
10.grey [grei] — kul rang
11. My [mai] — mening
12. A name [с’ neim] — ism
13. Nine [nain] — to‘qqiz
14. A text-book [tekstbuk] — darslik
15. Blue [blu:] — ko‘k
16. His [hiz] — uning (m.r.)
17. He [hi:] — u (m.r.)
18. She [$i] — u (j.r.)
19. A room [rum] — xona
20. Is [iz] — ... dir
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 06 Yanvar 2008, 15:54:15
«Text Two» uchun tushuntirishlar.

«Digraf» deb o‘ziga o‘xshamagan bir tovushni ifodalovchi ikki harf birikmasiga aytiladi.

I. «Th» undosh harflar birikmasi (ya’ni digrafi) ikki xil tovush beradi:

   [`]  jarangli undosh
   [|]  jarangsiz undosh

Misol:   this [`is], thin [|in]

II. Qo‘shaloq «oo» digrafi «k» undosh harfi oldidan qisqa unli tovushini, boshqa holatlarda esa cho‘ziq [u:] unli tovushni beradi.
Misollar:   book [buk]      boot [bu:t]      too [tu:]
   took  [tuk]      food [fu:d]      zoo [zu:]

Quyidagi so‘zlar bu qoidadan mustasnodir, ularni yodda saqlang:
1. foot [fut] — oyoq
2. soot [sut] — qorakuya
3. good [gud] — yaxshi
4. hood [hud] — kapyushon
5. wood [wud] — o‘rmon
6. wool [wul] — jun
7. room [rum] — xona
8. groom [grum] — otboqar
9. stood [stud] — turdi
10. blood [blА‡d] — qon
11. flood [flА‡d] — oqim

III. «ow» digrafi 2 xil o‘qilishga ega 14-raqamli [ou] va 16-raqamli [au], lekin ko‘p bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarning oxirgi urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inida kelganda, doimo [ou]. Misol: low [lou], now [nau], window [windou].
IV. «Ai», «ay«, «ei», «ey» digraflari 13-raqamli [ei] diftongini beradi. Misol: main [mein], vein [vein], veil [veil], day [dei].
V. «Ww» undosh harfi [w] tovushini beradi. Uni talaffuz qilish uchun lablar dumaloq holga keltirilib, cho‘chchaytiriladi (ya’ni xartumcha yasaladi): wood  [wud].
 VI. «Jj» harfi [d¦]  tovushini beradi: just [d¦А‡st].
VII. «Yy» harfining o‘qilishi. «Yy» harfi so‘zda ikki xil tovush bilan ifodalanadi: 1. Unli tovush. Bunda «Ii» harfining dublyori bo‘lib keladi. 2. Yarim unli tovush [j].

1. «Yy» harfi so‘zning o‘rtasida va oxirida unli harf vazifasini bajaradi va «Ii» harfining dublyori sifatida to‘rtala tur bo‘g‘inda «i» harfi ifodalagan tovushlarni ifodalaydi.
Misol:      lid — lydd      [lid] — [lid]
      fine — type   [fain] — [taip]
      firm — myrtle   [fс’:m] — [mс’:tl]
      tire — tyre   [taiс’] — [taiс’]

2. «Yy» harfi so‘z boshida unli harfdan oldin kelganda, yarim unli tovush [j] bilan  ifodalanadi.
Misol:   yes [jes], yell [jel]
Uning yarim unli deb atalishiga sabab quyidagicha: 1. Bu tovushni talaffuz qilinayotganda o‘pkadan chiqayotgan havo og‘iz bo‘shlig‘ida hech qanday to‘siqqa uchramaydi. Bu unli tovush belgisi. 2. [j] tovushidan keyin kelayotgan unli tovush talaffuziga o‘tish oson kechadi. Bu — undosh tovush belgisi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Yanvar 2008, 13:14:25

  I. «This», «that» so‘zlari ko‘rsatish olmoshlaridir. Shaxsga yaqin turgan predmetni ko‘rsatish uchun «this»  «bu», nariroqdagisini ko‘rsatish uchun esa «that»  «narigi» ishlatiladi. Ular gapda urg‘u oladilar.
  II. Ingliz tilida otdan oldin artikl deb ataladigan yordamchi so‘z qo‘llaniladi. Artikllar ikki xil bo‘ladi: Noaniq va aniq artikllar. Noaniq artiklning ikki shakli bor: a, an. Agar so‘z undosh tovushdan boshlansa, «a» shakli, unli tovushdan boshlansa, «an» shakli qo‘llaniladi.
  Misol:   a pen, an egg.
Aniq artikl «the» ning esa ikki xil o‘qilish shakli bor: so‘z undosh tovushdan boshlansa [`с’], unli tovushdan boshlansa, [`i] shakli talaffuz qilinadi.
Misol:   the pen [`с’ pen]  the egg [`i eg].

  III. «It» so‘zi III shaxs birlikdagi olmosh bo‘lib, u jonsiz predmetlar yoki hayvonlar nomi o‘rnida keladi. «It» ba’zan «this»  «bu» ma’nosida ham kelishi mumkin.

IV. «is» fe’li «to be» (degan) fe’lning hozirgi zamon III shaxs birligidagi shaklidir. U ham mustaqil fe’l, ham yordamchi, bog‘lama fe’l vazifasida kelishi mumkin. O‘zbek tiliga «dir» deb tarjima qilinadi.

Misol:        This is a book. (qo‘shma ot kesimda bog‘lama fe’l) 
      Bu kitobdir.
      The book is on the desk. (mustaqil fe’l)
      Kitob parta ustidadir.

  V. Ingliz tilida darak gapda so‘zlar tartibi.
O‘zbek tilida gap bo‘laklari darak gapning turli joyida tursa ham gap ma’nosi deyarli o‘zgarmaydi.

Misol:      Kecha Тom Nikka kitobni berdi.
         Nikka kecha Тom kitobni berdi.
         Kitobni Nikka Тom kecha berdi va h.k.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Yanvar 2008, 13:16:19
  Lekin ingliz tilida darak gapda so‘zlar (ya’ni gap bo‘laklari) tartibini o‘zgartirish mumkin emas, ingliz tilidagi gapda so‘zlar tartibi qat’iy. Bunga sabab ingliz tilida kelishik va shaxs qo‘shimchalarining deyarli yo‘qligidir.

Yuqoridagi misollardan ko‘rinib turibdiki, gap bo‘laklari tartibi o‘zgarishi bilan gapning ma’nosi ham butunlay o‘zgarib ketadi. Darak gaplar pasayuvchi ohang bilan talaffuz etiladi.

VI. Umumiy so‘roq gap.
«Ha» yoki «yo‘q» degan qisqa javob beriladigan so‘roq gapga umumiy so‘roq gap deyiladi. Umumiy so‘roq gapda esa so‘z tartibi quyidagicha, ya’ni ega oldiga yordamchi yoki bog‘lama fe’l chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu fe’l vositasida javob beriladi.

(Darak gapda)               This is a book.
                     Bu kitobdir.
(Umumiy so‘roq gapda)         Is this a book?                           Bu kitobmi?
                     Yes, it is.—Ha.
                     No, it is not.—Yo‘q.

   Ingliz tilida qisqa javob deganimiz, «yes», «no», so‘zlaridan tashqari, tegishli kishilik olmoshi bilan ifodalangan egadan, hamda yordamchi yoki bog‘lama fe’ldan iborat bo‘ladi. Ular quyidagicha ohangda talaffuz qilinadi.
'Is 'this a book?   'iz'`is с’ buk |
Yes, it is.      jes|it iz |
No, it is not.      nou|it iz nс”t |
No, it isn‘t      nou|it iznt |

VII. Ingliz tilida ham o‘zbek tilidagi kabi qo‘shma so‘zlar
mavjud. Ular oddiy ot bilan ot, ot bilan sifat, sifatdosh bilan ot qo‘shilishi orqali yasaladilar.
Misol:           A notebook (ot — ot)  daftar
         A bedroom  (ot — ot)  uxlaydigan xona
         A reading-room (sifatdosh-ot)  o‘quv xonasi

VIII. «on», «in» o‘rinni ifodalovchi predloglar bo‘lib, «on» —    ... da (ustida), «in» — ... da (ichida) ma’nosini ifodalaydi.
Misol:            The book is on the desk.   Kitob parta ustidadir.
         The table is in the room.   Stol xonadadir.

Тopshiriq: «Text two» ni eshiting va yodlang, «Matn uchun tushuntirish» da berilgan qoidalarni yodda tuting.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Yanvar 2008, 13:18:19

I mashq.«oo» digrafining so‘zdagi holatini aniqlab, talaffuz qiling:
   cook — cool       look — loon
   foot — food       soot — soon
   book — boot      took — tool
   coo — moo — zoo — too

II mashq. «ow» digrafining o‘qilishiga e’tibor berib, o‘qing:
   [au]      [ou]
   now      own
   cow      low
   how      tow
   town      shown
   allow      flow

III mashq. Digraflarning o‘qilishini mashq qiling:
   Chain   —hay      main — may
   [t$ein] —[hei]   [mein] — [mei]
   fail —   day      tail — bay
   [feil] — [dei]   [teil] — [bei]
   veil — they      heif — fay
   [veil] — [`ei]   [heif] — [fei]
   beige — bey      lei — bey
   [beid¦] — [bei]   [lei] — [bei]

IV mashq. Unli harflarni so‘zdagi holatiga qarab transkripsiya qiling:
Toe music  ice  typist
Food  baby  mete  be
Too  so ruby hay
Plate  foot  life  blue
Chain  mute  rye  due
Bone  finy  soon  rock
Table  they sofa  dyke
Now  pony  lie  rule

V mashq. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shaklga qo‘ying:

1. This is a table. 2. The table is in the room. 3. That is a text-book.¬¬ 4. The text-book is on the desk. 5. The desk is brown. 6. His name is Ben. 7. He is six. 8. She is Jane. 9. Jane is ten. 10. She is in the room.

VI mashq. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagilardan mos keladiganini qo‘ying: am, in, thick, ten, name, thin, pen, on.

1. His ... is Nick. 2. He is ... the room. 3. The book is ... . 4. She is .... 5. The note-book is ... . 6. I ... in the room. 7. The ... is blue. 8. The text-book is ... the desk.

VII mashq. Quyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.

1. Stol jigarrangdir. 2. Men 10 yoshdaman. 3. U xonada. 4. Deraza ko‘kdir. 5. Bu  darslik. 6. Darslik parta ustida. 7. U  o‘quvchi. 8. O‘quvchi sinfda. 9. Narigi  daftar. 10. Daftar sumkada.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:45:05
Dialogni eshiting va yodlab oling:
Dialogue 1

Sam: Hi, Tom.
Tom: Hi, Sam. How are you?
S.: I am fine, thanks. And you?
T.: I'm fine too. Thanks.
S.: Let's visit Nell.
T.: Oh, yes, let's.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:46:27
Ingliz unli harflarining III yopiq va IV ochiq tur
bo‘g‘inlarda o‘qilishi
III va IV tur bo‘g‘inlar tavsifi

1. III tur yopiq bo‘g‘in deb faqat «r» harfi bilan tugallanuvchi bo‘g‘inga aytiladi. «r» harfidan keyin istagan undosh harf turishi mumkin.

Misol:    far   —   farm      fur   —   hurt
      uzoq   —   xo‘jalik   jun   —   shikastlanmoq
Unli harfdan keyin kelgan «r» harfi o‘qilmaydi. III tur bo‘g‘inda hamma unli harflar cho‘ziq monoftonglarni beradi.

2. IV tur ochiq bo‘g‘in deb, shunday ochiq bo‘g‘inga aytiladiki, undan keyingi bo‘g‘in «r» harfi bilan boshlanib, undan keyin unli harf keladi.

Misol:   ca-re, he-re, ty-rant

IV tur bo‘g‘inda unli harflar murakkab unli tovushlar (diftong, triftong) beradi. «Тriftong»  uchta elementdan iborat bo‘lgan bir unli tovushdir.
3. Ingliz unli harflarining III  va IV tur bo‘g‘inlarida ifodalaydigan tovushlari yuqoridagi jadvalda ko‘rsatildi.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:48:23

I mashq. Quyidagi so‘zlarni transkripsiya qiling va o‘qilishini mashq qiling:

park — hare      term — mere   purl — pure
darn — dare      herb — here      curl — cure
horn — bore      bird — dire      myrtle — lyre
corn — core      circle — sire      byrd — tyre

II mashq. Unlilarning so‘zdagi holatini aniqlab, so‘zlarni transkripsiya qiling:

shake — share      wane — ware 
sole — sore         note — shore
mete — mere         eve — here
mute — pure         dune — rure
fine — fire         type — tyre

III mashq. Unli tovush cho‘ziqligining o‘zgarishi so‘z ma’nosini o‘zgartirishiga e’tibor berib o‘qing:

o‘ra — pit [pit]      —   Pete[pi:t] — Petya
qopqoq — lid [lid]      —   lead[li:d] — boshlab bormoq
o‘tirmoq — sit [sit]      —   seat[si:t] — o‘rindiq, joy
bo‘lak — bit [bit]      —   beat[bi:t] — urmoq
sirg‘anmoq — slip [slip]   —   sleep[sli:p] — uxlamoq
IV mashq. «a» unlisining so‘zdagi holatini aniqlab, transkripsiya qiling:

cap   —   cape   —   car   —   care
bad   —   bade   —   bar   —   bare
lam   —   game   —   jar   —   hare
fat   —   fate   —   far   —   fare

V mashq. «o» unlisining so‘zdagi holatini aniqlab, transkripsiya qiling:

not   —   note   —   nor   —   more
cock   —   coke   —   cork   —   core
hot   —   home   —   horn   —   store
got   —   go   —   corn   —   shore

VI mashq. «e», «i», «y», «u» unli harflarining III tur bo‘g‘inda [с’:] tovushi bilan o‘qilishini mashq qiling:

kerf      fir      curt
term      firm      turn
germ      stir      burn
serf      pirn      hurt
nerve      Byrd      purr
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:51:01
III  va IV tur bo‘g‘inlarda reduksiya holati 

Ingliz tilida III tur yopiq urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda hamma (yumshoq va qattiq) unlilar qattiq reduksiya holatida bo‘ladilar, ya’ni ular o‘rniga [с’] unli tovushi o‘qiladi.

Misollar:   grammar   ['gr#mс’]   grammatika
         chapter   ['t$#ptс’]   bo‘lim, bob
         doctor      ['dс”ktс’]   shifokor
         tapir      ['teipс’]   tapir (zool.)
         martyr   ['ma:tс’]   jafokash, alamdiyda
         murmur   ['mс’:mс’]   shivirlamoq

IV tur ochiq urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda so‘z oxirida faqat «u» harfigina reduksiyaga uchraydi.

Misol:      failure      [feiljс’]

«t», «s», «z» harflari IV tur urg‘usiz bo‘g‘indagi «u» harfidan oldin o‘zgacha o‘qiladi.

picture      ['pikt$с’]   rasm
measure   ['me¦с’]   o‘lchov
azure      ['ei¦с’]      ko‘m-ko‘k osmon (shoirona)

So‘z o‘rtasida kelgan urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda hamma unli harflar qattiq reduksiya qoidasiga binoan o‘qiladi, ya’ni ular o‘rniga [с’]  unli tovushi o‘qiladi.

Misollar:   library   [laibrс’ri]   kutubxona
         factory   [f#ktс’ri]   zavod, fabrika
         cookery   [kukс’ri]   pazandachilik
         century   [sent$с’ri]   asr

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:52:15

I mashq. Unli harflarning III, IV tur bo‘g‘indagi urg‘usiz holatini aniqlab, transkripsiya qiling:

'grammar      'picture
'stubborn      'century
for'lorn         'injury
'chapter      'cookery
'tapir         'factory
per'form      'measure

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:53:25
Text Three. ['tekst |ri:]

This is Fred Russel. He is a teacher. That is his wife. Her name is Judy. She is a writer. These are his children: Mark and Peggy. They are school-children. Mark is in the fourth form and Peggy is in the third form. They are in the garden today. The garden is not large but it is nice.

Is Fred a teacher? — Yes, he is.
Is Judy a doctor? — No, she isn't.
What is she? — She is a writer.
Are Mark and Peggy school-children? — Yes, they are.
Is Mark in the fourth form? — Yes, he is.
Is the garden large? — No, it isn't.
Where are they today? — They are in the garden.
What garden is it? — It is nice.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 20 Yanvar 2008, 13:55:05
Matn uchun faol so‘zlar

1. children [t$ildrn] — bolalar          
2. a writer [raitс’] — yozuvchi           
3. a teacher [с’ti:t$с’] — o‘qituvchi     
4. the forth form [fс”:| fс’:m] — 4-sinf         
5. the third form [|с’:d] — 3-sinf
6. school-children [sku:l t$ildrn] — o‘quvchilar
7. three [|ri:] — uch
8. a wife [waif] — rafiqa
9. a garden [g°:dn] — bog‘
11. large [l°:d¦] — katta
10. today [tс’dei] — bugun
12. nice [nais] — go‘zal
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Yanvar 2008, 14:25:40
Matn uchun tushuntirishlar.
1. «ee», «ie», «ea» digraflari 1-raqamli [i:] unli tovushini ifodalaydi.

Misol:                      sea [si:] — dengiz
         tea [ti:] — choy
         meet [mi:t] — uchrashmoq
         piece [pi:s] — bo‘lak

2. «wr» undosh harflar birikmasidagi «w» harfi o‘qilmaydi, «r»  harfi esa [r] tovushini ifodalaydi.
Misol:      wrap [r#p] — o‘ramoq
      writer [raitс’] — yozuvchi

3. Ingliz tilida bo‘g‘in yasovchi undosh mavjud. Ular [l], [n] sonor undosh tovushlar bo‘lib, urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘zidan oldin turgan unli tovush o‘rnida bo‘g‘in yasaydi.
Misol:     lesson ['lesn]           pencil ['pensl]       garden ['g°:dn]

4. «ch» va «tch» undosh harflar birikmalari [t$] tovushini beradi. «tch» birikmasi doimo so‘z oxirida uchraydi.Misol:      
                                               chip [t$ip] — yupqa parrak (olma, kartoshka)
         lynch [lint$] — linch qilmoq
         match [m#t$] — match, musobaqa, gugurt.

5. «c» va «g» undosh harflarining o‘qilishi.

Atoqli otlarning o‘qilishi

1. Fred Russel      ['rА‡sl]   Fred Rassel 
2. Judy         ['d¦u:di]   Judi
3. Mark         [ma:k]   Mark
4. Peggy      ['pegi]      Peggi
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Yanvar 2008, 15:03:10

1. «These», «those» so‘zlari «this», «that» ko‘rsatish olmoshining ko‘pligidir.

This [`is] — bu      these [`i:z] — bular
That [`#t] — o‘sha      those [`ouz] — o‘shalar

2. «and» bog‘lovchi bo‘lib, gap bo‘laklarini yoki gaplarni teng bog‘laydi va o‘zbek tiliga «va» deb tarjima qilinadi. U yordamchi so‘z bo‘lgani uchun gapda urg‘u olmaydi va [с’nd] deb o‘qiladi.

3. «In» predlogi. Predloglar yordamchi so‘zlar bo‘lib, otdan oldin qo‘llaniladi va o‘zbek tilidagi kelishik qo‘shimchalari va ko‘makchilari singari gap bo‘laklarini bir-biriga bog‘laydi. «In»  «da» (ichida) deb tarjima qilinadi va shaxs yoki predmetning o‘rnini bildiradi.

Misol:      The pencils are in the pencil-box.
      Qalamlar qalamdondadir.

4. Kishilik olmoshlari. — Personal Pronouns.
Bosh kelishikdagi kishilik olmoshlari quyidagilar:

Singular — birlik      Plural — ko‘plik
I.   I [ai] — men      I.    We [wi:] — biz
II.   You [ju:] — sen       II.    You [ju:] — siz(lar)
III.   He [hi:] — u (mr.)      III.    They [`ei] — ular
   She [$i:] — u (j.r.) 
   It [It] — u   (predmet va jonivorlar uchun)
5. «to be» (bo‘lmoq) fe’lining «Present Indefinite»  «noaniq hozirgi zamon» da tuslanishi.
Noaniq hozirgi zamonda  «to be» fe’lining uchta shakli bor: «am», «is», «are».
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Fevral 2008, 09:54:11
I.Bo‘lishli shaklda.

Singular — birlik

I. I am in the room. — Men xonadaman.
II. You are in the room. — Sen xonadasan.
III. He (she) is in the room. — U xonada (dir.)

Plural — ko‘plik

I. We are in the room. — Biz xonadamiz.
II. You are in the room. — Siz xonadasiz.
III. They are in the room. — Ular xonada (dirlar).

II. So‘roq gapda «to be» fe’lining tegishli shakli egadan oldin qo‘yiladi:

Singular — birlik

I. Am I in the room?—Yes, you are.—No, you are not (aren't).
II. Are you in the room?—Yes, I am.—No, I am not.
III. Is he (she) in the room?—Yes, he (she) is.—No, he (she) is not. (isn't).

Plural — ko‘plik

I. Are we in the room?—Yes, you are.—No, you are not (aren't).
II. Are you in the room?—Yes, we are.—No, we are not (aren't).
III. Are they in the room?—Yes, they are.—No, they are not (aren't).
III. Bo‘lishsiz gapda egadan keyin «to be» fe’lining tegishli shakli va «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi:

Singular — birlik

I am not in the room. — Men xonada emasman.
You are not in the room. — Sen xonada emassan.
He (she) is not in the room. — U xonada emas(dir).

Plural — ko‘plik

We are not in the room. — Biz xonada emasmiz.
You are not in the room. — Siz xonada emassiz.
They are not in the room. — Ular xonada emas (dirlar).
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Fevral 2008, 09:55:10
Maxsus so‘roq gaplar.
Special Questions
  Maxsus so‘roq gap deb, so‘roq so‘zlardan boshlanadigan so‘roq gaplarga aytiladi.   Maxsus so‘roq gaplarda so‘z tartibi quyidagicha bo‘ladi:
1. Ega va eganing aniqlovchisidan boshqa gap bo‘laklariga so‘roq qo‘yilsa, albatta, yordamchi yoki bog‘lama fe’l ega oldiga chiqariladi, ya’ni so‘roq so‘zdan keyin, albatta, yordamchi yoki bog‘lama fe’l turadi. Ega va eganing aniqlovchisiga so‘roq qo‘yilsa, gapdagi so‘z tartibi o‘zgarmaydi (darak gapdagidek bo‘ladi).
Egadan tashqari gap bo‘laklariga savol berilsa, to‘liq javob beriladi. Ega, eganing aniqlovchisiga savol berilsa, qisqa javob beriladi.
 Maxsus so‘roq gaplar pasayuvchi ohang bilan talaffuz qilinadi:

Misol:      What is Fred? — Fred kim (bo‘lib ishlaydi,)
         'wс”t iz fred¦   

Eslatma: «what» so‘zi savolda kasbga nisbatan berilyapti.

1. Matnni transkripsiya va tonogramma qiling.
2. Matnni yodlab oling.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Fevral 2008, 09:55:51

I mashq. Quyidagi gaplarning so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shaklini yozing:
1.Boys are in the street. 2. He is a pupil. 3. The teacher is at the table. 4. She is his friend. 5. Her sister is at home. 6. Schoolchildren are in the garden. 7. Tom is in the classroom. 8. His name is Pete. 9. They are doctors. 10. It is a picture.

II mashq. Quyidagi gaplardagi nuqtalar o‘rniga «to be» fe’lining mos shaklini qo‘ying:

1. Billy ... five. 2. This ... Mark. 3. He ... a schoolboy. 4. They ... schoolchildren. 5. The girls ... in the garden. 6. The garden ... not large. 7. Tom ... not a pupil. 8. His name ... Fred.

III mashq. Quyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.

1. Nelli 5 yoshda. U o‘quvchi emas. 2. Peggi uchinchi sinfda o‘qiydi. 3. Mark to‘rtinchi sinfda o‘qiydi. 4. O‘quvchilar sinfdalar. 5. Ular bog‘da emaslar. 6. U (ayol) o‘qituvchidir. 7. O‘qituvchi sinfda. 8. Sinf katta emas. 9. Men o‘n yoshdaman. 10. Men o‘quvchiman.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Fevral 2008, 09:56:22
Text Four ['tekstfс”:]

I have got a wife, two daughters and parents. My wife is Ann. She is a librarian. My daughters are: Mary and Susan. Mary is at school and Susan is at the nursery. They have got many toys.
My parents are retired workers. They have got a garden. Their garden is on the seashore. The air is fresh there. We stay there every summer.

Matn uchun faol so‘zlar

1. a daughter ['dс”:tс’] — qiz
2. parents ['p±с’rс’nts] — ota-ona
3. a librarian [laib'r±с’riс’n] — kutubxonachi
4. at school [с’t sku:l] — maktabda
5. a nursery ['nс’:sс’ri:] — bog‘cha
6. many ['meni] — ko‘p
7. a toy [tс”i] — o‘yinchoq
8. a retired worker [ri'taiс’d] — nafaqadagi ishchi
9. their [`±с’] — ularning
10. the seashore [`с’'si:$с”:] — dengiz qirg‘og‘i
11. air [±с’] — havo
12. fresh [fre$] — sof
13. to stay [tс’stei] — turmoq (vaqtincha yashamoq)
14. every summer ['evri'sА‡mс’] — har yozda.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Fevral 2008, 09:58:13
To‘rtinchi matn uchun tushuntirishlar.

1. «aw» va «au» digraflari [с”:] tovushini ifodalaydi. Misol:
paw [pс”:] — panja         lawn [lс”:n] — o‘tloq
pause [pс”:z] — (pauza) to‘xtam   applause [с’p'lс”:z] — qarsaklar
Bu qoidadan mustasno so‘zlar:
Aunt [°:nt] — xola, amma      to laugh [l°:f] — kulmoq

2. «air» va «eir» harf birikmalari [±с’] tovushini ifodalaydi. Misol:      hair [h±с’] — soch      their [`±с’] — ularning

3. a) «wh» undosh harflar birikmasidan keyin «o» harfi kelsa, «w» harfi o‘qilmaydi.
Misol:      who [hu:] — kim      whose [hu:z] — kimning

b) «wh» harfidan keyin «o» dan tashqari unli harf kelsa, «h» harfi o‘qilmaydi. Misol:      what [wс”t] — nima
         when [wen] — qachon
         which [wit$] — qaysi, nechanchi
         why [wai] — nima uchun, nega
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Fevral 2008, 16:54:00

Egalik olmoshlari.
Possessive Pronouns

Egalik olmoshlari gapda doimo aniqlovchi vazifasida keladi.
Misol:      This is my book.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Fevral 2008, 16:55:02
«To have got» fe’l birikmasining
«Present Indefinite» da tuslanishi


I. I have got a book. — Menda kitob bor.
II. You have got a book. — Senda kitob bor.
III. He/She has got a book. — Unda kitob bor.


I. We have got books. — Bizda kitoblar bor.
II. You have got books. — Sizda kitoblar bor.
III. They have got books. — Ularda kitoblar bor.
Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «not» inkor yuklamasi «have» fe’lidan keyin qo‘yiladi.


I. I have not got a book. — Menda kitob yo‘q.
II. You have not got a book. — Senda kitob yo‘q.
III. He/She has not got a book. — Unda kitob yo‘q.


I. We have not got books. — Bizda kitoblar yo‘q.
II. You have not got books. — Sizda kitoblar yo‘q.
III. They have not got books. — Ularda kitoblar yo‘q.

Eslatma: have not got — haven't got,Z has not got — hasn't got.

   Bu fe’l birikmasining so‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «have» qismi ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu fe’l bilan javob beriladi:


I. Have I got a book? — Yes, you have. — No, you have not.
II. Have you got a book? — Yes, I have. — No, I have not.
III. Has he/she got a book?—Yes, he/she has.—No, he/she has not.


I. Have we got books? — Yes, you have. — No, you have not.
II. Have you got books? — Yes, we have. — No, we have not.
III. Have they got books? — Yes, they have. — No,they have not.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Fevral 2008, 16:56:26
Otlarda ko‘plik.
The Number of the Noun
O‘zbek tilida otlarda ko‘plik qo‘shimchasi «lar» hisoblanadi. Ingliz tilida esa  «s» (yoki «-es»)» hisoblanadi.
Misol:      a pen — ruchka
      pens — ruchkalar
Ko‘plik qo‘shimchasi «s» ning o‘qilishi:

1. «-s» qo‘shimchasi oxiri jarangsiz undosh bilan tugallangan otlarga qo‘shilganda, bo‘lib o‘qiladi.

Misol:      a cat  cats [k#ts] — mushuk —mushuklar
      a desk  desks [desks] — parta—partalar

2. «-s» qo‘shimchasi unli yoki jarangli undosh bilan tugallangan otlarda [z] o‘qiladi.

Misol:      a boy  boys [bс”iz] — bola—bolalar
      a spoon  spoons [ spu:nz] — qoshiq—qoshiqlar   
3. Oxirida «s», «ss», «x», «ch», «[$]» ni beruvchi «sh» harf birikmasidan keyin va [d¦]ni beruvchi harflardan keyin ko‘plik qo‘shimchasi «es» bo‘lib qo‘shiladi va [iz] o‘qiladi.

rose [rouz]—atirgul         roses [rouziz]—atirgullar
box [bс”ks]—quticha         boxes [bс”ksiz]—qutichalar
bench [bent$]—skameyka      benches [bent$iz]—skameykalar
boss [bс”s]—boshliq         bosses [bс”siz]—boshliqlar
page [peid¦]—sahifa         pages [peid¦iz]—sahifalar

4. Quyidagi otlarning ko‘pligi o‘zagi o‘zgarishi orqali yasaladi.

a man [m#n]—kishi         men [men]—erkak kishilar
a woman [wumс’n]—ayol      women [wimin]—ayollar
foot- [fut]—oyoq         feet [fi:t]—oyoqlar
tooth [tu:|]—tish         teeth [ti:|]—tishlar
a goose [gu:s]—g‘oz         geese [gi:s]—g‘ozlar
a deer [diс’]—kiyik         deer [diс’]—kiyiklar
a sheep [$i:p]—qo‘y         sheep [$i:p]—qo‘ylar
a fish [ fi$]—baliq         fish [fi$]—baliqlar
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Fevral 2008, 17:00:11

I. Yuqoridagi matnni transkripsiya va tonogramma qiling, uni yod oling.

II. Quyidagi savollarga javob bering:
1. Has he got a wife?
2. How many daughters has he got?
3. Has he got two sons?
4. What is his wife?
5. Is Mary at school?
6. Where is Susan?
7. What have the children got?
8. Are his parents retired workers?
9. Have they got a garden?
10. Where is their garden?
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Super_Slims 09 Fevral 2008, 17:02:41

Tepadagi linkga bosib ruscha yozsez  englizcha qilib tarjima qiberadi
englizcha yozsez ruschaga oberadi :))
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Fevral 2008, 17:09:59

I mashq. «au» va «aw» digraflarining o‘qilishini aniqlab, transkripsiya qiling:
      pause      paw
      cause      raw
      fault      dawn
      applause   'trawler

II mashq. «r» harfidan oldin kelgan digraflarning o‘qilishini mashq qiling:
Eslatma: Agar unli digrafdan keyin «r» harfi kelsa, uning o‘qilishi o‘zgarib ketadi.
Misol:      Main      hair      soon      poor
         [mein]   [h±с’]      [su:n]      [puс’]
III mashq. Ko‘plik «s»  qo‘shimchasining o‘qilishiga e’tibor berib, transkripsiya qiling:
      cats      beds      buses
      notes      names      roses
      books      days      benches
      roofs      files      dishes   
      clocks      babies      cages

IV mashq.  Nuqtalar o‘rniga «to have got» birikmasining mos shaklini qo‘ying:

1. Ann ... a family. 2. She ... two children. 3. Her children ... a lot of toys. 4. You ... two sisters. 5. My friend ... a lot of English books. 6. His parents ... a nice garden. 7. Your brother ... a car. 8. She ... a daughter and a son.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Fevral 2008, 17:10:53
V mashq. Quyidagi gaplarning bo‘lishsiz va so‘roq shaklini tuzing.

1. Mary has got a lot of cnildren. 2. His brother has got a wife. 3. They have got many pictures. 4. John has got two sons. 5. I have got grandparents. 6. Her parents have got nine grandchildren. 7. He often has got colds. (to have got cold  shamollamoq). 8. My friend has got two brothers.

VI mashq. Quyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Bizda ko‘p inglizcha kitoblar bor. 2. Uning opasida ikkita qiz bor. 3. O‘quvchilarda ko‘p darsliklar bor. 4. Ota-onamning yaxshi kvartirasi bor. 5. Do‘stingizning oilasi bormi? — Ha. 6. Akamning oilasi yo‘q. 7. Uning nechta bolasi bor?  3 ta. 8. Bugun mening bo‘sh vaqtim yo‘q. 9. Onamning ikkita singlisi bor. 10. O‘qituvchimda chiroyli sumka bor.

VII mashq. Nuqtalar o‘rniga egalik olmoshining mos shaklini qo‘ying:

1. I have got a friend. ... friend is a pupil. 2. He is a student. ... name is Alimov. 3. Ann is a schoolgirl. ... marks are good. 4. Children are in the kindergarden. ... parents are at work. 5. Please, give me ... English book, Komil. 6. We are teachers, ... friends are teachers too. 7. What are ... names? — ... are Dilbar and Malika. 8. They are pensioners. ... sons are engineers.

VIII mashq. Quyidagi otlarning ko‘plik shaklini yozing:

A bag, a game, a teacher, a bench, a cage, a table, a match, a hut, a lady, a party, a boss, a man, a foot, a tooth, a fish.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:16:58
The Alphabet — Ingliz alifbosi

Lesson One (The First Lesson)

 Text: Our Flat
Phonetics: «o» [u:]; a + th, st, ss, sk, sp [a:];   
 i+gh [ai]
Grammar: Combination «there to be».

Our Flat

Our flat is in a big block of flats. It is on the first floor. There are three rooms in our flat. They are a sitting-room, a bed-room and a  dining-room. There is a  kitchen, a bathroom and a lavatory in it too.
The sitting-room is light and large. There are  two windows in it. There is a table, four chairs, two armchairs, a sofa, a TV set there. There is a piano on the right. There is a bookcase on the left. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a standard lamp in the corner of the room. We watch TV and have a rest in the sitting room.
There is one window in the bed-room. There are two beds, a wardrobe, a mirror and a dressing-table there. There is a clock on the wall. There are curtains on the window. There is a rug on the floor. Our parents sleep in that room.
The dining-room is not large. There is a table, six chairs and a cupboard in the dining-room. There are different dishes in the cupboard. We have breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner in the dining-room.
In the kitchen there is a refrigerator, a gas-fire, a water-basin, hot and cold water taps. There are two stools and a cabinet in it. My mother cooks meals there.
There is a bath, a shower, a sink and a towel-rack with towels in the bathroom. We have a bath or a shower or wash our hands and faces in the bathroom. Our flat is comfortable.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:18:39
Answer the questions:

Where is your flat?
How many rooms are there in your flat?
What kind of room is the sitting-room?
Where is the bookcase?
How many beds are there in the bedroom?
Is there a piano on the right?
What is there on the wall?
Is there a carpet in the bed-room?
What is there in the dining-room?
Is your flat comfortable?
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:19:48
The active words

1. a flat [fl#t] — kvartira
2. a block of flats [blс”k] — ko‘p kvartirali uy
3. a sitting-room [sitiА…rum] — mehmonxona
4. a dining-room [dainiА… rum] — ovqat yeydigan xona, yemakxona
5. a bedroom [ bedrum] — yotoqxona
6. a kitchen [kit$n] — oshxona
7. a bath-room [ba:|rum] — vannaxona (yuvinish xonasi)
8. a lavatory [l#vс’tri] — tualet (hojatxona)
9. a light [lait] — yorug‘, chiroq
10. a window [windou] — deraza
11. a door [dс”:]  eshik
12. a table [teibl] — stol
13. a chair [t$±с’] — stul
14. an arm-chair [°:mt$±с’] — kreslo
15. a sofa [soufс’] — divan
16. a TV-set [ti:v:set] — televizor
17. a book case [bukkeis] — kitob javoni
18. on the right [rait] — o‘ng tomonda
19. on the left
— chap tomonda
20. a carpet [k°:pit] — gilam
syn. a rug [rА‡g] — gilam, poyandoz
21. a standard-lamp [st#ndс’d l#mp] — lampa, torsher
22. in the corner [kс”:nс’:] — burchakda
23. a bed [bed] — karavot
24. a wardrobe [wс”:droub] — garderob, kiyim javoni
25. a mirror [mirс’] — oyna
26. a dressing table [dresiА…teibl] — pardoz stoli
27. a clock [klс”k] — soat
28. on the wall [wс”:l] — devorda
29. a curtain [kс’:tn] — parda
30. on the floor [flс”:] — polda (ustida), yerda
31. a cupboard [kА‡bс’d] — bufet shkafi
32. different [difrс’nt] — turli
33. a refrigerator [rifrid¦с’reitс’] — muzlatkich
34. a water-basin [wс”:tс’ beisn] — idish-tovoq yuvgich (rakovina)
35. hot and cold water taps [hс”t с’nd kould wс”:tс’ t#ps] — issiq va sovuq suv kranlari
36. a stool [stu:l] — taburetka
37. a cabinet [k#binit] — shkafcha
38. a bath [b°:|] — vanna
39. a shower [$auс’] — dush
40. a sink [siА…k] — bet yuvgich (umivalnik)
41. a towel rack [tauс’lr#k] — sochiq iladigan
42. comfortable [kА‡mfс’tс’bl] — qulay
43. a gas-fire [g#sfaiс’] — gaz plitasi
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:22:39

I. «O» harfi ba’zi so‘zlarda ochiq bo‘g‘inda 9-raqamli [u:] unli tovushini ifodalaydi.

Misol:      two [tu:] — ikki
         do [du:] — bajarmoq
         to [tu:] — yuklama
         move [mu:v] — harakatlanmoq
         lose [lu:z] — yo‘qotmoq

II. «a» harfi «ss», «st», «sk», «sp», «th» undosh harflar birikmalari oldidan kelganda, 5-raqamli [a:] unli tovushini ifodalaydi.
Misol:      class [kla:s] — mashg‘ulot
         fast [fa:st] — tez
         grasp [gra:sp] — qisish
         path [pa:|] — yo‘lka
         task [ta:sk] — vazifa
 Quyidagi so‘zlar bu qoidalardan mustasno:   
                             ass [#s] —  eshak
      lass [l#s] —  qiz bola
      mass [m#s] — omma, ko‘p

III. «i» harfi «gh», «nd», «ld» undosh harf birikmalari oldida kelganda, 15-raqamli [ai] unli tovushini ifodalaydi, «gh» esa o‘qilmaydi.
      light [lait] — yorug‘
      right [rait] — to‘g‘ri
      kind [kaind] — ochiq ko‘ngil
      find [faind] —  topmoq
      child [t$aild] — bola
      mild [maild] — yumshoq
      (to build [bild] — qurmoq fe’li bu qoidadan mustasno)

IV. «There is», «there are» birikmasi.Biror predmet (predmetlar) yoki shaxs (shaxslar)ning aniq bir joyda bor yoki yo‘qligini ifodalaydigan gap «there is», «there are» birikmasi bilan boshlanadi. Bunday gaplarda so‘z tartibi quyidagicha bo‘ladi.
Agar mustaqil ega uyushib kelsa, kesim eng birinchi kelgan ot bilan sonda moslashadi.
Misol:                       There is a book and two pens on the table.
         There are two pens and a book on the table.

So‘roq gap yasash uchun «is» yoki  «are» ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shular bilan javob beriladi.
Misol:      — Is there a book and two pens on the table?
         — Yes, there is
         — No, there is not.
         — Are there two pens and a book on the table?
         — Yes, there are
         — No, there are not.
Bu birikmali gapning bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun shu birikmadan keyin «no» inkor olmoshi qo‘yiladi.
Misol:      There is no book and two pens on the table.

Agar gapdagi ot oldida some, any, many, much, few, little kabi olmoshlar yoki sanoq son bo‘lsa, u holda birikmadan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

Misol:      There is not any book on the table.
         There are not two pens on the table.
Bo‘lishli va bo‘lishsiz gapda «there» formal egaga urg‘u tushmaydi va kuchsiz o‘qiladi.

Misol:      There is [`с’riz]      There are [`с’r°:]
         Is there [iz `±с’]      Are there [°:`±с’]

Bunday birikmali gaplarda o‘rin holi ham urg‘u olmaydi. Shuning uchun mustaqil ega oxirgi urg‘uli bo‘g‘in hisoblanadi, ovoz pasayadi yoki ko‘tariladi.

1. There is a book on the table.
[`с’r iz с’ buk с”n `с’ teibl]

2. Is there a book on the table?
['iz `±с’ с’ buk с”n `с’ teibl]

3. There are two books on the table.
[`с’r с’ tu: buks с”n `с’ teibl]

4.  Are there two books on the table?
[°: `±с’ tu: buks с”n  `± teibl]
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:25:34

I. Quyidagi so‘zlarni silliq talaffuz qiling:
block  of flats      on the right      in the corner (of)
on the floor      on the left      in the middle (of)

II. Quyidagi so‘zlarni transkripsiya qiling:
light      Britain      our      sink
right      curtain      hour      rink
night      certain      power      bank

III. a) qavs ichidagi so‘zlardan foydalanib, quyidagi namunalar asosida gap tuzing:
Namuna:   1. There is a piano in the sitting-room.
         (a sofa, a TV-set, an armchair, a book-case).

Namuna:   2. There are books on the table.
         (notebooks, pens, pencils, flowers).

b) Namuna:   1. There is no butter-dish on the table.
         (bread-plate, salt-celler, tea-pot, sugar-bowl).
         2. There are no plates on the dinner-table.
         (forks, knives, spoons, cups).

c) Namuna:   1. Is there an armchair in your sitting room?
         Yes, there is.
         No, there is not.
         (a book-case, a piano, a radio-set, a clock).

IV. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz gaplarga aylan¬tiring:

There is a pen in my bag.
There are mistakes in your test.
There is a cupboard in the dining room.
There are pencils in the pencil-case.
There are buses in the street.
There is a map on the wall.

V. Тagiga chizilgan gap bo‘laklariga maxsus so‘roqlar qo‘ying:

There is a nice park near the school.
There are forty pupils in our room.
There are fifty books in my library.
There is a round table in the sitting room.

VI. Quyidagi birikmalardan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

a block of flats, a sitting-room, a cupboard, on the floor, in the corner of the room, on the wall, on the left, on the right, a water-basin, a shower.

VII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Kitob stol ustida emas, u kitob javonida. 2. Stol ustida kitob yo‘q. 3. Muzlatkich oshxonada. 4. Oshxonada muzlatkich bor. 5. Maktab Navoiy ko‘chasida joylashgan. 6. Navoiy ko‘chasida maktab bor. 7. Qizil gilam pol ustida (dir). 8. Pol ustida qizil gilam bor. 9. Dilbarda beshta inglizcha kitob bor. 10. Ana u studentda kompyuter bor.

VIII. Matndagi faol so‘zlardan foydalanib, o‘z xonangizni yoki kvartirangizni tasvirlab bering (ingliz tilida):

IX. Quyidagi dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:
Alimov:   It's nice to meet you Mrs. Bell. You've got a very              good house.
Mrs. Bell:   Thank you. And what about you, Mr. Alimov? Have             you got a house or a flat?
Alimov:   We've got a three-roomed flat in Tashkent with a             large kitchen and a bathroom.
Mrs. Bell:   Is Tashkent a nice city?
Alimov:   Yes, certainly.

X. Quyidagi maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:
There is no place like home.
East or West home is best.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:27:07
Text: Our Family.
Grammar:   I. Combination «To Have Got»
         II. Indefinite Pronouns «Some», «Any».       
         III. The Cases of Nouns.
         IV. The Alternative Question.
         V.  The parts of a Sentence.   

Our family is large. I have got a father, a mother, a brother and a sister. My father's name is Olim. He is forty-five. He is an engineer. My mother's name is Mohira. She is forty-one. She is a doctor. My younger brother's name is Odil. He is sixteen. He is a schoolboy. He is in the tenth form.
   My younger sister's name is Malika. She is 13. She is a schoolgirl. She is in the eighth form.
   My name is Hakim. I am nineteen. I am a second-year student of the Tashkent Islamic University.
   I have got a grandfather and a grandmother too. They are old. They are pensioners. They live in the country. They love their children and grandchildren.
   My father has got a brother and a sister.
   My uncle's name is Karim. He is a businessman.
   My aunt's name is Saida. She is a teacher. But my mother hasn't got any brothers and sisters.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:29:47
The new words and expressions:

1. a family ['f#mili] — oila
2. a father [f°:`с’] — ota
3. a mother ['mА‡`с’] — ona
4. an elder brother [с’n'eldс’'brА‡`с’] — aka
5. a younger brother ['jА‡А…gс’] — uka
6. an elder sister [sistс’] — opa
7. a younger sister [jА‡А…gс’ sistс’] — singil
8. an uncle ['А‡А…kl] — amaki yoki tog‘a
9. an aunt [°:nt] — amma yoki xola
10. a grandfather ['gr#n f°:`с’] — buva (bobo)
11. a grandmother ['gr#n mА‡`с’] — buvi (momo)
12. a child [t$aild] — bola children [t$ildrс’n] — bolalar
13. a grandchildren [gr#n t$ildrс’n] — nabiralar
14. a school-boy [sku:lbс”i] — o‘quvchi bola
15. a school-girl [sku:lgс’:l] — o‘quvchi qiz

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 16 Fevral 2008, 17:33:12

I. «n» harfi «k», «c» harflari oldida kelganda, [А…] undosh sonor tovushini ifodalaydi.
Misol:    ink [iА…k] — siyoh,   uncle ['А‡А…kl] — amaki yoki tog‘a

II.«Some», «any» gumon olmoshlari.
Predmetlarning aniq bo‘lmagan oz sonli ekanligini ifodalash uchun «some», «any» gumon olmoshlari ishlatiladi. Ular odatda aniqlovchi vazifasini bajarib, ot oldida keladi va artikl vazifasini o‘taydi.
1. «Some» bo‘lishli gaplarda ko‘plikdagi sanaladigan yoki birlikdagi sanalmaydigan ot oldida keladi va «bir necha», «biroz» deb tarjima qilinadi.
Misol:    I have got some English books.
       Menda bir necha inglizcha kitob bor.
       He has got some money.
       Unda biroz pul bor.

2. «Some» olmoshi ot oldida kelganda urg‘u tushmaydi va reduksiyalanadi, yolg‘iz kelganda esa urg‘u olmasa ham to‘liq shaklda talaffuz qilinadi.
Misol:    Give me some chalk.
       Have you got any books? — Yes, I have got some.
Lekin «some of them», «some of us» kabi so‘z birikmalarida esa, «some» urg‘u oladi va to‘liq talaffuz etiladi.
Some of them know German.

3. «Any» olmoshi so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz gaplarda qo‘llanadi va «qandaydir», «hech qanday» ma’nolarini anglatadi, gapda aniqlovchi vazifasini bajaradi.
Misol:    Have you got any books? — Yes, I have some.
       I haven't got any books.
4. «Any» olmoshi ko‘pincha bo‘lishli gapda kelganda «har qanaqa» (lyuboy) ma’nosini beradi.
Misol:    You can take any book you like.  Sen istagan kitobingni olishing mumkin.

5. «Any» so‘zi bilan tuzilgan so‘roq gaplarga «some»  so‘zi bilan javob beriladi.
Misol:    Have you got any chalk?  Yes, I have some.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 25 Fevral 2008, 15:25:19
Otlarda kelishik

O‘zbek tilida otlarda oltita kelishik bor: bosh, qaratqich, tushum, jo‘nalish, chiqish va o‘rin-payt kelishiklari. Ingliz tilida esa otlarda faqat ikkita kelishik bor:
1. The Common Case. — Umumiy kelishik.
2. The Possessive Case. — Egalik kelishigi.

a) The Possessive Case o‘zbek tilidagi qaratqich kelishigiga mos keladi. U ot o‘zagiga birlikda apostrofli «s» ('s) qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi:
Misol:      My sister's flat — opamning xonadoni

Agar ot ko‘plikda bo‘lib, «s» (lar) qo‘shimchasini olgan bo‘lsa, u holda «-s» qo‘shimchasidan keyin apostrof (') ning o‘zi qo‘yiladi.
Misol:    the boy's ball — bolaning koptogi
    the boys' balls — bolalarning koptoklari

Ko‘pligi mustasno holda yasaladigan otlar bilan egalik kelishigi yasash uchun ular o‘zagiga xuddi birlikdagi kabi ('s) qo‘shiladi.
Misol:                    the man's book — kishining kitobi
       the men's books — kishilarning kitoblari
       the woman's dress — ayolning ko‘ylagi
       the women's dresses — ayollarning ko‘ylagi
        the child's toy — bolaning o‘yinchog‘i
       the children's toys — bolalarning o‘yinchoqlari

«The Possessive Case» da jonli predmetlarni ifodalovchi otlargina ishlatiladi. Bu kelishikdagi otlar gapda doimo aniqlovchi vazifasini bajaradi va «Whose?» savoliga javob bo‘ladi.
Jonsiz predmetlarni ifodalovchi otlarning qaratqich kelishigi ma’nosini berishi uchun ot o‘zagi oldiga «of» predlogi qo‘yiladi:
Misol:                    The window of the room. — xonaning derazasi
       The corner of the room. — xonaning burchagi

b) «The Common Case» dagi otlar gapdagi o‘rniga qarab yoki predlog bilan kelib, o‘zbek tilidagi qolgan kelishiklar ma’nolarini ifodalashi mumkin:
My sister is in the room.
(«singlim»  ega)
He sees my sister at the bus-stop.
(«singlimni» vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi)
He gives my sister a book.
(«singlimga»  vositali to‘ldiruvchi)
He takes a book from my sister.
(«singlimdan» predlogli to‘ldiruvchi)
This is my sister.
(«singlimdir» qo‘shma ot kesimning ot qismi).
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 25 Fevral 2008, 15:33:45
I. Тanlov so‘roq gap

Тanlov so‘roq gap 2 qismdan iborat bo‘ladi:
1. Umumiy so‘roq gap.
2. «Or» bog‘lovchisidan keyin keladigan tanlanadigan gap bo‘lagi.
Misol:    Is he a student or a pupil? — He is a pupil.

Тanlov so‘roq gapga to‘liq javob beriladi.
1. Agar tanlov so‘roq gap egaga beriladigan bo‘lsa, so‘roq gap boshqacharoq tuziladi va javob qisqa bo‘ladi.
Misol:    Is Ben in Tashkent or is Nick? — Nick is.

2. Тanlov so‘roq gapning I qismi ko‘tariluvchi ohang bilan, II qismi esa pasayuvchi ohang bilan talaffuz qilinadi.
Misol:    Is this pencil red or black?
       'Iz `is'pensl red с”: bl#k ¦¦

II. Gap bo‘laklari
Ingliz tilida ham gap bo‘laklari o‘zbek tilidagi kabi ikkiga bo‘linadi:
1. Bosh bo‘laklar.
2. Ikkinchi darajali bo‘laklar.

1. Bosh bo‘laklar ega va kesimdan iborat. Ega kim? yoki nima? so‘rog‘iga javob bo‘ladi. Kesim esa kimdir?, nimadir?, nima qiladi?, nima qilyapti?, nima qildi? kabi so‘roqlarga javob bo‘ladi:
Misol:    Our family is large.
       She has got a sister.

2. Ikkinchi darajali bo‘laklar aniqlovchi, to‘ldiruvchi va holdan iborat.
Aniqlovchi kimning?, nimaning?, qanday?, qaysi?, nechanchi? kabi so‘roqlarga javob bo‘ladi:
Misol:    I have got a large room.

Тo‘ldiruvchi  vositali, vositasiz va predlogli to‘ldiruvchiga bo‘linadi. Vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi kimni?, nimani? so‘rog‘iga javob bo‘ladi. Vositali va predlogli to‘ldiruvchilar kimga?, nimaga?,  kimdan?, nimadan?, kim haqida?, nima haqida? kabi so‘rog‘iga javob bo‘ladi.
Hol  payt, o‘rin, ravish, maqsad va sabab hollaridan iborat. Payt holi qachon?, qancha vaqt? kabi so‘roqlarga; o‘rin holi qayerda?, qayerga? kabi so‘roqlarga; ravish holi qanday?, qay tarzda?; maqsad holi nima maqsadda?; sabab holi nima uchun? kabi so‘roqlarga javob bo‘ladilar.
Misol:    I       have        got      a              sister.
   ega        kesim         vositasiz    to‘ldiruvchi
       They live in the country.
                o‘rin holi

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:36:08

I. Quyidagi «Possessive Case» da kelgan otlarni transkripsiya qiling va to‘g‘ri talaffuz bilan o‘qing:
            [z]      [iz]
      Bet's      father's   charles'   
      Smith's   girl's      niece's
      Nick's      Jane's      Holmes'
      Aunt's      uncle's   horse's
      Student's   boy's      boss'

II. Quyidagi gaplarni o‘qing, tagiga chizilgan so‘zlarga ahamiyat bering:

The boy has got a toy.
Has the boy got a toy? — Yes, he has.
Has she got any sisters? — Yes, she's got some.
She hasn't got any brothers.

III. Quyidagi gaplarni bo‘lishsiz va so‘roq shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. Mary has got a family.
2. Jane has got a lot of friends.
3. They have got some English books.
4. He has got two sons and a daughter.
5. Bob and Nick have got skates.
6. I have got some work now.
7. He has got a question.
8. The boy has got a cold.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga «some» yoki «any» gumon olmoshini qo‘ying:

1. I have got ..... Arabic books.
2. Have you got ..... English books?
3. She has got .... time to do this work.
4. Give me ..... chalk, please.
5. Has she got ..... friends here?
6. The student hasn't got ..... questions.
7. Please take ..... book you like.
8. .... of these articles are interesting.
9. There are not ..... children in the garden.
10. There is ..... ink in my pen.

V. Quyidagi tanlov so‘roq gaplarga javob bering:

1. Is your aunt young or old?
2. Are children in the garden or in the street?
3. Have you got an elder brother or a younger brother?
4. Has he got a niece or a nephew?
5. Is your mother a teacher or an engineer?
6. Are the pupils in the classroom or in the sports ground?
7. Is there a TV-set or a radio-set on the little table?
8. Are there two or four armchairs in the sitting-room?
9. Is your father's car new or old?
10. Are his sister's children at school or at home?

VI. Quyidagi so‘z birikmalari bilan gaplar tuzing:

1. The pupil's room. 2. The pupils' room. 3. The man's brother. 4. The men's brother. 5. The child's bed. 6. The children's beds. 7. The middle of the room. 8. The corner of the room. 9. The leaves of the tree. 10. The colour of the table.

VII. Тagiga chizilgan otni «Possessive Case» ga qo‘yib, gaplarni birlashtiring:

1. Do‘stimda mashina bor. U qulay. 2. Dilshodda savol bor. U qiyin. 3. Onamning singlisi bor. U ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi. 4. Akamda do‘stlar ko‘p. Ular  talaba. 5. Bular talabalarning daftarlari. Ular parta ustida. 6.  Do‘stimda bog‘bor. Unda mevali daraxtlar ko‘p. 7. O‘qituvchimda qora sumka bor. U stul ustida. 8. Dilbarda qo‘g‘irchoqlar bor. Ular chiroyli.

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Anyaning sumkasida bir necha daftar bor. 2. O‘qituvchida ozgina bo‘r bor. 3. Sizning do‘stlaringiz bormi? 4. Akangizning do‘stlari bormi? 5. Dadangizning haydovchisi yoshmi? 6. Opamning mashinasi yangi. 7. Bog‘da bir necha mevali daraxtlar bor. 8. Bu ko‘chada hech qanday gulxona yo‘q. 9. Parta ustida bir necha ruchka va qalam bor. 10. Mehmonxonada qandaydir kreslo bormi? 11. Jeynning xonasi qulay. 12. Nikning buvasi va buvisi nafaqadadirlar.

IX. Quyidagi dialogni yod oling:

Jack:   She is pretty. Who is she?
Fred:   That's my daughter Peggy.
Jack:   Is this your son?
Fred:   Yes: That's Mark. He is five.
Jack:   Five! Oh, he's a big boy.
Fred:   And those are my cats, Harold and Maude.

X. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting.
   First think, then speak.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:40:57

Text: My Working Day.
Dialogue.Phonetics: ea [e], «w + a», «w + o»
Grammar:   I. Time prepositions.
         II. Present Indefinite.
         III. Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals.   


I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I open the window, make my bed and do my morning exercises. I have a wash and dress. At half past seven I have breakfast. At 8 o'clock I go to the University. I go by bus 28. Our first lesson begins at 8.30.
We usually have four lessons. We study History, Arabic, Uzbek literature, English and other subjects. Our classes are over at 14.50. I have lunch at the University canteen. I come home at four o'clock.
I have a little rest. Then I do my homework. At seven o'clock I have dinner. Then I watch TV. At 8 I learn the new words and read texts.
At 11 o'clock I go to bed.

Answer the questions:

1. When do you usually get up?
2. What do you do in the morning?
3. How do you go to the University?
4. When does your first lesson begin?
5. How many lessons do you have every day?
6. What subjects do you study?
7. Where do you have dinner?
8. Do you help your mother about the house?
9. When do you do your homework?
10. What do you learn in the evening?

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:42:46
The new words and expressions:

1. to get up [get'А‡p] — o‘rindan turmoq
2. to make the bed [meik] — o‘rinni tuzatib (yig‘ishtirib) qo‘ymoq
3. to do morning exercises [eksс’saiziz] — ertalabki badantarbiya mashqlarini bajarmoq
4. to have a wash [wс”$] — yuvinmoq
5. to dress [dres] — kiyinmoq
6. to have breakfast [brekfс’st] — nonushta qilmoq
7. to have dinner ['dinс’] — tushlik qilmoq
8. to have supper [s'А‡pс’] — kechki ovqatni yemoq
9. a class [kl°:s] — mashg‘ulot, dars
10. to study ['stА‡di] — o‘rganmoq, o‘qimoq
11. history ['histс’ri] — tarix
12. arabic ['#rс’bik] — arab tili
13. literature ['litrit$с’] — adabiyot
14. to be over ['ouvс’] — tugatmoq
15. to have a rest [rest] — dam olmoq
16. then [`en] — so‘ngra
17. to learn [lс’:n] — yodlamoq, o‘rganmoq
18. to go to bed [tс’'goutс’'bed] — uxlashga yotmoq
19. to work hard (at) [h°:d] — qattiq ishlamoq
20. to do well in English — ingliz tilini yaxshi o‘qimoq
21. to be in time for the lesson — darsga vaqtida kelmoq
22. to revise  [ri'vaiz] — takrorlamoq (esga tushirmoq)
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:45:56

I. «ea» digrafi ba’zi so‘zlarda [i:] tovushi o‘rniga [e] tovushi bilan ifodalanadi:

1. breath [bre|] — nafas
2. bread [bred] — non
3. breadth [bred|] — kenglik
4. breakfast [brekfс’st] — nonushta
5. dead [ded] — o‘lgan, jonsiz
6. deaf [def] — kar-soqov
7. death [de|] — o‘lim
8. ready [redi] — tayyor
9. health [hel|] — sog‘liq
10. wealth [wel|] — boylik
11. head [hed] — bosh
12. heavy [hevi] — og‘ir, qattiq

Quyidagi so‘zlarda esa [i:] tovushi o‘rniga [ei] tovushini ifodalaydi:

break [breik] — sindirmoq
great [greit] — buyuk, ulug‘
steak [steik] — go‘sht, muskul

II. 1) «a» unli harfi «w» undoshi yoki «qu» harflar birikmasidan keyin I tur yopiq bo‘g‘inda
2) «o» harfi «w» yoki «qu» birikmasidan keyin I tur yopiq bo‘g‘inda [с”] unli tovushi o‘rniga [А‡] tovushini, III tur bo‘g‘inda [с”] o‘rniga [с’:] tovushini ifodalaydi.

III. Vaqtni bildiruvchi predloglar quyidagilar: at, from... to... . Bular son oldida kelib, paytni bildiradi.
Misol:    At 8 o'clock — soat 8 da
       From 9 to 5 — soat 9 dan 5 gacha

IV. Sanoq sonlar.
1) Ingliz tilidagi tub sonlar quyidagilar:
1 — one   4 — four   7 — seven      10 — ten
2 — two   5 — five   8 — eight      11 — eleven   
3 — three   6 — six   9 — nine      12 — twelve

2) 13 dan 19 gacha bo‘lgan sonlar yasash uchun tub sonlar oxiriga «-teen» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi. Misol:
13 — thirteen      14 — fourteen   15 — fifteen  va h.k.

3) O‘nlik sonlar tub son oxiriga «-ty» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.
Misol:    20 — twenty   50 — fifty
       30 — thirty      60 — sixty
       40 — forty      70 — seventy
          100 — a hundred

4) O‘nlik va birlik sonlar orasiga chiziqcha qo‘yiladi.
Misol:      25 — twenty-five      76 — seventy-six

V. Тartib sonlar.
Barcha tartib sonlar sanoq sonlarning oxiriga «-th» qo‘shimchasini qo‘shish orqali yasaladi. «Birinchi», «ikkinchi», «uchinchi» tartib sonlari esa boshqa o‘zakdan yasaladi.
Misol:                      1 — one — the first      
         2 — two — the second   
         3   —  three     —  the third   
         4   —  four      —  the fourth
         12  —  twelve    —  the twelfth
         13  —  thirteen  —  the thirteenth va h.k.

Eslatma: Тartib sonlar oldida «the» aniq artikli ishlatiladi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:49:29

What time is it? — Soat necha (bo‘ldi)?
What is the time?
How long... — Qancha vaqt...
It is 9 o'clock. — Soat 9
At 9 o'clock. — Soat 9 da
It is 5 minutes past 9. — Soat 9 dan 5 daqiqa o‘tdi
At 5 minutes past 9. — Soat 9 dan 5 daqiqa o‘tganda...
It is half past 9. — Soat 9 yarim
At half past 9. — Soat 9 yarimda...
It is 15 (fifteen) minutes to 10. — Soat 15 daqiqa kam 10
It is a quarter to 10. — Soat chorak kam 10
At 15 minutes to ten. — Soat 15 daqiqa kam 10 da...
It is 5 minutes to 10. — Soat 5 daqiqa kam 10
At 5 minutes to 10... — Soat 5 daqiqa kam 10 da...
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:53:12
Yangi so‘zlar:

past [pa:st] —  o‘tmoq
a half [ha:f] — yarim (30 daqiqa)
a quarter [kwс”:tс’] — chorak (15 daqiqa)
a minute [minit] — minut, daqiqa
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 10:57:07
The Present Indefinite tense
Noaniq hozirgi zamon

I. Present Indefinite zamoni odat bo‘lib qolgan yoki doimo qaytarilib turadigan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi.
Misol:      Men har kuni soat 7 da turaman.
         I get up at 7 o'clock every day.
II. Bu zamon «to» yuklamasi tushirib qoldirilgan infinitivdan, ya’ni fe’l o‘zagidan (work) yasaladi. Faqat III shaxs birlik (he, she) da fe’l o‘zagiga «-s» ( yoki «-es») qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi.
Endi «to work» fe’lini shu zamonda tuslaymiz.


I. I work every day. — Men har kuni ishlayman.
II. You work every day. — Sen har kuni ishlaysan.
III. He (she)  works every day. — U har kuni ishlaydi.


I. We work every day. — Biz har kuni ishlaymiz.
II. You work every day. — Siz har kuni ishlaysiz.
III. They work every day. — Ular har kuni ishlaydilar.

III. Bo‘lishsiz shaklda fe’l o‘zagi oldiga «do» (do, does) yordamchi fe’li bilan «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.


I. I do not work every day. — Men har kuni ishlamayman.
II. You do not work every day. — Sen har kuni ishlamaysan.
III. He (she) does not work every day. — U  har kuni ishlamaydi.


I. We do not work every day. — Biz har kuni ishlamaymiz.
II. You do not work every day. — Siz har kuni ishlamaysiz.
III. They don't work every day. — Ular har kuni ishlamaydilar.
Eslatma:   do not      don't [dount]
         does not      doesn't [dА‡znt]

IV. So‘roq shaklda yordamchi fe’l «do» (do, does) ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi.


I. Do I work every day? — Yes, you do. — No, you do not.
Men har kuni ishlaymanmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
II. Do you work every day? — Yes, I do. — No, I do not.
Sen har kuni ishlaysanmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
III. Does he/she work every day? — Yes, he/she does.
              — No, he/she does not.
U har kuni ishlaydimi?            — Ha. —  Yo‘q.


I. Do we work every day? — Yes, you do. — No, you don't.
Biz har kuni ishlaymizmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
II. Do you work every day? — Yes, we do. — No, we don't.
Siz(lar) har kuni ishlaysizmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
III. Do they work every day? — Yes, they do. — No, they do not.
Ular har kuni ishlaydilarmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.

V. Present Indefinite zamoni ishlatilishining zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘z yoki so‘z birikmasi quyidagilar:
every day ['evri dei] — har kuni
every week ['evri wi:k] — har haftada
every month ['evri mА‡n|] — har oyda
every year ['evri jс’:] — har yili
every summer ['evri 'sА‡mс’] — har yozda
sometimes ['sА‡mtaimz] — ba’zan
often ['с”fn] — ko‘pincha
usually ['ju:¦uс’li] — odatda
seldom ['seldm] — har zamonda
always ['с”:lwс’z] — har doim
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 04 Mart 2008, 11:01:38

I. «s (es)» qo‘shimchasining o‘qilishiga e’tibor berib, quyidagi fe’llarni transkripsiya qiling:
works      reads      washes
speaks      brings      finishes
looks      ends      dances
puts      lives      dresses   
helps      buys      teaches

II. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. You often do your homework in the evening. 2. His brother goes to school. 3. She usually washes with cold water. 4. Richard plays tennis well. 5. Philip and Susan finish their work at 6. 6. My father comes home at 7 o'clock. 7. We meet our friends every Sunday. 8. Jane teaches at school.

III. Тagiga chizilgan gap bo‘laklariga so‘roqlar qo‘ying:

1. She teaches English at school. 2. They live in Kokand. 3. You write exercises on the blackboard. 4. Students usually look at the blackboard. 5. Our lessons begin in the morning. 6. They usually spend their holidays in the South.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga lozim joyga predloglar qo‘ying:

1. Her father gives lectures ... the University. 2. She works hard ... her English. 3. They do well ... English. 4. My father has dinner ... home. 5. His parents come ... home late. 6. I finish ... work ... 5 o'clock. 7. Nick is always ... time ... his lessons. 8. What do you usually speak ... ... class? 9. When does he usually go ... home? 10. Whom do you usually write a letter ... ?

V. Quyidagi sanoq sonlarni so‘z vositasida yozing:

11, 2, 12, 20, 3, 13, 30, 4, 14, 40, 5, 15, 50, 6, 16, 60, 8, 18, 80, 9, 19, 90, 100, 101, 110, 203, 365, 800, 493, 900. 1000, 186.

VI. Quyidagi tartib sonlarni so‘z vositasida yozing:

1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 18-, 30-,  34-, 42-, 50-, 53-, 90-, 98-, 100-, 102-, 209-.

VII. Quyidagi yillarni inglizcha yozing:

1870 y., 1868 y., 1825 y., 1773 y., 1919 y., 1905 y., 1900 y., 1242 y.,1066 y.

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Akam ingliz tilini yaxshi biladi. 2. Bu qiz kim?  U mening dugonam. 3. Siz odatda grammatik qoidalarni takrorlab (esga tushirib) turasiz. 4. Unga so‘zlarni o‘qituvchidan keyin qaytarish yoqmaydi. 5. Kim inglizcha gazetalar oladi? 6. U ishdan keyin har doim ham uyga bormaydi 7. Siz soat nechada nonushta qilasiz? 8. Тalabalar har kuni soat 8.30 da universitetga keladilar. 9. Siz universitetda qancha vaqt bo‘lasiz?

IX. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalari bilan gaplar tuzing:

To get up, to do morning exercises, to have breakfast, to begin at 8.30, to help smb. about the house, to do homework, to learn the new words, to watch  TV, before, to go to bed.

X. Quyidagi dialogni yod oling:


Bobir:      Hi, Rahim!
Rahim:   Hi, Bobir! How are you? Are you already a student?
Bobir:      Yes, I am. I am a student of the Tashkent Islamic University. And where are you now?
Rahim:   I'm in Tashkent too. I work at a plant.
Bobir:      What time do you come home every day?
Rahim:   I work from 8 to 4 o'clock and come home at 5. And what time are your classes over?
Bobir:      They are over at 3.20. And do you go anywhere after work?
Rahim:   I go to the reading-hall and read books or sometimes I go to the cinema. Do you go to the cinema too?
Bobir:      Oh, yes, I do. But I go there only on Sunday. Please, come to my place on Sunday. We'll go to the  cinema together.
Rahim:   All right, we'll have a good time together.

XI. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:
A good beginning makes a good ending.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 15:34:09

Text: My Working Day.
Phonetics: ea [e], «w + a», «w + o»
                        I. Time prepositions.
         II. Present Indefinite.
         III. Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals.   

I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I open the window, make my bed and do my morning exercises. I have a wash and dress. At half past seven I have breakfast. At 8 o'clock I go to the University. I go by bus 28. Our first lesson begins at 8.30.
We usually have four lessons. We study History, Arabic, Uzbek literature, English and other subjects. Our classes are over at 14.50. I have lunch at the University canteen. I come home at four o'clock.
I have a little rest. Then I do my homework. At seven o'clock I have dinner. Then I watch TV. At 8 I learn the new words and read texts.
At 11 o'clock I go to bed.

Answer the questions:

1. When do you usually get up?
2. What do you do in the morning?
3. How do you go to the University?
4. When does your first lesson begin?
5. How many lessons do you have every day?
6. What subjects do you study?
7. Where do you have dinner?
8. Do you help your mother about the house?
9. When do you do your homework?
10. What do you learn in the evening?

The new words and expressions:

1. to get up [get'А‡p] — o‘rindan turmoq
2. to make the bed [meik] — o‘rinni tuzatib (yig‘ishtirib) qo‘ymoq
3. to do morning exercises [eksс’saiziz] — ertalabki badantarbiya mashqlarini bajarmoq
4. to have a wash [wс”$] — yuvinmoq
5. to dress [dres] — kiyinmoq
6. to have breakfast [brekfс’st] — nonushta qilmoq
7. to have dinner ['dinс’] — tushlik qilmoq
8. to have supper [s'А‡pс’] — kechki ovqatni yemoq
9. a class [kl°:s] — mashg‘ulot, dars
10. to study ['stА‡di] — o‘rganmoq, o‘qimoq
11. history ['histс’ri] — tarix
12. arabic ['#rс’bik] — arab tili
13. literature ['litrit$с’] — adabiyot
14. to be over ['ouvс’] — tugatmoq
15. to have a rest [rest] — dam olmoq
16. then [`en] — so‘ngra
17. to learn [lс’:n] — yodlamoq, o‘rganmoq
18. to go to bed [tс’'goutс’'bed] — uxlashga yotmoq
19. to work hard (at) [h°:d] — qattiq ishlamoq
20. to do well in English — ingliz tilini yaxshi o‘qimoq
21. to be in time for the lesson — darsga vaqtida kelmoq
22. to revise  [ri'vaiz] — takrorlamoq (esga tushirmoq)
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 15:37:14

I. «ea» digrafi ba’zi so‘zlarda [i:] tovushi o‘rniga [e] tovushi bilan ifodalanadi:

1. breath [bre|] — nafas
2. bread [bred] — non
3. breadth [bred|] — kenglik
4. breakfast [brekfс’st] — nonushta
5. dead [ded] — o‘lgan, jonsiz
6. deaf [def] — kar-soqov
7. death [de|] — o‘lim
8. ready [redi] — tayyor
9. health [hel|] — sog‘liq
10. wealth [wel|] — boylik
11. head [hed] — bosh
12. heavy [hevi] — og‘ir, qattiq

Quyidagi so‘zlarda esa [i:] tovushi o‘rniga [ei] tovushini ifodalaydi:

break [breik] — sindirmoq
great [greit] — buyuk, ulug‘
steak [steik] — go‘sht, muskul

II. 1) «a» unli harfi «w» undoshi yoki «qu» harflar birikmasidan keyin I tur yopiq bo‘g‘inda
2) «o» harfi «w» yoki «qu» birikmasidan keyin I tur yopiq bo‘g‘inda [с”] unli tovushi o‘rniga [А‡] tovushini, III tur bo‘g‘inda [с”] o‘rniga [с’:] tovushini ifodalaydi.

III. Vaqtni bildiruvchi predloglar quyidagilar: at, from... to... . Bular son oldida kelib, paytni bildiradi.
Misol:                    At 8 o'clock — soat 8 da
       From 9 to 5 — soat 9 dan 5 gacha

IV. Sanoq sonlar.

1) Ingliz tilidagi tub sonlar quyidagilar:
1 — one   4 — four   7 — seven      10 — ten
2 — two   5 — five   8 — eight      11 — eleven   
3 — three   6 — six   9 — nine      12 — twelve

2) 13 dan 19 gacha bo‘lgan sonlar yasash uchun tub sonlar oxiriga «-teen» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi. Misol:
13 — thirteen      14 — fourteen   15 — fifteen  va h.k.

3) O‘nlik sonlar tub son oxiriga «-ty» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.
Misol:    20 — twenty   50 — fifty
       30 — thirty      60 — sixty
       40 — forty      70 — seventy
          100 — a hundred

4) O‘nlik va birlik sonlar orasiga chiziqcha qo‘yiladi.
Misol:      25 — twenty-five      76 — seventy-six

V. Тartib sonlar.
Barcha tartib sonlar sanoq sonlarning oxiriga «-th» qo‘shimchasini qo‘shish orqali yasaladi. «Birinchi», «ikkinchi», «uchinchi» tartib sonlari esa boshqa o‘zakdan yasaladi.

Misol:                     1 — one — the first      
         2 — two — the second   
         3   —  three     —  the third   
         4   —  four      —  the fourth
         12  —  twelve    —  the twelfth
         13  —  thirteen  —  the thirteenth va h.k.

Eslatma: Тartib sonlar oldida «the» aniq artikli ishlatiladi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 15:39:52


What time is it? — Soat necha (bo‘ldi)?
What is the time?
How long... — Qancha vaqt...
It is 9 o'clock. — Soat 9
At 9 o'clock. — Soat 9 da
It is 5 minutes past 9. — Soat 9 dan 5 daqiqa o‘tdi
At 5 minutes past 9. — Soat 9 dan 5 daqiqa o‘tganda...
It is half past 9. — Soat 9 yarim
At half past 9. — Soat 9 yarimda...
It is 15 (fifteen) minutes to 10. — Soat 15 daqiqa kam 10
It is a quarter to 10. — Soat chorak kam 10
At 15 minutes to ten. — Soat 15 daqiqa kam 10 da...
It is 5 minutes to 10. — Soat 5 daqiqa kam 10
At 5 minutes to 10... — Soat 5 daqiqa kam 10 da...
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 15:44:05
Yangi so‘zlar:

past [pa:st] —  o‘tmoq
a half [ha:f] — yarim (30 daqiqa)
a quarter [kwс”:tс’] — chorak (15 daqiqa)
a minute [minit] — minut, daqiqa
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 15:55:18
The Present Indefinite tense
Noaniq hozirgi zamon

I. Present Indefinite zamoni odat bo‘lib qolgan yoki doimo qaytarilib turadigan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi.
Misol:                      Men har kuni soat 7 da turaman.
         I get up at 7 o'clock every day.
II. Bu zamon «to» yuklamasi tushirib qoldirilgan infinitivdan, ya’ni fe’l o‘zagidan (work) yasaladi. Faqat III shaxs birlik (he, she) da fe’l o‘zagiga «-s» ( yoki «-es») qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi.
Endi «to work» fe’lini shu zamonda tuslaymiz.


I. I work every day. — Men har kuni ishlayman.
II. You work every day. — Sen har kuni ishlaysan.
III. He (she)  works every day. — U har kuni ishlaydi.


I. We work every day. — Biz har kuni ishlaymiz.
II. You work every day. — Siz har kuni ishlaysiz.
III. They work every day. — Ular har kuni ishlaydilar.

III. Bo‘lishsiz shaklda fe’l o‘zagi oldiga «do» (do, does) yordamchi fe’li bilan «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.


I. I do not work every day. — Men har kuni ishlamayman.
II. You do not work every day. — Sen har kuni ishlamaysan.
III. He (she) does not work every day. — U  har kuni ishlamaydi.


I. We do not work every day. — Biz har kuni ishlamaymiz.
II. You do not work every day. — Siz har kuni ishlamaysiz.
III. They don't work every day. — Ular har kuni ishlamaydilar.
Eslatma:   do not      don't [dount]
         does not      doesn't [dА‡znt]

IV. So‘roq shaklda yordamchi fe’l «do» (do, does) ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi.

I. Do I work every day? — Yes, you do. — No, you do not.
Men har kuni ishlaymanmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
II. Do you work every day? — Yes, I do. — No, I do not.
Sen har kuni ishlaysanmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
III. Does he/she work every day? — Yes, he/she does.
                — No, he/she does not.
U har kuni ishlaydimi?                    — Ha. —  Yo‘q.


I. Do we work every day? — Yes, you do. — No, you don't.
Biz har kuni ishlaymizmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
II. Do you work every day? — Yes, we do. — No, we don't.
Siz(lar) har kuni ishlaysizmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.
III. Do they work every day? — Yes, they do. — No, they do not.
Ular har kuni ishlaydilarmi? — Ha. — Yo‘q.

V. Present Indefinite zamoni ishlatilishining zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘z yoki so‘z birikmasi quyidagilar:
every day ['evri dei] — har kuni
every week ['evri wi:k] — har haftada
every month ['evri mА‡n|] — har oyda
every year ['evri jс’:] — har yili
every summer ['evri 'sА‡mс’] — har yozda
sometimes ['sА‡mtaimz] — ba’zan
often ['с”fn] — ko‘pincha
usually ['ju:¦uс’li] — odatda
seldom ['seldm] — har zamonda
always ['с”:lwс’z] — har doim
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 15:59:27

I. «s (es)» qo‘shimchasining o‘qilishiga e’tibor berib, quyidagi fe’llarni transkripsiya qiling:

works      reads      washes
speaks      brings      finishes
looks      ends      dances
puts      lives      dresses   
helps      buys      teaches

II. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. You often do your homework in the evening. 2. His brother goes to school. 3. She usually washes with cold water. 4. Richard plays tennis well. 5. Philip and Susan finish their work at 6. 6. My father comes home at 7 o'clock. 7. We meet our friends every Sunday. 8. Jane teaches at school.

III. Тagiga chizilgan gap bo‘laklariga so‘roqlar qo‘ying:

1. She teaches English at school. 2. They live in Kokand. 3. You write exercises on the blackboard. 4. Students usually look at the blackboard. 5. Our lessons begin in the morning. 6. They usually spend their holidays in the South.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga lozim joyga predloglar qo‘ying:

1. Her father gives lectures ... the University. 2. She works hard ... her English. 3. They do well ... English. 4. My father has dinner ... home. 5. His parents come ... home late. 6. I finish ... work ... 5 o'clock. 7. Nick is always ... time ... his lessons. 8. What do you usually speak ... ... class? 9. When does he usually go ... home? 10. Whom do you usually write a letter ... ?

V. Quyidagi sanoq sonlarni so‘z vositasida yozing:

11, 2, 12, 20, 3, 13, 30, 4, 14, 40, 5, 15, 50, 6, 16, 60, 8, 18, 80, 9, 19, 90, 100, 101, 110, 203, 365, 800, 493, 900. 1000, 186.

VI. Quyidagi tartib sonlarni so‘z vositasida yozing:

1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 18-, 30-,  34-, 42-, 50-, 53-, 90-, 98-, 100-, 102-, 209-.

VII. Quyidagi yillarni inglizcha yozing:

1870 y., 1868 y., 1825 y., 1773 y., 1919 y., 1905 y., 1900 y., 1242 y.,1066 y.

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Akam ingliz tilini yaxshi biladi. 2. Bu qiz kim?  U mening dugonam. 3. Siz odatda grammatik qoidalarni takrorlab (esga tushirib) turasiz. 4. Unga so‘zlarni o‘qituvchidan keyin qaytarish yoqmaydi. 5. Kim inglizcha gazetalar oladi? 6. U ishdan keyin har doim ham uyga bormaydi 7. Siz soat nechada nonushta qilasiz? 8. Тalabalar har kuni soat 8.30 da universitetga keladilar. 9. Siz universitetda qancha vaqt bo‘lasiz?

IX. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalari bilan gaplar tuzing:

To get up, to do morning exercises, to have breakfast, to begin at 8.30, to help smb. about the house, to do homework, to learn the new words, to watch  TV, before, to go to bed.

X. Quyidagi dialogni yod oling:


Bobir:   Hi, Rahim!
Rahim:   Hi, Bobir! How are you? Are you already a student?
Bobir:   Yes, I am. I am a student of the Tashkent Islamic University. And where are you now?
Rahim:   I'm in Tashkent too. I work at a plant.
Bobir:   What time do you come home every day?
Rahim:   I work from 8 to 4 o'clock and come home at 5. And what time are your classes over?
Bobir:   They are over at 3.20. And do you go anywhere after work?
Rahim:   I go to the reading-hall and read books or sometimes I go to the cinema. Do you go to the cinema too?
Bobir:   Oh, yes, I do. But I go there only on Sunday. Please, come to my place on Sunday. We'll go to the  cinema together.
Rahim:   All right, we'll have a good time together.

XI. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:
A good beginning makes a good ending.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 16:04:17

Text: The Working Day of a Manager.
Grammar:   I. The Cases of the Personal Pronouns.
   II. «Much», «Little», «Many», «Few».


Mr. Shokirov works at an office. He is a manager. His office is a long way from his house. He goes to his office by car. He works five days a week. He works on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He doesn't work at the week-end. His working day begins at 9 a.m. and it lasts 8 hours. Every day he gets a lot of letters and telegrams from foreign firms. Most of them are in English. He translates and answers them in the morning. He often receives the customers or engineers of different factories in the afternoon. He discusses a lot of questions with them. He usually finishes work at 6 p.m.
Mr. Shokirov learns English. He works hard at his English. There are foreign newspapers and journals at the office. He reads them and he sometimes translates articles from those journals. After work he stays in the office for his English lessons. Many others of his office also learn English and stay there too. They have their English three times a week. After classes they return home together.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 11 Mart 2008, 16:17:54
The new words and expressions:

1. a manager ['m#nid¦с’] — boshliq, ish yurituvchi
2. a long way from [wei] — uzoqda sin. Far from [fa:] — uzoqda
3. by car [bai k°:] — avtomobilda, mashinada
4. five days a week — haftada besh kun
5. three times a week — haftada uch marta
6. a week-day — ish kuni (ishga boriladigan kun)
7. a week-end — dam olish kunlari (shanba, yakshanba)
8. to last [l°:st] — davom etmoq
9. foreign ['fс”rin] — xorijiy
10. a firm [fс’:m] — firma
11. most of them [moust] — ulardan ko‘pchiligi
12. to translate ['tr#nsleit] — tarjima qilmoq
13. to answer ['°:nsс’] — javob bermoq
14. to receive [ri'si:v] — qabul qilmoq
15. different ['difrс’nt] — turli
16. to discuss [dis'kА‡s] — muhokama qilmoq
17. a lot of [lс”tс’v] — ko‘p (ham donalab sanaladigan, ham sanalmaydigan otlar uchun)
18. to work hard at [h°:d] — berilib, ter to‘kib ishlamoq
19. a  newspaper ['nju:speipс’] — gazeta
20. a journal ['d¦с’:nс’l] — jurnal
21. an article ['°:tikl] — maqola
22. to stay [stei] — biror joyda qolmoq, vaqtincha yashamoq
23. a clerk [kl°:k] — idora xizmatchisi
24. to return [ri'tс’:n] — qaytmoq, qaytarib bermoq

Answer the questions:

1. What does Mr. Shokirov do?
2. Where is his office?
3. How many days does he work?
4. What time does his working day begin?
5. How long does his working day last?
6. What does he do in the morning?
7. Whom does he receive in the afternoon?
8. What foreign language do they learn?
9. Does he read article in foreign journals?
10. Why does he stay in the office after work?
11. Do the clerks of the office learn English or German?
12. How often do they have their English?

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 16:33:04

I. «Hour» so‘zi vaqt birligini (60 daqiqani) ifodalaydi, «o'clock» so‘zi esa vaqtni ko‘rsatadi.
Misol:      His working day lasts eight hours.
         Uning ish kuni sakkiz soat davom etadi.
         He usually finishes work at 6 o'clock.
         U odatda ishini soat 6 da tugatadi.
II. Quyidagi gaplar tarjimasiga e’tibor berib, «in» predlogi qaysi holatda ishlatilishini anglab oling:

He speaks English. — U ingliz tilida gaplashadi.
He reads English well. — U ingliz tilida yaxshi o‘qiydi.
He writes letters in English. — U xatlarni ingliz tilida yozadi.
He reads books in English. — U ingliz tilidagi kitoblarni o‘qiydi.

III. O‘zbek tilidagi «marta» so‘zi qo‘shilgan sonlar ingliz tilida quyidagicha ifodalanadi.
Bir marta — once [wА‡ns]
Ikki marta — twice [twais]
Uch marta — three times

I go to the library once a week.
— Men kutubxonaga    haftada bir marta boraman.
Twice two is four.
— 2 marta ikki to‘rt bo‘ladi.
We have English lessons three times a week.
— Ingliz tili darsimiz haftada uch marta bo‘ladi.

IV. Kishilik olmoshlarida kelishik.

Ingliz tilida kishilik olmoshlarida ikkita kelishik bor:
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 16:41:18
Personal Pronouns
   The Nominative Case         The Objective Case
   Bosh kelishik            Ob’ekt kelishik

«The Nominative Case» o‘zbek tilidagi «Bosh kelishik» ka mos keladi. «The Objective Case» esa o‘zbek tilidagi «Bosh va qaratqich kelishik» laridan tashqari 4 ta (tushum, jo‘nalish, chiqish va o‘rin-payt) kelishiklari o‘rnida (ba’zida predloglar bilan kelib) qo‘llanadi.
V. Much, little, many, few.

1. «Much» (ko‘p), «little» (kam) fe’l bilan bog‘lanib kelib, ravish bo‘lishlari mumkin. Bu holda ular gapda fe’ldan keyin qo‘yiladi. Bo‘lishli gaplarda ular ko‘pincha «very» daraja ravishi bilan keladilar. Bo‘lishsiz gaplarda esa «very little» «o‘rniga» «very much» ishlatiladi.
She reads very much. — U juda ko‘p o‘qiydi.
He reads very little. — U juda kam o‘qiydi.
He doesn't read very much. — U kam o‘qiydi. (U ko‘p o‘qimaydi).

2. «Much», «little» donalab sanalmaydigan ot oldida kelganda, noaniq olmosh bo‘ladi.
He spends much money for books. — U kitoblar uchun ko‘p pul sarflaydi.
   There is little water in the glass. — Stakanda kam suv bor.
Ko‘pincha bo‘lishli gapdagi «little» ma’nosini bo‘lishsiz gapda «much» vositasida beriladi.
There isn't much water in the glass. — Stakanda kam suv bor (stakanda ko‘p suv yo‘q).

«Much», «little» noaniq olmoshlari uchun «How much» birikmasi vositasida savol beriladi.
How much money does he spend for books?

3. «Many (ko‘p)», «few» (kam) noaniq olmoshlari donalab sanaladigan otlar bilan kelib, ko‘pincha bo‘lishsiz va so‘roq gaplarda ishlatiladilar. Bo‘lishli gaplarda «many» o‘rniga «a lot of» birikmasi qo‘llanadi.
Misol:   He hasn't got many English books.
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar ko‘p emas.
      Has he got many English books?
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar ko‘pmi?
      She has got few English books.
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar kam.
      She hasn't got many English books.
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar ko‘p emas.
      She usually asks me a lot of questions.
      — Odatda u mendan ko‘p savollar so‘raydi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 16:44:29

I. Qavs ichidagi kishilik olmoshlarini ob’ekt kelishigiga qo‘yib, yozing:

1. These pictures are nice. Look at (they), please. 2. My sister is an English teacher. Everybody knows (she) at school. 3. The jokes are very funny. Read (they) at home. 4. I know this student. He studies with (we). 5. Read this text and translate (it) into Uzbek. 6. The teacher often asks (I) questions. 7. I see (he) at the bus-stop every morning. 8. Your son is waiting for (you) there.

II. Nuqtalar o‘rniga ob’ekt kelishigidagi kishilik olmoshlarining mosini qo‘ying:

1. This article is easy, translate ... at home. 2. Does he often speak to ... about his work. 3. I like this dictionary. Where do you buy ... ? 4. My brother is good at English. I do my homework with ... . 5.  He is a tall boy. Look at ... . 6. I often write letters to my girl-friend but I seldom hear from ... . 7. There are a lot of grammar rules in this lesson. Learn ... by heart. 8. My niece is at that table. Do you see ... .

III. Qavsdagi so‘zlardan mos keladiganini qo‘yib, mashqni bajaring:

1. My friend reads (much, a lot). 2. They don't write (a lot, very much) in class. 3. My sister works (too many, too much). 4. Does your son read (many, much)?  Yes, he reads (very many, very much). 5. (many, a lot of) students know two foreign languages. 6. We send letters to (much, many, a lot of) foreign firms. 7. Does your teacher give you (a lot of, very many, very much) homework? 8. The secretary gots (very little, very many) letters every day.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga predloglar qo‘yib yozing:

1. He usually walks ... home ... work. 2. His office is a long way ... his house. 3. She is always ... time ... her lessons. 4. Ann lives ... a large park. She often goes ... a walk to this park ... the evening. 5. Mr. Brown works ... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He doesn't work ... the week-end. 6. The manager gets a lot ... letters ... foreign firms. 7. He answers ... the letters ... the morning. 8. He stays ... his office ... work ... his English lessons.

V. Qavsdagi so‘zlardan mosini qo‘yib, mashqni bajaring:

1. His father finishes his work at 3 (hour, o'clock) on Saturday. 2. This Indian film lasts two (o'clock, hours). 3. We have lunch at the University canteen at 12 (hour, o'clock). 4. His lecture usually lasts (o'clock, an hour). 5. The clerk's working day lasts eight (o'clock, hours). 6. His first lesson begins at 9 (hour, o'clock).

VI. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyga artiklni qo‘ying:

1. Mr. Smith is ... manager. He works at ... ofiice. ... office is far from his house. He begins ... work at 9 o'clock. In ... afternoon he receives ... engineers. He finishes at six in ... evening. After... work he stays in ... office for his English lessons. Late   in ... evening he returns ... home.

VII . Gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Ular haftada besh kun ishlaydilar: dushanba, seshanba, chorshanba, payshanba va jumada. 2. Ular dam olish kunlarida ishlamaydilar. 3. Malikaning onasi shanba kuni ishlaydimi?  Ha, chunki u shifokor. 4. Bu film ikki soat davom etmaydi. 5. Firma kotibasi, har kuni ko‘p xat oladi. 6. Bizning ingliz tili o‘qituvchimiz juda ko‘p uy ishi beradi. 7. Bu bog‘da mevali daraxtlar juda ko‘p. 8. Uning ish kuni olti soat davom etadi. 9. Bizda ingliz tili darsi haftada uch marta bo‘ladi. 10. Akam ingliz tilini yaxshi biladi. U kitoblarni ingliz tilida o‘qiydi. 11. Do‘stim menga har oyda xat yozadi va men unga o‘z vaqtida javob beraman. 12. Bu mashqlar oson. Ularni uyda bajaring.

VIII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, o‘z ish kuningiz haqida gapirib bering:

to get up early, to begin, to live a long way from, to take a bus, to be in time for, twice, the canteen, after classes (work), the library, to get books, to help smb., to do homework, to learn English, to work hard (at).

IX. Quyidagi dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:

Alimov:   I know your company is very large, Mr. Bell.
Bell:      Yes, we've got offices in different cities, I meet             our customers every day.
Alimov:   Oh, really? And when do you usually come to the             office?
Bell:      At 9 in the morning.
Alimov:   Do you stay in the office all day?
Bell:      I often do. I read cables and telexes and write letters.
Alimov:   I do that in my office in Tashkent too.
Bell:      Are you always very busy?
Alimov:   Yes, very busy till 6 o'clock.
Bell:      I finish my work at six too and come home at 7.
Alimov:   Do you always stay at home in the evenings?
Bell:      Not always. Sometimes we go out, but sometimes             we  stay at home and read books or watch television.
Alimov:   That sounds nice.

X. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 16:52:26

Texts:      I. Days and Months.
         II. Seasons.

Grammar   1. «It» olmoshi. Shaxssiz gaplar.
         2. Sifat darajalari.
         3. «Present Continuous» zamoni.      


There are four seasons in a year. They are: winter, spring, summer and autumn.
   There are twelve months in a year. They are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
There are three hundred and sixty-five or three hundred and sixty-six days in a year.
There are thirty or thirty one days in a month, but there are twenty eight or twenty nine days in February. There are twenty nine days in February in the leap year.
There are seven days in a week. They are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The new words and expressions

1. a month [mА‡n|] — oy
2. a season [si:zn] — fasl
3. winter [wintс’] — qish
4. spring [spriА…] — bahor
5. summer [sА‡mс’] — yoz
6. autumn [с”:tс’m] — kuz
7. a year [jс’:] — yil
8. a leap year [li:p jс’:] — kabisa yili
9. a week [ wi:k] — hafta

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 16:56:02
Winter months are: December, January and February.
It is cold in winter. It often snows. Everything is covered with snow. Children play snowballs and make snowmen. Some boys play hockey. People go skating and skiing on the skating-rink. It is not so cold in Great Britain as it is in Uzbekistan. Snow does not stay on the ground for long. Winter in Great Britain is mild.
Spring months are: March, April and May. The days are longer and the nights are shorter. It is warm in spring. The sun shines brightly. The trees are covered with green leaves. The ground is covered with green grass. Fruit-trees are in blossom in spring. The birds sing in the trees. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. It sometimes rains.
It is rainy and foggy in Great Britain in spring.
Summer months are: June, July and August. It is hot in summer in Uzbekistan. The sun shines brightly. There are flowers everywhere. There is much fruit and vegetables in summer: apples, grapes, apricots, melons, water-melons and others.
People go boating, swimming or fishing. Children have their summer holidays.
It is warm in Great Britain in summer. It often rains there.
   Autumn months are: September,October and November. It often rains in Uzbekistan in autumn. The sky is grey and cloudy. It gets cooler and cooler at nights.
There are red and yellow leaves on the ground in autumn. There is much cotton in the fields of the farms. Farmers pick cotton and gather fruits and vegetables too. On the second  of September the new school year begins. It is rainy, foggy and cool in Great Britain in autumn.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 16:57:50
The new words  and expressions

1. cold [kould] — sovuq
2. cool [ku:l] — salqin
3. warm [wс”:m] — iliq
4. hot [hс”t] — issiq
5. to snow  [tс’snou] — qor yog‘moq
6. to rain [tс’rein] — yomg‘ir yog‘moq
7. fog  [fс”g] — tuman
8. to be covered ['kА‡vс’d] — qoplanmoq
9. to go skiing  ['ski:iА…] — chang‘i uchmoq
10. to go skating [skeitiА…] — konki uchmoq
11. the skating-rink [`с’ skeitiА… riА…k] — yaxmalak
12. mild [maild] — yumshoq
13. to shine [$ain] — nur sochmoq
14. a leaf  [li:f] — barg   
15. leaves [li:vz] — barglar
16. a fruit- tree  ['fru:ttri:] — mevali daraxt
17. to be in blossom ['blс”sс’m] — gullamoq (mevali daraxt)
18. to go boating ['boutiА…] — qayiq uchmoq, qayiqda sayr qilmoq
19. to swim  [swim] — suzmoq, cho‘milmoq
20. to go fishing  ['fi$iА…] — baliq ovlamoq
21. vegetable  ['ved¦с’tс’bl] — sabzavot
22. cloud  [klaud] — bulut
23. to pick cotton [tс’pik 'cс”tn] — paxta termoq
24. a new school year ['nju:'sku:ljс’:] — yangi o‘quv yili
25. to gather ['g#`с’] — yig‘ishtirmoq

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 23 Mart 2008, 17:01:24

«o»  harfi bir bo‘g‘inli so‘zlar va ulardan yasalgan so‘zlarda «ll», «lk», «ld», «lt», «ls», «st» harf birikmalaridan oldin kelganda [с”] tovushi o‘rniga [ou] unli tovushi bilan o‘qiladi.
poll [poul]      —   polling ['pouliА…]
folk [fouk]      —   folky ['fouki]
cold [kould]      —   colder [kouldс’]
bolt [boult]      —   bolter [boultс’]
post [poust]      —   postman ['poustmс’n]
bolster [boulstс’]

Quyidagi so‘zlar bu qoidadan mustasnodir:

doll [dс”l] — qo‘g‘irchoq
lost [lс”st] — yo‘qolgan
cost [kс”st] — (so‘m) turmoq
frost [frс”st] — sovuq, izg‘irin

II. «It» olmoshi va shaxssiz gaplar. Agar gapda shaxsni yoki predmetni ifodalovchi ega bo‘lmasa, ingliz tilida gap boshiga ega o‘rniga «it» olmoshi qo‘yiladi. Bunday gaplar ko‘pincha tabiat hodisalarini, fasllarni, ob-havoni, vaqtni, masofani tasvirlashda ishlatiladi.

Misol:       It is spring. — Bahor
          It is warm. — Iliq
          It is 9. — Soat 9
          It is far. — Uzoq
          It is raining. — Yomg‘ir yog‘yapti
          It is getting dark. — Qorong‘ilashyapti

Bunday gaplarda «it» olmoshidan keyin bog‘lama fe’l («to be» yoki  «to get») keladi.

III. Sifat darajalari.

1. Predmetning belgisini, sifatini ifodalaydigan so‘z turkumi sifat deyiladi. Sifatlar o‘zbek tilidagidek kelishik yoki ko‘plik qo‘shimchalari bilan turlanmaydi. Sifatlar gapda aniqlovchi yoki qo‘shma ot kesimning predikativ qismi vazifasini bajaradi.
Ingliz tilidagi sifatlarda ham o‘zbek tilidagi kabi uchta daraja bor. Ular quyidagilar:
Oddiy daraja. — The Positive Degree.
Qiyosiy daraja. — The Comparative Degree.
Orttirma daraja. — The Superlative degree.
IV. Sifat darajalari quyidagicha yasaladi:

Hamma bir bo‘g‘inli va «er», «ow», «y» bilan tugaydigan 2 bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasi sifat o‘zagiga «er» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

Misol:      Thick — thicker
         Clever — cleverer
         Narrow — narrower
         Easy — easier

2. Hamma bir bo‘g‘inli va «er», «ow», «y» bilan tugaydigan ikki bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning orttirma darajasi sifat o‘zagiga «est» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

Misol:      Thick  thicker  the thickest              
         Clever  cleverer  the cleverest
         Narrow  narrower  the narrowest
         Easy  easier  the easiest

3. Qolgan hamma ikki bo‘g‘inli va ko‘p bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasi sifat o‘zagi oldiga «more», orttirma darajasi esa sifat o‘zagi oldiga «the most» so‘zlarini qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

Misol:      Famous-more famous-the most famous
         Important-more important-the most important

Eslatma: Orttirma darajadagi sifatlar oldiga ulardan keyin ot kelmagan holatda ham aniq artikl «the» qo‘yiladi.

V. Quyidagi kabi sifatlarning darajalari bu qoidadan mustasno tarzda yasaladi:

1. good   — better — the best
2. bad   — worse — the worst
3. little   — less — the least
4. many   much
      — older — the oldest
      — elder — the eldest (oila chegarasida)
      — farther  the farthest (masofa)
      — further — the furthest (vaqt)
VI. Ikkita bir xil sifatli predmetlar solishtirilganda, oddiy darajadagi sifat «» birikmasi orasiga qo‘yiladi.

Misol:      Room 64 is as little as room 66.
         64-xona xuddi 66-xona kabi kichikdir.

VII. Agar ikkita bir xil bo‘lmagan belgili sifatlar solishtirilsa, oddiy darajadagi sifat «not so... as» birikmasi orasiga qo‘yiladi.

Misol:      Andijan is not so large as Tashkent.
               Andijon Тoshkent kabi katta emas.

VIII. Sifat darajasi qo‘shimchalari qo‘shilganda yozuvda quyidagilarga ahamiyat berilishi kerak:

1. agar sifat o‘zagidagi unli qisqa bo‘lib, o‘zak oxiridagi undosh bitta bo‘lsa, shu undosh ikkilantiriladi:

Misol:      Big  bigger  the biggest.

2. agar ikki bo‘g‘inli «y» bilan tugaydigan sifatga «er», «est» qo‘shilsa, «y»  unli harfi «i» ga aylanadi:   

Misol:      easy  easier  the easiest   

3. agar sifat o‘zagi «e» bilan tugagan bo‘lsa, qo‘shimchalar qo‘shilganda bitta «e» tushirib qoldiriladi.

Misol:      large — larger — the largest
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 16:43:34
The Present Continuous Tense.
Hozirgi zamon davom fe’li

I. Present Continuous zamoni nutq so‘zlanib turgan paytda bajarilayotgan ish-harakatni bildiradi.

Misol:      Men hozir yozyapman. — I am writing  now

II. Bu zamon Present Indefinite dagi «to be» (am, is, are) yordamchi fe’li bilan asosiy fe’lning IV shakli vositasida yasaladi.

To be (am, is, are) + fe’l o‘zagi + ing

Endi «to work» fe’lini shu zamonda tuslaymiz:

The Affirmative Form

I. I am working now. — Men ishlayapman (hozir)
II. You are working now. — Sen ishlayapsan (hozir).
III. He /she is working now. — U ishlayapti (hozir).

We are working now. — Biz ishlayapmiz (hozir).
You are working now. — Sizlar ishlayapsiz (hozir).
They are working now. — Ular ishlayaptilar (hozir).

I. Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (am, is, are) yordamchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.   

The Negative Form

I. I am not working now.
II. You are not working now.
III. He/she is not working now.

I. We are not working now.
II. You are not working now.
III. They are not working now.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 16:45:58
So‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (am, is, are) yordamchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi.

The Interrogative Form

I. Am I working now? — Yes, you are. — No, you are not.
II. Are you working now? — Yes, I am. — No, I am not.
III. Is he/she working now? — Yes, he/she is. — No he/she is  not.

I. Are we working now? — Yes, you are. — No, you are not.
II. Are you working now? — Yes, we are. — No, we are not.
III. Are they working now? — Yes, they are. — No, they are not.

V. Present Continuous zamoni ishlatilishi zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘zlar quyidagilar:

1. now [nau] — hozir
2. at present [с’t'preznt] — hozirgi paytda
3. at the present moment ['moumс’nt] — aynan shu paytda
4. still — hali ham (faqat bo‘lishli gaplarda).

VI. Aslida kelasi zamonga tegishli bo‘lib, lekin bajarilishi aniq bo‘lgan ish-harakatlar ham Present Continuous zamoni bilan ifodalanishi mumkin.
Do‘stim ertaga Тoshkentga kelyapti.
My friend is coming to Tashkent tomorrow.

VII. Umuman «Continuous» ya’ni davomli zamonda ishlatilmaydigan fe’llar to see, to hear, to feel, to know, to like, to want, to hope, to seem, to notice, to remember, to think kabilar.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 16:47:23

I. Hafta kunlari o‘qilishini mashq qiling:

   Sunday ['sА‡ndi]      Wednesday ['wenzdi]      
   Monday ['mА‡ndi]      Thursday ['|с’:zdi]
   Tuesday ['tju:zdi]      Friday ['fraidi]
         Saturday ['s#tс’di]

II. Oylar nomlaridagi urg‘uli bo‘g‘inlarning talaffuziga e’tibor berib o‘qing:

January ['d¦#njuс’ri]      July [d¦u:'lai]
February ['februс’ri]      August ['с”:gс’st]
March ['m°:t$]      September [sep'tembс’]
April ['eipril]         October [с”k'toubс’]
May [mei]         November [nou'vembс’]
June [d¦u:n]         December [di'sembс’]

III. Тranskripsiya qiling. Sifat darajasi qo‘shimchalarining o‘qilishiga ahamiyat bering:
Big   —   bigger      —   the biggest
Large   —   larger      —   the largest
Easy      —   easier      —   the easiest
Narrow      —   narrower   —   the narrowest
Clever      —   cleverer   —   the cleverest
Good      —   better      —   the best.

IV. Quyidagi gaplarni umumiy so‘roq gaplarga aylantiring va javob bering:

Namuna:   It is morning.
         Is it morning? — Yes, it is. (No, it is not).
1. It is evening.       2. It is a fine day.
3. It is December.      4. It is the First of May.
5. It is Saturday.      6. It is cold in winter.
7. It is early.         8. It is difficult to do this exercise.
9. It is time to go home   10. It is 4 o'clock.

V. Gaplarda sifatlarni lozim bo‘lgan darajada yozing.

1. It is (cold) today than it was yesterday. 2. She is (busy) today. 3. Dilbar plays the piano (well) than her sister does. 4. He is (tall) boy in our street. 5. It is (cold) in Uzbekistan in winter than it is in England. 6. He is two years (old) than me. He is my (old) brother. 7. The ocean is (deep) than the sea. 8. February is (short) month in the year. 9. Winter is (cold) season in the year. 10. July is (hot) month in the year.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 16:49:38
VI. Namunaga qarab, quyidagi mashqni bajaring:

Namuna:   Which is older:          Tashkent or Chirchik?
         — Tashkent is older than Chirchik.
1. Which is shorter: May or February?
2. Which is farther: Bukhara or Moscow?
3. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia?
4. Which is colder: February or April?
5. Which is faster: an airoplane or a train?
6. Which is larger: Andijan or Tashkent?
7. Which is warmer: autumn or summer?
8. Which is easier: to study English or Chinese?
9. Which is harder: the stone or the chalk?
10. Which is longer: the Sirdarya or the Zarafshan?

VII. Namunadan foydalanib, mashqni bajaring:

Is this book as interesting as that one?  No, that book is more interesting.
1. Is hockey as popular as football?
2. Is this exercise as difficult as that one?
3. Has she got as many English books as I have?
4. Does he write as many words as his friend does?
5. Do they have got as many fruit-trees as you have?
6. Is your bedroom as comfortable as your sitting-room?
7. Are there as many pictures in the sitting-room as in the bedroom?
8. Is winter as beautiful season as spring?
9. Is it as rainy weather in Great Britain as in Uzbekistan?
10. Are there as many flowers in winter as in spring?

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz gapga aylantiring:

1. The teacher is writing a sentence on the blackboard. 2. The students are speaking English now. 3. Pete is waiting for Bob now. 4. He is listening to the radio. 5. The children are doing their morning exercises. 6. The boys are swimming in the river now. 7. The family is having breakfast. 8. It is snowing hard.

IX. Qavs ichidagi fe’llarni tegishli zamonga qo‘yib, mashqni yozing:

1. Fred (to teach) English at school. 2. Jack (to have) an English lesson now. 3. Students (to ask) the teacher questions and the teacher (to answer) them now. 4. He  usually (to do) his homework in the evening. 5. What ... Bob (to do)?  He (to do) his homework. Look, Jennifer (to play) the piano. 7. Where (to be) Haul?  He (to play) football at the playground. 8. Where your parents (to live)?  They (to live) in the country. 9. We (to read) the texts, (to write) the new words and (to do) exercises at the English lesson. 10. She usually (to have dinner) at home.

X. Har biringiz bittadan faslni tanlang. O‘zbekistondagi fasl xususiyatlari bilan Buyuk Britaniyadagi fasl xislatlarini solishtirib, gapirib bering; berilgan so‘zlardan foydalaning:

1. Spring: warm, fog, to rain, long, short, to shine, to be in blossom, a fruit-tree,     grass, sky, green, blue, fresh.
2. Summer: hot, above zero, a flower, a camp, holidays, to go boating, to go fishing, to swim, fruits, garden.
3. Autumn: cloud, cool, fog, rain, a farmer, September, to begin, a school-year, cotton, to pick.
4. Winter: cold, to snow, to be covered, to play snowballs, to make a snowman, to play hockey, to go skating, to go skiing, a skating rink, below zero.

XI. Quyidagilarni o‘qing va yod oling:

1. Everything is good in its season.
2. One swallow does not make a summer.
3. Solomon Grundy.

Solomon Grundy         Worse on Friday,
Born on Monday,         Died on Saturday,
Named on Tuesday.         Burried on Sunday.
Married on Wednesday,      That was the end
Ill on Thursday,         Of Solomon Grundy.

4. Wind and Weather.

The South wind brings wet weather.
The North wind wet and cold weather.
The West wind always brings us rain.
The East wind blows it back again.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 16:52:17

Text: My Weekend.
Phonetics: «o» + «n, m, v, th».
Grammar:   I. The Formation of new words.
         II. The Past Indefinite Tense.
         III. The Disjunctive Question.


   People spend their weekends in different ways.
   Some people like to stay in town. They use radio or television. Television helps them to «visit» different countries. If they want to go out, there are cinemas, theatres or museums in the city.
   Some people like to spend their days off out of town. I like to go to the country at my weekend. Last weekend we decided to go to Humson. It is far from noisy Tashkent. There is a river and high hills there. The air is fresh. There is much green. The hills are full of fruits.
   My friends and I were very glad to be among the trees, grass and singing birds. We swam in the river and sunbathed. Then we had a good dinner. After dinner we played volley-ball. We picked flowers on the hills. The weather was fine and we didn't feel any hot. In the evening we returned home tired and pleased.
   We enjoyed our day off.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 16:57:35
Answer the questions:

1. How do people spend their weekends?
2. What do people do in town at the weekend?
3. Who likes to spend the weekend in the country?
4. Where do they go at their weekend?
5. Is Humson near or far from Tashkent?
6. Are the hills full of fruits?
7. Who was glad to be among trees and singing birds?
8. Did they swim in the river?
9. What did they do after dinner?
10. Was the weather fine on that day?
11.When did they return home?
12. Did they enjoy their day off?
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 17:00:37
The new words:

a way [ wei] — usul, yo‘l
in town [taun] — shaharda
ant.: out of town — shahardan tashqarida
to spend [tс’spend] — o‘tkazmoq, sarflamoq
a day off ['dei'с”f] — dam olish kuni
syn.: a weekend ['wi:kend] — dam olish kunlari (shanba, yakshanba)
to decide [di'said] — qaror qilmoq
noisy ['nс”izi] — shovqinli
a river ['rivс’] — daryo
to swim [swim] — cho‘milmoq, suzmoq
to sunbathe ['sА‡nbei`] — quyoshda qoraymoq
volleyball ['vс”libс”:l] — voleybol
a hill [hil] — tepalik
tired [taiс’d] — charchamoq
pleased [pli:zd] — mamnun
to enjoy ['end¦с”i] — qoniqmoq, huzur qilmoq
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 01 Aprel 2008, 17:03:11

I. «Oo» harfi  «n», «m», «v» undosh harflari yoki «th» digrafidan oldin kelsa, [А‡] unli tovushini ifodalaydi. Misol:
1. son [sА‡n] — o‘g‘il (o‘g‘li)
2. come [kА‡m] — kelmoq
3. dove [dА‡v] — kabutar
4. mother ['mА‡`с’] — ona
5. brother ['brА‡`с’] — aka yoki uka
6. onions ['А‡njс’nz] — piyoz
7. money ['mА‡ni] — pul

II. Ingliz tilida so‘z yasashning, asosan, ikki yo‘li bor: qo‘shma so‘z yasash, yasama so‘z yasash.
a) so‘zlarning o‘zaklarini yonma-yon qo‘yish yo‘li bilan qo‘shma so‘z yasaladi:
A text-book, a blackboard

Odatda bunday qo‘shma so‘zlarning birinchi o‘zagiga urg‘u tushadi.

b) so‘z o‘zagiga so‘z yasovchi prefiks yoki suffiksni qo‘shish yo‘li bilan yasama so‘zlar vujudga keladi:
   Work + er = worker (ot)
   Rain + y = rainy (sifat)
   Short + ly = shortly (ravish)
   Un + dress = undress (fe’l) va h.k.

III. Quyidagi birikmalarda «town» so‘zi oldida artikl ishlatilmaydi:
in town  shaharda
out of town — shahardan tashqarida
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Aprel 2008, 19:32:45
The Past Indefinite Tense zamoni.
Noaniq o‘tgan zamon fe’li

I. Past Indefinite zamoni nutq so‘zlanib turgan paytdan oldin bo‘lib o‘tgan, hozirgi zamonga bog‘liqligi bo‘lmagan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi.
Misol:                      I saw my friend yesterday.
         Men kecha do‘stimni ko‘rdim.

II. Past Indefinite zamonini yasashda hamma mustaqil fe’llar 2 ta guruhga bo‘linadi:
1. Regular verbs — Тo‘g‘ri fe’llar
2. Irregular verbs — Noto‘g‘ri fe’llar.

1. Тo‘g‘ri fe’llarning noaniq o‘tgan zamonini yasash uchun fe’l o‘zagiga «d» ( yoki «-ed») qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi: (work+ed). Noto‘g‘ri fe’llarning esa jadvaldagi II shakli shu zamonga mos keladi (to write— wrote). Endi to‘g‘ri fe’l «to work» bilan noto‘g‘ri fe’l «to write» ni shu zamonda tuslaymiz.

I. I worked (wrote) yesterday. — Men kecha ishladim (yozdim).
II. You worked  (wrote) yesterday.  — Sen kecha ishlading (yozding).
III. He/she worked (wrote) yesterday. — U kecha ishladi (yozdi).


I. We worked (wrote) yesterday. — Biz kecha ishladik (yozdik).
II. You worked (wrote) yesterday. — Siz(lar) kecha ishladingiz (yozdingiz).
III. They worked (wrote) yesterday. — Ular kecha ishladilar  (yozdilar).

III. Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun fe’l o‘zagi oldiga«Past Indefinite» dagi»do» (did) yordamchi fe’li va «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.
I. I did not work (write) yesterday.
II. You did not work (write) yesterday.
III. He/she did not work (write) yesterday.
I. We did not work (write) yesterday
II. You did not work (write) yesterday
III. They did not work (write) yesterday

IV. So‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «do» (did) yordamchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu bilan javob beriladi:
I. Did I work (write) yesterday?      — Yes, you did.                           — No, you did not.
II. Did you work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, I did.
                     — No, I didn't.
III. Did he (she) work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, he/she did.                            — No, he/she did not.

I. Did we work (write) yesterday?      — Yes, you did.
                     — No, you did not.
II. Did you work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, we did.                           — No, we did not.
III. Did they work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, they did.                           — No, they did not.

V. Past Indefinite zamoni ishlatilishi kerakligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘z va so‘z birikmalari quyidagilar:

1. yesterday ['jestс’di] — kecha
2. last week [la:st wi:k] — o‘tgan haftada
3. last month [la:st mА‡n|] — o‘tgan oyda
4. last winter (spring....) — o‘tgan qishda (bahorda va h.k.)
5. three days ago [с’'gou] — 3 kun avval
6. the day before yesterday — o‘tgan kuni

VI. Тasdiq so‘roq gap. Bu so‘roq gap ikki qismdan iborat bo‘ladi: 1. Darak gap; 2. Qisqa umumiy so‘roq gap.

1. Agar darak gap bo‘lishli shaklda bo‘lsa, umumiy so‘roq gap bo‘lishsiz shaklda bo‘ladi va javobi bo‘lishli bo‘ladi.

2. Agar darak gap bo‘lishsiz shaklda bo‘lsa, umumiy so‘roq gap bo‘lishli bo‘ladi va javob bo‘lishsiz shaklda bo‘ladi.
He plays the piano well, doesn't he? — Yes, he does.
He doesn't play the piano well, does he? — No, he doesn't.
Тasdiq so‘roq gapning birinchi qismi darak gap bo‘lgani uchun pasayuvchi ohang bilan ikkinchi qismi esa ko‘tariluvchi ohang bilan talaffuz qilinadi.
He plays the piano well, doesn't he?  Yes, he does.
hi 'pleiz `с’ pi#nouwel |dА‡znt hi: ||jes | hi'dА‡z ||

He doesn't play the piano well, does he?  No, he doesn't.
hi 'dА‡znt 'plei `с’ pi'#nou wel |dА‡z hi: ||nou | hidА‡znt ||

Eslatma: Kishilik olmoshlari gap oxirida kelganda, urg‘usiz holatda bo‘lsa ham to‘liq talaffuz qilinadi. Yuqoridagi  «does he», «doesn't he» umumiy savollaridagi «he» kishilik olmoshining holatiga e’tibor bering.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 09 Aprel 2008, 19:37:39

I. «-d» (yoki «-ed») qo‘shimchalarining o‘qilishiga e’tibor berib, fe’llarni transkripsiya qiling:
      [t]      [d]      [id]
      helped      lived      ended
      worked      called      wanted
      watched      stayed      repeated
      danced      listened      greeted
      passed      answered      decided

II. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. My friend studied English at school. 2. He asked the teacher a lot of questions. 3. The delegation arrived in Tashkent yesterday. 4. You visited your parents last month. 5. He spent his weekend in the country. 6. I brought him two English books last week.

III. Тagiga chizilgan so‘zlarga maxsus so‘roqlar qo‘ying:

1. He lived in Bukhara last year. 2. Jack wrote to me very often last year. 3. My father took my nephew to the nursery school yesterday. 4. Mr. Brown spoke about the plan at the meeting. 5. Helen goes to English classes after work. 6. Richard did his homework very well yesterday.
IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga lozim bo‘lgan joylarga predlog qo‘ying:

1. Yesterday we didn't go ... the University. 2. He lives ... the country. 3. We went ... there ... bus. 4. ... 9 o'clock they got ... the office. 5. The teacher put her book ... her bag. 6.  He showed ... us the places ... interest. 7. ...  dinner we talked a little. 8. The boy took his toys  ... the box and played ... them. 9. They returned ... home late yesterday. 10. He likes to spend his day off ... ... town.

V. Quyidagi predlogli birikmalardan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:
         winter, spring, summer, autumn.
In                       January, February ...
         the morning, the afternoon, the evening
         Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
         Saturday, Sunday
         the first of September, the eighth of December,
         the 21st of March.

VI. Shu so‘z va so‘z birikmalariga antonimlar topib yozing va yod oling:

a day         early
a working-day      before classes
to go         to get up
in town      noisy

VII. Gaplarga tasdiq savollar qo‘ying.

1. Ann is not lazy, ... . 2. He always comes in time, ... . 3. They are in the classroom, ... . 4. You are not fifteen, ... . 5. My friend was not busy on Saturday, ... . 6. Pete was absent yesterday, ... . 7. John has got a sister, ... . 8. Your brother had many friends at school, ... . 9. Children helped the farmers last Sunday, ... . 10. He didn't go to the library yesterday,  ... .

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Kecha do‘stimning dam olish kuni edi. 2. Yakshanba kunida u odatda o‘rnidan kech turadi. 3. Men kitoblarni kitob javoniga qo‘ydim. 4. Mehmonlar kecha yangi kollejni ko‘rishdi. 5. Biz o‘tgan haftada Chirchiqqa poyezd bilan bordik. 6. Talabalar har kuni universitetga avtobus yoki trolleybus bilan keladilar. 6. Ular dam olish kunlarini shahar chekkasida o‘tkazadilar, shundaymi? 7. Braunlar oilasi yozda shaharda qolmaydilar, shundaymi? 8. Dadam o‘tgan jumada ammamni borib ko‘rdi. 9. Syuzan kecha uyga kech qaytdi. 10. Men kecha do‘stlarimni ko‘rishdan xursand bo‘ldim.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:

Jack:      Hello, Sandy?
Sandy:      Yes, this is Sandy.
Jack:      Hi, this is Jack.
Sandy:      Oh, hi, Jack. How are you?
Jack:      Fine, Sandy, I'm going to a party tonight. Would             you like to go?
Sandy:      Sorry, Jack. I'm staying home tonight. My sister             and her husband are coming over.
Jack:      Uh... What are you doing Friday night?
Sandy:      Oh, nothing.
Jack:      Would you like to go to the movies?
Sandy:      Sure, that sounds great. See you Friday.

X. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:

Early to bed and early to rise.
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.   
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Aprel 2008, 14:21:48
Text: Shopping.
Grammar:   I. Modal verb «can».
   II. Combination «to be going (to)».


After classes we often go shopping. Malika and I like to go shopping.
   First we go to the grocer's. At the grocer's I buy some butter, sugar and salt. Malika buys some macaroni.
Then we go to the greengrocer's. At the greengrocer's I buy some carrots, onions and Malika buys some potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Sometimes we go to the baker's. At the baker's we buy a loaf of brown-bread (a loaf of white bread), buns or biscuits.
Every Sunday we go to the butcher's. At the butcher's I buy some meat and Malika buys some sausage.
Then we go to the fishmonger's. At the fishmonger's we buy some fish.
Every month we go to the department-store. I want to buy a dress and Malika wants to buy a pair of shoes. I ask the shop-assistant to show me a summer dress. The shop-assistant asks my size. I can try it on in the fitting-room. If the dress fits me well I can buy it. The shop-assistant says that the dress costs 8000 soums. We can buy socks, stockings, a shirt or trousers at the department store too.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Aprel 2008, 14:23:42
Answer the questions:

1. What do you do after classes?
2. Where do you go first?
3. What can you buy at the grocer's?
4. Can you buy onions at the green grocer's?
5. What can Malika buy at the butcher's?
6. You go to the baker's too, don't you?
7. What do you usually buy at the baker's?
8. When do you go to the department-store?
9. What can you buy at the department-store?
10. What do you ask the shop-assistant?
11. The shop-assistant asks your size, doesn't she?
12. What does Malika want to buy?
13. Does Malika like black or white shoes?
14. How much do the shoes cost?
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Aprel 2008, 14:26:57
The new words and expressions:

1. to go shopping ['$с”piА…] — xarid qilmoq
2. the grocer's ['grousс’z] — oziq-ovqat do‘koni
3. the greengrocer's ['gri:ngrousс’z] — sabzavot do‘koni
4. the baker's ['beikс’z] — non do‘koni
5. the butcher's ['but$с’z] — go‘sht do‘koni
6. the fishmonger's ['fi$mА‡А…gс’z] — baliq do‘koni
7. a department-store [di'pa:tmс’nt stс”:] — univermag
8. butter [bА‡tс’] — sariyog‘
9. cucumbers ['kju:kс’mbс’z] — bodring
10. a loaf of bread [louf с’v bred] — bir buxanka non
11. a pair of shoes [p±с’r с’v $u:z] — tufli
12. a shop-assistant ['$opс’sistс’nt] — sotuvchi
13. a size [saiz] — razmer
14. to try on ['trai 'с”n] — kiyib ko‘rmoq
15. to fit [fit] — to‘g‘ri kelmoq, yarashmoq
16. to cost [kс”st] — turmoq (narx haqida), narx, baho

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Aprel 2008, 14:37:40

I. Modal fe’llar. Ingliz tilida bir guruh modal fe’llar deb ataluvchi to‘liqsiz fe’llar bor. Bu guruhga «can», «may», «must» fe’llari kiradi. Ularning to‘liqsiz deyilishiga sabab quyidagilar:
1. Hamma zamon shakllarida qo‘llana olmaydilar.
2. Ular III shaxs birlikda (hozirgi noaniq zamonda) «s» qo‘shimchasini olmaydi.
3. Ular mustaqil holda ishlatilmaydilar, faqat mustaqil fe’l o‘zagi bilangina keladilar.

II. «can» modal fe’li mustaqil fe’l bilan birga kelib, shu ish-harakatning bajarilishi uchun jismoniy yoki aqliy qobiliyatning yetish yoki yetmasligi yoki shuni bajarishga qodirligini ifodalaydi. Uning ikkita shakli bor:
1. Hozirgi zamon shakli «can».
2. O‘tgan zamon shakli «could»

I can play tennis. — Men tennis o‘ynay olaman.
He can play tennis. — U tennis o‘ynay oladi.
I could play tennis yesterday. — Men kecha tennis o‘ynay oldim.

III. Kelasi zamonda «can» ning ma’nosini uning ekvivalenti «to be able to + fe’l» ifodalaydi.

I shall be able to play tennis next month. — Men kelasi oyda tennis o‘ynay olaman.

IV. «can» bilan kelgan gaplarning bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «can» modal fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.
I cannot play tennis. — Men tennis o‘ynay olmayman.
He couldn't play tennis. — U tennis o‘ynay olmas edi.

I shall not be able to play tennis next week. — Men kelasi haftada tennis o‘ynay olmayman.

V. «can» bilan kelgan gaplarning so‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «can» modal fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu bilan javob beriladi.
Can you play tennis?  Yes, I can. No, I cannot.

Will you be able to play tennis next month?   — Yes, I shall.
                        — No, I shall not.

Eslatma: «can (could)» modal fe’li asosiy ma’nosidan tashqari quyidagi ma’nolarni ifodalashi ham mumkin:

1. «Can» modal fe’li imkoniyatdan kelib chiqqan ruxsat ma’nosini bildiradi.
Misol:      You can use my car tomorrow.

2. «Can» modal fe’li bo‘lishsiz shaklda kelib, ish-harakatning bajarilishi mumkin emasligini bildiradi.
Misol:      That can't be true.
      That couldn't be true.

3. «Could» modal fe’li ish-harakat bajarilishi (50%) ehtimolligini bildiradi.
Where is Tom?  He could be at the meeting.
4. «Could» xushmuomalalik bilan qilingan iltimosni ifodalaydi.
Could I borrow your pen?
Could you help me?

VI. 1. «To be going to + verb» birikmasi shaxsning biror ish-harakatni yaqin kelajakda bajarishni mo‘ljallaganini bildiradi.
I am going to buy a dictionary tomorrow. — Men ertaga lug‘at sotib olmoqchiman.
He is going to visit his grandparents next weekend. — U kelasi dam olish kunida bobosi va buvisini ko‘rib kelmoqchi.

2. «To be going (to)» birikmasi yaqin kelajakka belgilangan ish-harakatni ifodalagani uchun quyidagi payt hollari bilan qo‘llanadi: tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening, in two days, in a week (month, year), next week (month, year), soon va h.k.
Eslatma: «To be going (to)» birikmasi harakatni ifodalovchi to come, to go, to leave, to arrive kabi fe’llar bilan qo‘llana olmaydi.
When are you coming?
— Tomorrow morning.
He is leaving next week.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Aprel 2008, 14:54:20

I. Gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. Tom can lift that heavy box. 2. The boy can see gold fish in an aquarium. 3. Mary can cook pudding. 4. You are going to visit the Museum of Temurids tomorrow. 5. She was able to translate that text yesterday. 6. My father could run fast 5 years ago. 7. It could be Linda's tape-recorder. 8. He sent a letter to his friend last week. 9. We are going to have a test next week. 10. They are going to do the homework together.

II. Qavsdagi fe’lni «to be going to» birikmasi bilan zarur shaklda qo‘llab, yozing:

1. Mary ... (begin) work at an office. 2. They ... (be) at the meeting tomorrow. 3. I ... (see) him at the club tonight. 4. She ... (do shopping) this afternoon. 5. His father ... (send) him to Medical College this summer. 6. His son ... (be) a football player. 7. I ... (buy) a new light bulb. 8. Peter ... (leave)  in an hour. 9. We ... (have dinner) at 5. 10. She ... (not, watch) TV this evening.

III. Nuqtalar o‘rniga zarur artiklni topib qo‘ying:

1. «Just ... moment, please», ... shopman said. 2. Mary bought ... grey coat and ... gloves. 3. ... meat is warm but ... potatoes are cold. 4. He gave ... interesting talk yesterday. 5. He bought ... new  watch. 6. They bought carrots at ... greengrocer's. 7. I have got ... pair of black shoes. 8. What's ... time by your watch?

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli predloglarni qo‘ying:

1. He decided to buy a gold watch ... her. 2. The old man is going to sell his pictures ... the museum. 3. Sally couldn't buy the shoes because they were too expensive ... her. 4. Could you have a look ... this dress? 5. He looked ... all the telegrams ... foreign firms. 6. Would you like to buy any ... these cups? 7. He asked ... him to go ... the bookshop and buy some English books. 8. There are different kinds ... shops ... Navoiy Street. 9. When we want to buy something, we take our shoppingbag and go ... a shop. 10. We can see shopgirls and shopmen ... the department store.

V. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagi so‘zlardan mosini joylashtiring: at the grocers, flour, rice, the fitting-room, cost, white shirt, size, to buy, the shopgirl, to sell.

1. «What is your ... ?» -asked the shop-assistant. 2. His mother went to the market ... some greenery. 3. Mary needed some ... to cook pudding. 4. We can buy sweets ... . 5. You can't cook palov without ... .   6. Mike bought  a pair of shoes for his daughter. They ... 5000 soums. 7. «What can I do for you?» ... said. 8. There was too much fruit in my uncle's garden. He decided ... some of it. 9. «You can try the dress on in ...» said the shopgirl. 10. Men like to wear ... in summer.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 13 Aprel 2008, 14:56:29
VI. Berilgan so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, quyidagi namunalar asosida gaplar tuzing:

1- namuna.   Mr. Smith can (can't) speak Uzbek. Mr. Smith couldn't speak Uzbek last year, but he can do it now.
To help, to answer one's question, to walk, to pay, to type, to run.
2- namuna.   «Can I use your phone?»
      — Certainly.
      — I'm afraid not.
To borrow one's pen, to cook, to write, to speak, to give, to see.

3-namuna.   «Could you pass me the salt?»
To do smth. for smb., to open, to help, to show, to answer, to stay.
4-namuna.   He was able to buy that coat.
To lift, to translate, to do one's homework, to pay, to reach, to convince (ko‘ndirmoq).

VII. Gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

A. 1. Biz ertaga mashhur yozuvchi bilan uchrashmoqchimiz. 2. Kelasi yili akam yangi uy sotib olmoqchi, chunki u hovlida gullar o‘stirishni (to grow) yoqtiradi. 3. Uning ish joyi (office) uzoqda, shuning uchun u mashina sotib olmoqchi. 4. Ertaga Тoshkentga Londondan yoshlar delegatsiyasi (youth delegation) kelyapti. 5. Men Nik bilan soat 5 da kutubxonada uchrashmoqchiman. 6. Siz kelasi haftada Buxoroga jo‘namoqchimisiz?  Ha. 7. Ular futbol matchiga bormoqchi emaslar, ular matchni televizorda ko‘rmoqchilar. 8. U do‘stiga telefon qilmoqchimi?  Yo‘q, chunki u do‘stidan xafa (to be angry with).
B. 1. Men yoshligimda tez chopa olardim, endi tez chopa olmayman. 2. Kecha u litseyga bora olmadi, chunki u kasal edi. 3. U do‘stiga telefon qila olmaydi, chunki uning telefoni buzuq (there is smth. wrong with). 4. Siz kecha teatrga bora oldingizmi?  Ha. Men u yerda ko‘p do‘stlarim bilan uchrashishga ham muyassar (qodir) bo‘ldim. 5. Opam ingliz tilidan dars bera oladi, chunki u o‘tgan yili chet tillar institutini tamomlagan. 6. Inglizcha kitobingizdan foydalanishim mumkinmi? 7. Iltimos, menga yordam bera olasizmi? 8. Jak qayerda?  U darsda bo‘lsa kerak.

VIII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, kichik hikoya tuzing:

At the Department Store

To be going to do shopping, on Saturday, the department store, the ready-made clothes department, to come up to the counter, to ask the shop assistant, to show, a dress, a size, not to like the colour, to try on, a fitting-room, to fit smb., not expensive, to pay, to feel comfortable, to be glad to have smth.

IX. Dialogni yod oling:

At the shoe shop

Shop assistant:   (to Anna) Can I help you, madam?
Anna:      Yes. I am going to have a pair of sandals, please.
Sh.ass.:   Certainly. What size?
Anna:      I don't really know, Sizes are  different in England.
Sh.ass.:   Try this one. It's a 5 x (five and a half).
Anna:      But I really wanted a white pair.
Sh.ass.:   I'm afraid we haven't got this style in white, but I             can order a pair for you.
Anna:      How much do they cost?
Sh.ass.:   Just under two pounds, madam.
Anna:      That's a reasonable price. Will you order a pair for             me then, please? Can I come for them next                Saturday?
Sh.ass.:   Certainly, madam.

X. Maqolni yodda tuting:

The early bird catches the worm.
Idleness is the mother of all evil.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 14:48:24

Text: Great Britain.
Phonetics: «ai» —
Grammar:   I. The Usage of Definite Article «the»
   II. Modal verb «may», «must».


The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
The United Kingdom (the UK) is situated on more than 5000 large and small islands. The largest island is Great Britain. It includes England, Scotland and Wales. English Channel and Strait of Dover separate Great Britain from the continent. From all sides Great Britain is washed by seas and oceans. The mountains in Great Britain are not very high. The highest mountains are Ben Nevis (in Scotland, 1343) and Snowdon (in Wales, 1085). There are a lot of  short rivers there. The longest river is the Severn. The deepest and the most important river is the Thames. There is much rain and fog in spring and autumn. The summer is not very hot (the highest temperature in summer is above + 32°C). The winter is mild (the lowest temperature is below
—10°C). October is the wettest month, July is the hottest and January is the coldest one. Great Btitain is not very rich in mineral resources. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It exports machinery, electronics, ships, aircraft and navigation equipment. There are about 59 million people in the UK.
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of the government is the Queen. But the Prime Minister is responsible for the policy conducted by the Parliament. The Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are two leading parties in Great Britain: the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. There are well-known ports in the country: London, Manchester, Bristol, Portsmouth and others.
Great Britain has many industrial cities: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and others.
Oxford and Cambridge are called University cities.
The capital of the United Kingdom is London. London is also the capital of England, the capital of Wales is Cardiff, the Scottish capital is Edinburgh and the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 14:53:56
Answer the questions:

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?
2. How many parts are there in the U.K.?
3. How many parts are there in the island of Great Britain?
4. What separates Great Britain from the continent?
5. The Severn is the longest river, isn't it?
6. What kind of river is the Thames?
7. What kind of mountains are there in Great Britain?
8. What kind of climate is in Great Britain?
9. Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial or an agricultural country?
10. What kind of system has the government got?
11. How many Chambers does the Parliament consist of?
12. Name the well-known ports of the country.
13. What kind of cities are Oxford and Cambridge?
14. What is London?
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 14:55:26
I. «ai» digrafi urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda bir undoshdan keyin kelsa, o‘qilmaydi, ikki undoshdan keyin kelsa, bo‘lib o‘qiladi:
      Britain ['britn]
      Mountain ['mauntin]

II. Uch bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarning birinchi bo‘g‘ini urg‘uli bo‘lib, ochiq bo‘g‘in bo‘lsa ham yopiq bo‘g‘in qoidasiga binoan o‘qiladi:
      Capital  ['k#pitс’l]
      Eliphant [elifс’nt]

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 14:58:04

I. Aniq artiklning doimiy ishlatilishi hollari quyidagicha:

1. Ba’zi bir geografik nomlar oldida:
a)the UK, the Ukraine, the Caucasus, the USA, the Hague (Gaaga).

b) Suvli joylarning nomlari bilan:
    the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Thames.

v) jahonda yagona bo‘lgan otlar bilan:
   the moon, the sun, the earth, the world, the Uzbek language.

g) dunyoning to‘rt tomoni nomlari oldida:
   the North, the South, the East, the West.

d) bir oilaning hamma a’zolarini ifodalovchi ko‘plikdagi atoqli ot oldida:
   the Smiths
   the Alimovs
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:04:19
II. «May» modal fe’li.

1. «May» modal fe’li yetakchi fe’l bilan kelib, shu fe’ldan anglashilgan ish-harakatning bajarilishi uchun ruxsat bor yoki yo‘qligini bildiradi.
Misol:      You may take my pen.
«Must» modal fe’li esa zaruriyat, keraklik, majburiylikni bildiradi.
Misol:      The pupils must come in time.

2. «May», «must» ishtirokidagi gaplarning so‘roq shakli modal fe’lni egadan oldinga qo‘yish orqali yasaladi.
Misol:      May I come in?  Yes, you may. No, you may not.
         May I open the window?  Do, please.
         May I smoke?  No, you mustn't ['mА‡snt]
Eslatma: «mustn't» inkor javobi butunlay taqiqlash ma’nosini anglatadi.
Misol:      Must we do Ex. 5?  Yes, you must. No, you needn't.

3. Modal fe’llar bilan kelgan gaplarning bo‘lishsiz shakli «not» inkor yuklamasini shu modal fe’ldan keyin qo‘yish orqali yasaladi.    
      Misol:        You must not smoke.
      You may not go to the cinema in the evening.

«May» modal fe’lining faqat Present Indefinite (may) va Past Indefinite (might) shakli bor.
Misol:      You may use my pen.   
      Siz ruchkamdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
      You might use my pen yesterday.
      Siz kecha ruchkamdan foydalanishingiz mumkin edi.

   «Future Indefinite» zamonida esa «may» modal fe’li o‘rnida «to be allowed to» birikmasi qo‘llanadi.
   Misol: You will be allowed to use my pen tomorrow. — Siz ertaga ruchkamdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

  4. «Must» modal fe’lining faqat bitta Present Indefinite shakli (must) bor. «Past Indefinite» va «Future Indefinite» zamonlarida «must» modal  fe’li ma’nosini, "œto have to», «to be to» birikmalari ifodalaydi.
Misol:                      I must do Ex.5.
         Men 5-mashqni bajarishim shart.
         I had to do Ex.5 yesterday.
         Men kecha 5-mashqni bajarishim shart edi. 
         I shall have to do Ex.5 tomorrow.
         Men ertaga 5-mashqni bajarishga majburman.

Eslatma: «to have to» birikmasi bilan kelgan gaplarning so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakli («Present va Past Indefinite» da) «do»    yordamchi fe’li vositasida yasaladi.
Misol:                      I have to stay at home today.
         I don't have to stay at home today.
         Do you have to stay at home today?  Yes, I do.
         I had to stay at home yesterday.
         I didn't have to stay at home yesterday.
         Did you have  to stay at home yesterday?  Yes, I did.
Lekin:                      I shall have to stay at home tomorrow.
         I shall not have to stay at home tomorrow.
         Will you have to stay at home tomorrow?
         — Yes, I shall.

5. «May» va «must» modal fe’llari yuqoridagi ma’nolaridan tash¬qari ehtimollikni ham ifodalaydilar: «may»  ehtimollikni, «must»  ishonchliroq ehtimollikni ifodalaydi.
The sky is cloudy. It may rain.
Osmon bulutli. Yomg‘ir yog‘ishi ehtimol yoki yomg‘ir yog‘ishi mumkin.
Where is Nick? — He must be at the sports ground.
Nik qayerda? — U sport maydonchasida bo‘lishi kerak.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:11:11

I. Quyidagi modal fe’llarning ekvivalentlarini yozing:
   can —
   may —
   must —

II. Quyidagi gaplarni Past Indefinite zamoniga qo‘ying:

1. Our sportsmen can win gold medals in the competition. 2. The students may borrow books from the University library. 3. You may ring me up. 4. On Sunday I may get up later. 5. The students must work hard. 6. My uncle can bathe in the river in winter. 7. They must be in time for the lessons. 8. She can speak well. 9. You may open the window. 10. He  must translate the telegram today.

III. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. His brother can help him with his mathematics. 2. Our students must train every day. 3. Young men have to serve in the Uzbekistan Armed Forces. 4. The students have to do their best to pass exams well. 5. He  may come a little later. 6. He was able to win the game last week. 7. He was allowed to go to the museum yesterday. 8. You may take my English book.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagilardan mosini qo‘ying: can, could, may, must, to have to, to be able to, to be allowed to.

1. ... I have this red pen?  Yes, you ... . Here you are. 2. Where is Mary?  She ... be in the library. She wanted to get a dictionary. 3. ... I smoke here?  No, you ... . 4. ... he translate this text now?  No, he ... . He ... do it tomorrow. 5. She has a high temperature. She ... to send for a doctor. 6. The vase was expensive and the young man ... (not) to buy it. 7. It was late. She ... (not) to go to the cinema. 8. ... you pass me the pepper?  Certainly. 9. When I was young I ... run a bicycle. 10. Where is the boy?  He ... be on the playground.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:25:18
V. Zarur joyga predlog qo‘ying:

1. Great Britain consists ... four parts. 2. English Channel and Strait ... Dover separate Great Britain ... the continent. 3. There are a lot ... short rivers there. 4. ... summer the highest temperature is ... +32°C and ... winter the lowest temperature is ... -10°C.  5. The country is not rich ... mineral resources. 6. There are ... 59 million people in the UK. 7. He helps ... his younger brother ... his English. 8. Dilbar is going to enter ... the University. 9. There is a beautiful flowerbed ... the office. 10. There is a garden ... the house.

VI. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagilardan mosini qo‘ying: the climate, mountain, washed, separates, developed, navigation, the government, chambers, leading, university.

1. From all sides Great Britain is ... by seas and oceans. 2. It is highly ... industrial country. 3. ... in Great Britain is mild. 4. English Channel ... Great Britain from the continent. 5. The head of ... is the Queen. 6. Ben Nevis is the highest ... . 7. The UK exports machinery, electronics, ships, airchaft and ... equipment. 8. Oxford and Cambridge are called ... cities. 9. There are two ... parties in the country. 10. There are two ... in the British parliament.
VII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

official, to be situated, to separate smth. from smth., to be washed by, highest, a lot of, important, above, below, wettest, developed, navigation equipment, government, to be responsible for, to consist, leading, a port, industrial.

VIII. Gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Men uyga darhol ketishim kerak. 2. Bu mashqni yozishimiz shartmi?  Yo‘q, shart emas. 3. Opamning qizi besh yoshda. U inglizcha gaplasha oladi. 4. Bizning sportchilarimiz kecha matchda g‘alaba qila oldilar. (to win the game). 5. Sizning ruchkangizdan foydalanishim mumkinmi? 6. Osmonda bulutlar ko‘p. Yomg‘ir yog‘ishi ehtimol. 7. Biz ingliz tili darsida inglizcha gapirishimiz kerak. 8. Sobir qayerda? U sport maydonchasida (sports ground) bo‘lsa kerak. 9. Merining isitmasi baland. Unga shifokor chaqirish (to send for a doctor) zarur. 10. O‘tgan yakshanbada havo yomon edi. Biz uyda qolishga majbur bo‘ldik.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod olib sahnalashtiring:


Teacher:   Now, let's speak a little about London. You know             London is the capital ...  Please, Dilbar, will you             complete my sentence?
Dilbar:   Certainly. London is the capital of England and the          United Kingdom. It is situated on the river Thames.          It is more than twenty centuries old.
Teacher:   That's right, thank you. Take your seat, please.             Akmal, will you describe London?
Akmal:   I'll try. There are two main parts in London: the             West End and the East End. There are tall beautiful          buildings, the richest shops,  palaces, museums,          nice parks and theatres there.
Teacher:   That'll do for you, thank you.
Feruza:   May I say a few more words about this part.
Teacher:   Do, please. Your friends are eager to listen to it.
Feruza:   I saw the pictures of the places of interest in London.            They are: Westminister Abbay, the City, the             London Tower, the Tower Bridge and the Houses             of Parliament. The largest clock Big Ben is situated          on the Houses of Parliament.
Teacher:   It's very nice of you, thank you.
Dilshod:   Shall I go on discribing London?
Teacher:   Yes, please.
Dilshod:   East End is the poorest part of London. The             houses are not tall and nice. The streets are dirty             and narrow. The plants, factories and docks are             situated there. Workers and dockers live in that part.
Teacher:   That's all right, thank you, Dilshod. Everything             was all right. Next lesson you'll have to describe             the historical monuments of London, pupils.

X. Quyidagi maqollarni yod oling:

Art is long, life is short.
Every bird likes its own nest.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:27:43

Text: Charles Dickens.
Grammar.   I. The Future Indefinite Tense.
   II. The Subordinate Object Clause.


Charles Dickens, one of the greatest and most popular English novelist, was born on the 7th of February, 1812, in a small English town. He was a weak boy and didn't like to play noisy games. He was very clever and learnt to read at an early age.
When he was nine years old the family moved to London. His father was in prison at that time. There were several younger children in the family. Charles couldn't go to school. He worked hard from early morning till late at night to help his family.
When he was twelve he started going to school. His ambition was to study and become a well-educated man.
At the age of fifteen he attended the famous library of the British Museum. He spent a lot of time studying there and in this way he got education.
Soon Ch. Dickens became a reporter for newspapers. As a reporter he had to meet all kinds of people. Later they became the characters of his novels.
In 1836 Dickens's first book was published. It was «Sketches by Roz». Then «Pickwick Papers» was published and made him famous.
Later Dickens wrote his famous novels: «Oliver Twist», «Nicolas Nickleby», «Little Dorrit», «David Copperfield» and others.
In his books the writer described his childhood and the hard life of working people. His novels were translated into many languages. Everybody reads the writer's novels with great interest.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:28:30
Answer the questions:

1. When and where was Charles Dickens born?
2. What kind of boy was he?
3. Why did the family move to London?
4. Why did he have to work hard?
5. What was his ambition?
6. What did he begin doing at the age of fifteen?
7. Why did he have to meet all kinds of people?
8. When was his first book published?
9. Which famous novels by Dickens do you know?
10. What did the writer describe in his books?

The new words:
1. popular ['pс”pjulс’] — mashhur
2. weak [wi:k] — nozik, nimjon
3. noisy ['nс”izi] — shovqinli, sho‘x (to‘polonchi)
4. to move(to) [mu:v] — ko‘chib o‘tmoq
5. a prison ['prizс’n] — qamoq
6. well-educated ['wel 'edjukeitid] — bilimdon
7. education ['edjukei$n] — bilim
8. a character ['k#rс’ktс’] — asar qahramoni
10. to be published ['pА‡bli$t] — nashr qilinmoq
11. to describe [dis'kraib] — tasvirlamoq
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:30:53

The Future Indefinite Tense.
Kelasi noaniq zamon

I. 1. «Future Indefinite» zamoni nutq so‘zlanib turgan paytdan keyin bo‘ladigan ish-harakatni bildiradi. Fe’lning bu zamoni fe’l o‘zagi oldiga I shaxs (birlik va ko‘plik) uchun «shall», birlik va ko‘plik II, III shaxslar uchun esa «will» yordamchi fe’lini qo‘yish orqali yasaladi. Endi «to work» fe’lini shu zamonda tuslaymiz.

The Affirmative Form. Bo‘lishli shakl

The Negative Form. Bo‘lishsiz shakl

Bu zamonning bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «shall», «will» yordamchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

Qisqargan shakli quyidagicha:
shall not  shan't [$a:nt],  will not  won't [wount].

The Interrogative Form. So‘roq shakl

So‘roq shaklida «shall» yoki «will» yordamchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu  fe’llar yordamida javob beriladi.

2. Quyidagi so‘z yoki so‘z birikmalari Future Indefinite zamoni ishlatilishi lozimligini ko‘rsatuvchi (signal) turtki so‘zlardir:

1. tomorrow [tс’'mс”rс”u] — ertaga
2. next week [nekst wi:k] — kelasi haftada
3. next month [mА‡n|] — kelasi oyda
4. next year [jс’:] — kelasi yili
5. next summer [nekst'sА‡mс’] — kelasi yozda
6. in a week — bir haftadan so‘ng
7. the day after tomorrow — indinga

Eslatma: Shart va payt ergash gapli qo‘shma gaplar ma’nosi kelasi zamonga tegishli bo‘lsa ham, ana shu shart yoki payt ergash gapda Future Indefinite o‘rniga Present Indefinite ishlatiladi.

Misol:      If he comes I shall show him the letter.
      When he comes I shall show him the letter.

Shart ergash gapni bog‘lovchi «if» yoki «whether» orqali bog‘lanadi. Payt ergash gaplar bog‘lovchilari quyidagilar: when, as soon as, untill, till, after, before kabilar.

3. Harakatlanishni anglatuvchi to go, to come, to start, to leave, to arrive kabi fe’llari bilan kelasi zamonda bajarilishi aniq bo‘lgan ish-harakatlarni «Present Continuous» zamoni shaklida ifodalanadi.

Misol:      The gelegation is arriving in Tashkent tomorrow.
      The train is starting in five minutes.

II. The Subordinate Object Clause — Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gap.

Ingliz tilida to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap qo‘shma gapda vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi yoki predlogli vositali to‘ldiruvchi vazifasini bajaradi. Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gap «whom?» (kimni?), «what?» (nimani?) so‘roqlariga javob bo‘ladi.
Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gap bosh gapga «that», «if», «whether» bog‘lovchilari yoki «who», «what», «which», «when», «how», «where» kabi bog‘lovchi vazifasidagi so‘zlar vositasida yoki bog‘lovchisiz birikishi mumkin.
1. I know that he is at the library now. — (Men bilamanki, u hozir kutubxonada). Men uning hozir kutubxonadaligini bilaman.

2. I am glad that you have passed your exam well. — Men sening   
   imtihonni yaxshi topshirganingdan xursandman.

3. He said he got a letter yesterday. — U kecha xat olganini aytdi.

4. He asks his friend where he lives. — U do‘stidan qayerda yashashini so‘radi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:33:40

I. Gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shaklga qo‘ying:

1. I shall be 16 next year. 2. He will do his exercises after dinner. 3. We shall read «Oliver Twist» by Dickens next month. 4. My sister will enter the University next summer. 5. They will visit Samarkand next Sunday. 6. The pupils will have the exams in June. 7. He will repair our TV-set tomorrow. 8. I shall ring him up in two hours. 9. Mary will graduate from the University next year. 10. He will stay in the office for his English.

II. Qavsdagi fe’llarni gap ma’nosiga qarab, to‘g‘ri zamon shaklida yozing:

1. Who wants to erase the blackboard?  I (to do) it. 2. Be careful, Ann! You (to hurt) yourself. 3. We (to visit) our teacher. It (to be) her birthday tomorrow. We (to congratulate) her on her birthday. 4. He ( to finish) his work tomorrow. 5. This letter is in English. I (to translate) it from English into Uzbek. 6. What time do you want to leave?  I (to leave) in an hour. 7. You have got cold. I (to make) a cup of hot tea. 8. It is dark here. I (to switch on) the light. 9. Why do you have a rubber in your hand?  I (to rub out) the pencil mark in my note-book. 10. He (to write) a letter to his pen-friend next week.

III. Ergash gaplarning turini (payt, shart yoki to‘ldiruvchi) aniqlab, qavsdagi fe’lni to‘g‘ri zamon shakliga qo‘ying:

1. I'll tell you about it when I (to see) you. 2. I don't know when I (to see) you. 3. They will go out of town if the weather (to be) fine. 4. They don't know if the weather (to be) fine tomorrow. 5. He will finish the work if you (to help) him. 6. He doesn't think if you (to help) him. 7. She doesn't know when she (to be) able to speak  English well. 8. Peter is going to leave in an hour. He (to finish) his work before he (to leave). 9. When I (to get) home I (to call) Mike. 10. He is tired. He (not to read) a book before he (to go) to bed.

IV. Bosh gapdagi fe’l-kesimning tagiga chizing va gapni tarjima qiling. Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gapli qo‘shma gapning o‘zbek tilida berilishiga e’tibor bering:

1. She says she wants to master the English language. 2. My mother writes that she will stay in Buchara for two more days. 3. I know that my friend finished school last year. 4. They say that they have bought a dictionary. 5. She says that she has missed four lessons. 6. The teacher says that the examination will begin in June. 7. Nick says that he will try to learn the new words. 8. He knows that she heard about it last week. 9. Father says that his son will become an economist. 10. The pupils say they read the books by Dickens in Russian in their childhood.

V. Nuqtalar o‘rniga before, in, on, from, for, among, to, of predloglaridan mosini qo‘yib, yozing:

1. My friend lives ... a beautiful block ... flats. 2. She is fond ... Dickens's books. 3. The Museum of  Temurids is one ... the best museums in Uzbekistan. 4. The students are happy to be ... their friends again. 5. London is situated ... banks ... the river Thames. 6. Jane likes to go ... a walk after dinner. 7. ... the morning he reads a newspaper ... going to work. 8. He likes to listen ... that professor's lectures. 9. Oybek had many friends ... talented writers of the world. 10. He says that he is waiting ... his friend.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 27 Aprel 2008, 15:39:10
VI. Read them and say «False» or «True». Gaplarni o‘qing va to‘g‘ri yoki noto‘g‘riligini ayting:

1. Charles Dickens is an American writer. 2. He was born in Edinburgh. 3. His first book was published in 1836. 4. Dickens wrote the novel «Sister Carrie». 5. When Charles was 9, the family moved to Liverpool. 6. «Little Dorrit» was written by Charles Dickens. 7. The novels by Dickens have been translated into many languages. ¬8. Ch.Dickens died in 1945.

VII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

well-known, to be born, an English writer, to go to school, several children, to move to, a prison, for debt, to have to earn  living, to work hard, to be published, to get education, to read the works, to be translated.

VIII . Quyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Kelasi yili o‘quvchilar Londonga boradilar. 2. Men ertaga uyga kechroq kelaman, chunki bizda majlis bo‘ladi. 3. Kelasi hafta talabalar Тemuriylar muzeyiga tashrif buyuradilar. 4. Biz hozir Oskar Vayldning kitobini o‘qiyapmiz, kelasi yili Dikkensning kitobini o‘qiymiz. 5. Charlzning otasi qamoqda edi, shuning uchun u qattiq ishlashga majbur edi. 6. Charlz Britaniya muzeyining kutubxonasida turli sohaga oid kitoblarni mutolaa qildi. Shu yo‘l bilan u yaxshi bilimga ega bo‘ldi. 7. Men Charlz Dikkens kitoblarini bolaligimda rus tilida o‘qiganman. 8. Har kuni ertalab pochtachi gazetalar olib keladi. Kecha u gazetalarni olib kelmadi. 9. Siz qachon Samarqandga bormoqchisiz?  Kelasi haftada.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod oling.


Dilbar:      I see you've enjoyed the book you read lately. What             is the title of it?
Feruza:      It's «All my sons».
Dilbar:      Who is the author?
Feruza:       Arthur Miller, a modern American writer.
Dilbar:      Where does the action take place.
Feruza:      In America.
Dilbar:      Did you read the book in the original or adopted?
Feruza:      I read it in the original.
Dilbar:      What is the book about?
Feruza:      It is about university life in present day America.
Dilbar:      What else would you advise me to read to learn             about  America?
Feruza:      You can read books by L.Hellman, J.D.Salinger             and A.Maltz.

X. Maqollarni o‘qing va yod oling:

It is never late to learn.
Well begun is half done.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:22:54

Text: Alisher Navoiy.
Grammar:   I. The Past and Future Continuous.
   II. Direct and indirect speech.
   III. The sequence of tenses.

Alisher Navoiy, the founder of Uzbek literature, a great poet, scientist and statesman, was born on the 9th of February 1441 in Herat. His father served in the palace of Temurids. So he was brought up with Husain Boyqaro, one of the Temurids. His mother was a noble woman.
Alisher was a very capable boy. At an early age he learned the poems «Yulistan» and «Boston» by Sheih Saadiy and «Mantiq-ut-tayr» by Farididdin Attar and began writing verses.
He studied at Mashkhed Madrasah. After podishah's death Navoiy came to Samarkand in 1466. Smarkand was a scientific and cultural centre at that time. There he continued attending a well-known madrasah. He was able to meet famous scientists, poets, musicians and other scholars there.
In 1469 Husayn Boyqaro became the head of the state and invited Navoiy to Herat. Navoi became a statesman. Being statesman he helped scientists, poets, artists and architects. Under his leadership many roads, channels, schools, hospitals and bridges were built. Besides working at the palace, Navoiy was busy writing poems and scientific works in Turkic. He became the founder of the Turkic-Uzbek literary language. He wrote a lot of famous poems. One of them is his «Quintuple» («Hamsa»). It consists of five poems: «Hayrat ul-Abror», «Layli and Majnun», «Farhod and Shirin», «Saddy Iskandary» and «Sabbai Sayyor». Then he wrote his philosophical work «Mahbubul Qulub». He wrote it in prose. Navoiy died on the 3rd of January, 1501 in Herat. Navoiy's poems are very popular with the Uzbek and other peoples. They have been translated into many languages.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:25:35
Answer the questions:

1.When and where was Alisher Navoiy born?
2. What kind of boy was he?
3. Where did he study?
4. What kind of city was Samarkand at that time?
5. Whom did he meet in Samarkand?
6. When did Husayn Boyqaro invite Navoiy to Herat?
7. What did  Navoiy do as a statesman?
8. What language did he mostly write in?
9. How many poems does «The Quintuple» consist of?
10. When did Navoiy die?
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:36:37
The new words:

1. a founder ['faundс’] — asoschi
2. a statesman ['steitsmс’n] — davlat arbobi
3. to serve [sс’:v] — xizmat qilmoq
4. to be brought up ['brс”:t'А‡p] — tarbiyalanmoq
5. temurids ['temuridz] — temuriylar avlodi
6. at an early age ['с’:li eid¦] — juda yosh paytida
7. noble ['noubl] — aslzoda
8. a verse [vс’:s] — she’r, g‘azal
9. scientific ['saiс’ntifik] — ilmiy
10. cultural ['kА‡lt$с’rс’l] — madaniy
11. to continue [kс’n'tinju:] — davom ettirmoq
12. a musician ['mju:zi$n] — musiqashunos
13. an artist ['°:tist] — rassom
14. an architect ['°:kitekt] — me’mor
15. a scholar ['skс”lс’] — bilimdon
16. to invite [in'vait] — taklif qilmoq
17. under the leadership [А‡ndс’r 'li:dс’$ip] — biror kishining boshchiligida
18. a bridge [brid¦] — ko‘prik
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:38:56

I. «Past continuous» (o‘tgan zamon davom fe’li) zamoni ish-harakatning o‘tgan zamonda ma’lum ko‘rsatilgan paytda davom etganini bildiradi.

II. Bu zamon o‘tgan zamondagi «to be» (was, were) ko‘makchi fe’li bilan yetakchi fe’lning IV shakli (doing) vositasida yasaladi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:40:27
The Affirmative Form

I. I was working.         I. We were working.
Men ishlayotgan edim.      Biz ishlayotgan edik.
II. You were working.      II. You were working.
Sen ishlayotgan eding.      Siz ishlayotgan edingiz.
III. He (she) was working.      III. They were working.
U ishlayotgan edi.         Ular ishlayotgan edilar.
Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (was, were) ko‘makchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

The Negative Form

I. I was not working.      I. We were not working.
II. You were not working.      II. You were not working.
He (she) was not working.      III. They were not working.

Bu zamonning so‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (was, were) ko‘makchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shular yordamida javob beriladi.

The Interrogative Form.

Was I working? — Yes, you were. — No, you were not.
Were you working? — Yes, I was. — No, I was not.
Was he/she working?  Yes, he/she was. No, he/she was not.


Were we working? — Yes, you were. — No, you were not.
Were you working? — Yes, we were. — No, we were not.
Were they working? — Yes, they were. — No, they were not.

«Past Continuous» zamoni ishlatilishi zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘zlar quyidagilar:
1. At 2 o'clock yesterday.      4. From 3 till 5 yesterday.
2. All day long.         5. At this time yesterday.
3. The whole day.         6. «When» so‘zi bilan kelgan                      ergash gap.

II. «Future Continuous» (kelasi zamon davom fe’li) zamoni ish-harakatining ma’lum bir vaqt jarayonida davom etishini ifodalash uchun qo‘llanadi.
Bu zamon kelasi zamondagi «to be» (shall be, will be) ko‘makchi fe’li bilan yetakchi fe’lning IV shakli vositasida yasaladi.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:42:55
The Affirmative Form

I. I shall be working.      I. We shall be working.
Men ishlayotgan bo‘laman.            Biz ishlayotgan bo‘lamiz.
II. You will be working.      II. You will be working.
Sen ishlayotgan bo‘lasan.      Siz(lar) ishlayotgan bo‘lasiz.
III. He (she) will be working.                   III. They will be working.
U ishlayotgan bo‘ladi.      Ular ishlayotgan bo‘ladilar.

Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «shall» yoki «will» ko‘makchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

The Negative Form

I. I shall not be working.      I. We shall not be working.
II. You will not be working.   II. You will not be working.
III. He (she) will not be working.   III. They will not be working.

So‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «shall» yoki «will» ko‘makchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi.

The Interrogative Form

Shall I be working? — Yes, you will. — No, you will not.
Will you be working? — Yes, I shall. — No, I shall not.
Will he/she be working? — Yes, he/she will. — No, he/she will not.

Shall we be working? — Yes, you wil. No, you will not.
Will you be working? — Yes, we shall. No, we shall not.
Will they be working? — Yes, they will. No, they will not.

«Future Continuous» zamoni qo‘llanishi zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘zlar quyidagilar:
1. at 6 o'clock tomorrow  — ertaga soat 6 da
2. at this time tomorrow — ertaga xuddi shu paytda
3. from 6 till 8 tomorrow — ertaga 6 dan 8 gacha
4. the whole day tomorrow — ertaga butun kun bo‘yi
5.«when» so‘zi bilan kelgan ergash gap.
Misol:  He will be preparing for his exam the whole day tomorrow.
           I shall be reading a newspaper when he comes.

III. Direct and indirect speech. (Ko‘chirma va o‘zlashtirma gap)
So‘zlovchining hech o‘zgarishsiz, aynan keltirilgan gapi ko‘chirma gap deyiladi.
Misol:  She said: «Are you a student?»
           U so‘radi: «Siz talabamisiz?»

Bu yerda «she said» avtor so‘zi, «are you a student?» ko‘chirma gapdir.
O‘zgalar gapining mazmuni saqlangan holda shakli o‘zgartirilib berilishi o‘zlashtirma gap deyiladi.
Misol:  She asked if she was a student.
           U undan talaba yoki talaba emasligini so‘radi.

O‘zlashtirma gap to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap bo‘lganligi uchun uning kesimi bosh gapdagi (avtor so‘zidagi) fe’l  kesim bilan zamonda moslashadi. Ingliz tilidagi o‘zlashtirma gaplar o‘zbek tilida sodda yoyiq gap tarzida beriladi.

O‘zganing gapi birikmali to‘ldiruvchi bo‘lib keladi:
Misol:   He said that he had four lessons that day.
   U o‘sha kuni to‘rtta darsi borligini aytdi.

a) ko‘chirma gap darak gap bo‘lsa, u bosh gapga «that» orqali yoki bog‘lovchisiz bog‘lanadi.
Misol:   He says: «I have many English books».
      He says that he has many English books.

b) ko‘chirma gap umumiy so‘roq gap bo‘lsa, bosh gapga «if» yoki «whether» bog‘lovchisi orqali bog‘lanadi.
Misol:   He says: «Have you English books?»
      He asks if I have English books.

c) agar ko‘chirma gap maxsus so‘roq gap bo‘lsa, shu gapdagi so‘roq so‘z bog‘lovchi vazifasini bajaradi.
Misol:   He says: «When will you go to the library?»
      He asks when I shall go to the library.
d) agar ko‘chirma gap iltimos yoki buyruq shaklidagi gap bo‘lsa, u murakkab to‘ldiruvchi (complex object) shaklida, ya’ni fe’l-kesim infinitiv shaklida beriladi.
Misol:      Mother said: «Help me in washing».
      Mother told me to help her in washing.
Eslatma: Iltimos yoki buyruq gaplar o‘zlashtirilganda avtor so‘zidagi «to say» fe’li o‘rniga «to tell» yoki «to ask» fe’li qo‘llanadi.

Ingliz tilida «zamonlarning moslashuvi» uchun eslatma.  O‘zga shaxsning nutqini o‘zlashtirma gapda berishda «to say», «to ask», «to tell» fe’llari qo‘llaniladi, bu fe’llardan keyin to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap keladi.
Agar yuqoridagi fe’llar o‘tgan zamonda bo‘lsalar, «Zamonlar moslashuvi» qoidalariga rioya qilinadi. Bu holda gapdagi ko‘rsatish olmoshlari, payt va o‘rin ravishlari ma’nolariga qarab, quyidagi so‘zlar bilan almashtiriladi.

1. this/these      that/those
2. here         there
3. now         then
4. yesterday      the day before
5. today         that day
6. tomorrow      the next day, the following day
7. ... ago       ... before yoki earlier
8. last week      the week before
9. last year      the year before yoki the previous year
10. next week      the next week yoki the following week
11. next year      the next year yoki  the following year
12. in two days   two days later (ikki kundan keyin)

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 30 Aprel 2008, 17:49:34

I. Fe’llarning to‘rtta asosiy shakllarini yozing: (infinitive, past indefinite, participle II, participle I)

To work, to live, to leave, to go, to walk, to get, to come, to repeat, to write, to revise, to cry, to promise, to copy, to bring, to buy.

II. Gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

A) 1. The postman was bringing a newspaper at 7 a.m. yesterday. 2. She was writing to her friend at this time yesterday. 3. It was raining the whole day last Sunday. 4. The pupils were sitting at the lesson at 9 yesterday. 5. The boys were playing football at this time yesterday.
B) 1. We shall be sitting at the English lesson 10 a.m. tomorrow. 2. My sister will be watching TV at 6 p.m. tomorrow. 3. At this time tomorrow he will be doing his homework. 4. I shall be listening to the latest news at 8.30 tomorrow. 5. They will be waiting for the delegation at this time tomorrow.

III. Qavs ichidagi fe’llarni «Past Continuous» yoki «Future Continuous» zamonida qo‘llab, gaplarni yozing:

1. My sister (to write) a letter at 5 p.m. tomorrow. 2. His mother (to cook) the dinner at this time tomorrow. 3. He (to open) the window when I entered the room. 4. The students (to discuss) Navoiy's poems at four o'clock yesterday. 5. Children (to watch) TV when I come home. 6. Where (to go) you last night when I saw you? 7. It (to rain) heavily when I went out. 8. She (to play) tennis at this time next week. 9. We (to write) a test at 9 o'clock yesterday. 10. It (to rain) all day long yesterday.

IV. Ko‘chirma gaplarni o‘zlashtirma gap shakliga qo‘ying:

1. He says: «I shall go to school tomorrow». 2. She says: «The weather was fine yesterday». 3. She says: «My elder sister can speak English». 4. He said: «I am on holiday now». 5. She says: «My mother is a teacher». 6. She asks: «Where are you going?» 7. She asks: «Did you see the football match on TV?» 8. The teacher said: «Copy out the text». 9. Mother says: «Open the window, Ann» . 10. He said: «My hobby is tennis».

V. Nuqtalar o‘rniga zarur predloglarni qo‘yib ko‘chiring:

1. I'm interested ... Navoiy's poetry. 2. Everybody likes poems ... Navoiy. 3. Navoiy was the founder ... Uzbek literature. 4. Navoiy  wrote mostly ... Turkic. 5. He helped ... poets, scientists, artists. 6. His poems were collected ... four parts, which were called «Char-Devon». 7. His «Quintuple» consists ... five poems. 9. His books are popular ... the Uzbek people. 10. Navoiy's poems have been translated ... many languages.

VI. Quyidagi gaplarni o‘qing va ularning haqiqatan «Тo‘g‘ri-True» yoki «Noto‘g‘ri-False» ekanligini ayting:

1. Alisher Navoiy was born in 1541. 2. He was born in Bukhara. 3. «Quintuple» was written by Navoiy. 4. «Quintuple» consists of seven poems. 5. Charles Dickens was born in 1812. 6. He was born in Manchester. 7. «Martin Eden» was written by Ch. Dickens. 8. Dickens's first book was published in 1836. 9. Navoiy wrote his «Quintuple» from 1583 till 1585. 10. «Farhod and Shirin» was written in prose.

VII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

Famous, to be born, a statesman, to support smb., to describe, a founder, in Turkic, in Persian, to collect, to consist of, in prose.

VIII. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Alisher Navoiy o‘zbek adabiy tilining asoschisidir. 2. Kecha soat 4 da talabalar Navoiyning «Hamsa» dostonini muhokama qilayotgan edilar. 3. Ertaga shu paytda men yangi she’rni yodlayotgan bo‘laman. 4. Kecha soat 9 da bizda ingliz tili darsi bo‘layotgan edi. 5. Siz «Layli va Majnun» dostonini qachon o‘qigansiz? — O‘tgan yili. 6. Ular ertaga qayerga ketmoqchilar?  Samarqandga. 7. Biz ertaga shu paytda Samarqandga ketayotgan bo‘lamiz. 8. Men kelganimda, oilamiz ovqatlanayotgan ekan. 9. Ertaga men kelganimda, siz uy vazifasini bajarayotgan bo‘lasiz. 10. Kecha u uydan chiqqanida, yomg‘ir yog‘ayotgan edi.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:
Tom:      Jack, do you know  William Shakespeare's                birthplace?
Jack:      Yes, I do, you know that W.Shakespeare was born             in Stratford-on-Avon. There is a small river the             Avon in the city.
Tom:      I know some interesting facts about Stradford-on-            Avon.   But I'm interested in the house where             Shakespeare was born.
Jack:      He was born in a small house in the centre of the             town. There was a large garden behind the house.
Tom:      Did Shakespeare die in this house?
Jack:      No, he didn't. After he became famous he bought a             large  house. He died in that house.
Tom:      Is that house  a museum  now?
Jack:      No, there  is nothing left of it. People visit                Shakespeare's small house  now.
Tom:      Thank you, Jack. You have told  me interesting             things about Shakespeare's birthplace.

X. Maqollarni  o‘qing va yodda tuting.

Where there is a will, there is a way
Every dog has  his day (har kimning o‘z nasibasi bor)

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 02 May 2008, 13:28:13
                                             Additional Material For Reading.

                                                     WILLIAM CAXTON

William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1442. His father was a farmer. He didn't want to be a farmer. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office. The office traded with different countries. William liked to read new books of foreign writers. When he was thirty his master died. And he began his own business in Belgium. In 1471 he left his business and began to translate French books into English. He was interested in printing, so he learnt it. He made the first printing-press in England. In 1476 he brought his printing-press to London. Caxton printed his first book in 1477. It was the first book printed in English language. It was "œTales of Troy", Caxton's translation of the French book. William Caxton printed about 80 books. He translated 31 books from French into English. William Caxton died in 1491.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 02 May 2008, 13:30:03
                                            BRITISH HOLIDAYS

There are some public holidays in Great Britain. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.
The most popular holiday is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. On Christmas Eve offices and public buildings are closed at one o'clock. But shops stay open late.
Every year the people of Norway give London a present. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Cities and towns are decorated with colored lights across the streets. In squares enormous Christmas trees are decorated.
The fun starts on the 24th of December. Children and grown ups decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down with toys and sweets.
Housewives are busy cooking. The Christmas bird is usually a turkey. As Christmas is a family holiday, relatives usually meet for the big dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. People say to each other "œA Merry Christmas to you".
The 26th of December is Boxing Day. People visit friends and relatives or just sit at home.
Besides public holidays there are some special festivals in Great Britain. One of them is the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James 1. But it couldn't happen. The King's men found the bomb, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and cut his head.
Since that day British people celebrate the 5th of November. They burn a dummy on a bonfire. Dummy is usually made of straw and old clothes. They let off fireworks. This dummy is called a "œguy" (like Guy Fawkes). On the eve of the festival children can be seen in the streets saying "œPenny for the guy". They collect money for their fireworks.

Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 17:47:33
                                                      ENGLISH MEALS

   There are four meals a day in an English house: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner.
   Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is about 8 a.m. and consists of porridge with milk, eggs (boiled or fried), bread and butter with marmalade or jam. Some people drink tea and others prefer coffee.
   The usual lunchtime is 1 o'clock. It consists of soup or fruit juice and meat or poultry with potatoes (boiled or fried), carrots and beans. Then they can have pudding or cheese and biscuits. Then they drink coffee (black or white). Some people prefer juice or lemonade.
Tea is the 3rd meal. It is between 4or 5 o'clock. It is called "œ5 o'clock tea". They can have tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam. Friends and guests are invited to tea.
Dinner is the 4th meal of the day. The usual dinnertime is 7 o'clock p.m. All the members of the family sit down together.
Dinner consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables, pudding or biscuits. Then they can have coffee (black or white).
But country people have dinner instead of lunch, tea between 5 and 6 o'clock. In the evening they have supper.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 17:50:25

Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac River, in the District of Columbia.
Washington was founded in 1791 and named after the 1st US President  George Washington. George Washington personally chose the site for the capital. The city became the capital of the state in 1800. Washington is the residence of the congress of the USA. All government departments and numerous federal institutions are also housed there. It is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are many research institutions and five universities there. The two main centres of the city are: the Capitol [k#pitl] — the seat of the Congress, and the White House — the President's residence.
   Pentagon is also situated there. The processional avenue connects the Capitol and the White House.
   The places of interest in Washington are: the Smithsonian National Museum, the National Galleries of Art, the Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials and others.
   The city is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter designated by its direction from the centre: North-East — NE; North-West — NW; South-East — SE; South-West — SW. Streets, running North and South are numerated as 1st street, 2nd street. Streets, running East and West are lettered as A-street, B-street, etc.
   The Union Railway station is pride of the city. It's bigger than the capital itself. Twenty train tracks enter the station on the upper level and 20 on the lower one. It's so big that it can hold an army of fifty thousand men.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 18:03:04
                                              AMERICAN HOLIDAYS

American holidays are various in character. Some of them are religious and some are connected with American history. American holidays are almost always celebrated by gathering together family and friends. There are often traditional meals. There are ten main holidays in the USA. They are:
1. New Year. New Year's Eve is celebrated on December 31. At midnight, bells ring, horns blow and friends exchange hugs and kisses. Everyone stays up late to celebrate the arrival of another year. New Year's Day is traditionally the time to start new programmes and give up bad habits. In big cities it is celebrated with parades, sporting events and fireworks.
2. Valentine's Day. On February 14, or St. Valentine's Day, people in America remind the people who are important to them that they are loved. Husbands and wives, parents and children, children and teachers give each other cards and candy that show how they really feel.
3. Easter. Easter is a religious holiday that comes on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Christians believe that Christ rose from the dead on Easter. Other people celebrate Easter as a sign of the coming of spring. Americans paint eggs pretty colours and give them as gifts to children. According to tradition, a rabbit called the "Easter Bunny" brings the eggs and hides them for children to find.
4. Memorial or Decoration Day. This holiday comes on May 30 and is dedicated to the service-men who gave their lives in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches decorate cemeteries and hold memo-rial services. They hang American flags on the main streets of towns.
5. The Fourth of July (Independence Day). This is the biggest national holiday of the USA. It is celebrated as the birthday of the country, because on this day in 1776, the colonies declared their independence from the British Crown and became the United States of America. On Independence Day, Americans march in parades and gather with friends and family. They cook hamburgers and hot dogs over a fire. In the evening, people watch fireworks.
6. Labour Day. This is the holiday dedicated to the American working class and comes on the first Monday of September. It marks the beginning of autumn and is the last real holiday of summer. Many families take a vacation the week before Labour Day, as it is the end of summer vacation before the beginning of school.
7. Hallowe'en. October 31 is a day when people, mostly children, dress up in costumes, enjoy parties, and collect candy from their neighbours, saying "Trick or treat." The tradition started because, according to superstition, October 31 is the last day that spirits and devils can roam the earth before "All Hallows Day," a holy day in the church. This means that the day before is "All Hallows Evening," which has been shortened to "Hallowe'en." On this day, many people hollow out a pumpkin, carve a face into it and place a candle inside, making a glowing head called ajack-o-lantern.
8. Veterans' Day. This comes on November 11 and is usually marked with parades and ceremonies in which people honour those who have served in the country's military.
9. Christmas. Christmas is a religious celebration. It is celebrated on December 25 as the birthday of Christ. It is a family holiday, and every house tries to have a Christmas tree, which is brightly decorated. As a rule, presents for children, relatives and close friends are placed under the tree. There are many traditional songs, sweets and treats associated with Christmas. According to tradition, a mythical grandfatherly old man named "Santa Claus" brings presents to all the children while they are sleeping. He places them in the stockings (socks) that they leave for him to fill.
There are many other holidays that almost everyone in the USA celebrates. Among them are St. Patrick's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and April Fools Day.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 18:07:12
                                          Some Words About The Religion

   Religion is a belief in the existence of supernatural power, the creator and controller of the Universe.
   Religion is a behavioral discipline with particular moral code. It keeps a man away from bad behavior.
   There are 3 universal religions:
1. Buddhism;
2. Christianity;
3. Islam;
People, whose religion is Buddhism, are called Buddhists.
Buddhism was founded by Buddha, the great religious teacher. He lived in India about 2500 years ago.
Jesus Christ was the prophet. People, who believe in Jesus Christ
are called Christians. Among Christians there are: Catholics, Protestants and Pravoslavs. Christians celebrate the birth of Christ every year. They call it Christmas (X-mas). It is celebrated on the 25th of December. Muslims don't celebrate the birthday of anybody.   
   Islam is the world's oldest religion. Mohammad (pbuh) never claimed that he brought a new religion to the people. Islam has been the same throughout the history of mankind. The fundamental teachings were the same. Mohammad was the last prophet. He preached that Islam is its final, uncorrupted, incorruptible and complete form, it is for all the people of the world and for all times to come. So Islam's basic source of teaching-the Quran- is preserved intact in its exact original form and in its original language. People, who believe in Islam, are called Muslims.
     There are the people, who refuse to believe in the existence of God. They are called atheists.
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 18:09:45
Geographic Names

Abu(i) Dhabi [с’'bu: da:bi] — Abu Dabi
Adriatic Sea [eidri '#tik 'si:] — Adriatika dengizi
Afghanistan [с’f 'g#nistan] — Afg‘oniston
Alabama [#lс’'b#mс’] — Alabama
Algeria [#l'd¦iс’riс’] — Jazoir
Al Kuwait [elku 'weit] — Al - Quvayt
Antarctic Continent [#nt°:ktik 'kс”ntinс’nt] — Antarktida
Arctic Ocean ['°:ktik 'ou$с’n] — Shimoliy muz okeani
Arizona [#ri 'zounс’] — Arizona
Assouan, Aswan [#su '#n] — Assuan
Atlantic Ocean [с’t'l#ntic 'ou$с’n] — Atlantika okeani
Bahrain, Bahrein [bс’'rein] — Bahrayn
Balkan Peninsula [bс”:lkс’n pi'ninsjulс’] — Bolqon yarim oroli
Basra ['b#zrс’] — Basra
Beirut [bei 'ru:t] — Bayrut
Belfast ['belfa:st] — Belfast
Bermudas [bс’'mju:dс’z] — Bermud orollari
Birmingham [bс’:miА…с’m] — Birmingam
Bradford ['br#dfс’d] — Bredford
Brighton [braitn] — Braytn
Cairo ['kaiс’rou] — Qohira
California [k#li 'fс”:njс’] — Kaliforniya
Cambridge [keimbrid¦] — Kembrij
Canada ['k#nс’dс’] — Kanada
Caucasus ['kс”:kс’sс’s] — Kavkaz
Chicago [t$i'ka:gou] — Chikago
Cleveland ['kli:vlс’nd] — Klivlend
Colorado [kс”lс’ra:dс”u] — Kolorado
Copenhagen [koupn 'heign] — Kopengagen
Damascus [dс’'ma:sks] — Damashq
Dar es Salaam [da:ressс’'la:m] — Dorussalom
Dead Sea [ded si:] — O‘lik dengiz
District of Columbia ['distriktс’v kс’'lА‡mbiс’] — Kolumbiya okrugi
Doha [douha] — Doha
Dublin ['dА‡blin] — Dublin
Edinburgh ['edinbс’rс’] — Edinburg
Egypt ['i:d¦ipt] — Misr
England ['iА…gland] — Angliya
English Channel ['iА…gli$ t$#nl] — La Mansh bo‘g‘ozi
Europe ['juс’rс’p] — Yevropa
Federal Republic of Germany ['fedс’rс’l ri 'pА‡blik с’v 'd¦с’:mс’ni] —  GFR
Finland ['finlс’nd] — Finlyandiya
Florida ['floridс’] — Florida
France [fra:ns] — Fransiya
Geneva ['d¦i 'ni:vс’] — Jeneva
Georgia ['d¦с”:¦djс’] — Jorjiya shtati (AQSH); Gruziya
Germany [d¦с’:mс’ni] — Germaniya
Great Britain ['greit 'britn] — Buyuk Britaniya
Greece ['gri:s] — Gretsiya
Hague [heig] — Gaaga
Hastings ['heistiА…z] — Gastingz
Hawaii [ha 'wai:] — Gavaya orollari
Hollywood ['hс”liwud] — Gollivud
Hong Kong [hс”А… 'kс”А…] — Gonkong
Hungary ['hА‡А…gс’ri] — Vengriya
Iceland ['aislс’nd] — Islandiya
Idaho ['aidс’hou] — Aydaho
Indian Ocean ['indjс’n 'ou$с’n] — Hind okeani
Iowa ['aiouс’] — Ayova
Ireland ['aiс’lс’nd] — Irlandiya
Jamaica [d¦с’'meik  ] — Yamayka
Japan [d¦'p#n] — Yaponiya
Jordan ['d¦с”:dn] — Iordaniya
Jugoslavia ['ju: gou 'sla:vjс’] — Yugoslaviya
Kabul [kс”:bl] — Kobul
Kansas City ['k#nс’s 'siti] — Kanzas siti
Kazakhstan [ka:za:h'sta:n] — Qozog‘iston
Kentucky [ken'tА‡ki] — Kentukki
Kirghizia [kс’:'gi:zjс’] — Qirg‘iziston
Klondike ['klс”ndaik] — Klondayk
Korea [kс’'ri:с’ ] — Koreya
Lebanon ['lebс’nс’n] — Livan
Leipzig [laipzig] — Leipsig
Louisiana [lu(:)i:zi '#nс’] — Luiziana
Maine [mein] — Meyn shtati
Manchester ['m#nt$istс’] — Manchester
Massachusetts [m#sс’'t$u:sits] — Massachusets
Mauritania [mс”:ri 'teinjс’] — Mavritaniya
Mediterranean Sea [meditс’'reinjс’n'si:] — O‘rta Yer dengizi
Morocco [mс’'rс”kou] — Marokash
Nairobi [naiс’'roubi] — Nayrobi
Nebraska [ni'br#skс’] — Nebraska
Netherlands ['ne`с’lс’ndz] — Niderlandiya
New Jersey ['nju:'d¦с’:zi] — Nyu Jersi
North Pole ['nс”:|'poul] — Shimoliy qutb
Ohio [ou'haiou] — Ogayo
Oklahoma [ouklс’'hс”umс’] — Oklaxoma
Lake Ontario ['leik с”n't±с’riou] — Ontario ko‘li
Pacific Ocean [pс’'sifik 'ou$с’n] — Тinch okeani
Pearl Harbour ['pс’:l 'ha:bс’] — Pirl Xarbor
Persian Gulf ['pс’:$с’n 'gА‡lf] — Fors ko‘rfazi
Prague [pra:g] — Praga
Pyongyang ['pjс’:А…ja:А…] — Pxenyan
Peking ['pi:kiА…] — Pekin
Quebec [kwi 'bek] — Kvebek
Riyadh [ri 'ja:d] — Ar-Riyad
Russia ['rА‡$с’] — Rossiya
Rwanda [ru '#ndс’] — Ruanda
Saint Louis [seint 'luis] — Sent Luis
Salt Lake City ['sс”:ltleik 'siti] — So‘lt leyk siti
Siberia [saibiс’riс’] — Sibir
Suez Canal [suizkс’'n#l] — Suets kanali
Syria ['siriс’] — Suriya
Thames [temz] — Тemza
Toronto [tс’'rс”ntou] — Тoronto
Turkmenistan [tс’:kmeni 'st°:n] — Тurkmaniston
Ukraine [ju 'krein] — Ukraina
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [ju:'naitid kiА…dс’m с’v 'greit 'britn с’nd 'nс”:`с’n 'aiс’lс’nd] — Buyuk Britaniya va shimoliy Irlandiya  birlashgan qirolligi
Utah ['ju:ta:] — Yuta
Vienna [vi 'enс’] — Vena
Virginia [vс’'d¦injс’] — Virjiniya
Waterloo ['wс”tс’lu:] — Vaterloo
Yugoslavia ['ju:gou 'sla:vjс’] — Yugoslaviya
Zurich ['zjuс’rik] — Syurix
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 18:11:43
                                                IRREGULAR VERBS.
                                                 NOTO‘G‘RI FE’LLAR

Uchta shakli bir xil bo‘lgan fe’llar

Bet      bet      bet      bahslashmoq
Burst      burst      burst      portlamoq
Cost      cost      cost      turmoq, qancha turmoq
Cut      cut      cut      kesmoq
Hit      hit      hit      zarar yetkazmoq
Let      let      let      ruxsat bermoq
Put      put      put      qo‘ymoq, solmoq
Rid      rid      rid      ozod qilmoq
Set      set      set      qo‘ymoq, o‘rnatmoq
Shut      shut      shut      yopmoq
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 18:14:01
Ikkinchi va uchinchi shakllari o‘xshash fe’llar

Bend      bent      bent      egilmoq, egmoq
Bind      bound      bound      bog‘lamoq, qo‘shmoq
bring      brought                   brought                    olib kelmoq
build      built      built      qurmoq
burn      burnt      burnt      yonmoq
buy      bought                   bought                  sotib olmoq
catch      caught      caught      tutmoq
creep      crept      crept      sudralmoq
deal      dealt      dealt      mashg‘ul bo‘lmoq
dig      dug      dug      qazimoq
dream      dreamt                   dreamt                   orzu qilmoq   
dwell      dwelt      dwelt       yashamoq
feed      fed      fed      boqmoq
feel      felt      felt      sezmoq
fight      fought      fought      kurashmoq
find      found      found      topmoq
hang      hung      hung      ilmoq, osmoq
have      had      had      ega  bo‘lmoq
hear      heard      heard      eshitmoq
hold      held      held      tutmoq, egallamoq
keep      kept      kept      saqlamoq
lay      laid      laid      qo‘ymoq
lead      led      led      olib bormoq, boshqarmoq
learn      learnt      learnt      o‘rganmoq
leave      left      left      tashlab ketmoq
lend      lent      lent      qarz olmoq
light      lit      lit      yoqmoq
lose      lost      lost      yo‘qotmoq
make      made      made      bajarmoq, yasamoq
mean      meant      meant      bildirmoq, anglatmoq
meet      met      met      uchrashmoq
pay      paid      paid      to‘lamoq, solmoq
read [ri:d]   read [r e d]   read [r e d ]   o‘qimoq
say      said      said      aytmoq
seek      sought      sought      qidirmoq
sell      sold      sold      sotmoq
send      sent      sent      jo‘natmoq
shine      shone      shone      yaltiramoq, nur sochmoq
shoot      shot      shot      otmoq, o‘q uzmoq
sit      sat      sat      o‘tirmoq
sleep      slept      slept      uxlamoq
smell      smelt      smelt      hid chiqarmoq, hidlamoq
spend      spent      spent      xarajat (sarf) qilmoq
stand      stood      stood      turmoq
strike      struck      struck      urmoq
sweep      swept      swept      supurmoq
teach      taught      taught      o‘qitmoq, o‘rgatmoq
tell      told      told      gapirmoq, aytmoq
think      thought                   thought                  o‘ylamoq
understand   understood   understood   tushunmoq
weep      wept      wept      yig‘lamoq
win      won      won      yutmoq
wind      wound                 wound              yurgazmoq, buramoq
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: Robiya 05 May 2008, 18:22:22
Birinchi va uchinchi shakllari mos tushgan fe’llar

Become   became   become   bo‘lmoq, bo‘lib yetishmoq
Come      came      come      kelmoq
Run      ran      run      chopmoq

Birinchi va ikkinchi shakllari mos tushgan fe’llar

beat      beat      beaten      urmoq, tepmoq

Uchta har xil shaklga ega bo‘lgan fe’llar

awake      awoke      awoked              uyg‘otmoq
bear      bore      born (n)   chidamoq
begin      began      begun      boshlamoq
bite      bit      bitten      tishlamoq
blow      blew      blown      esmoq
break      broke      broken              sinmoq, sindirmoq
choose      chose      chosen               tanlab olmoq
do      did      done      qilmoq, bajarmoq
draw      drew      drawn      tasvirlamoq
drink      drank      drunk      ichmoq
drive      drove      driven      yurmoq, boshqarmoq
eat      ate      eaten      yemoq
fall      fell      fallen      yiqilmoq
fly      flew      flown      uchmoq
forbid      forbade,   forbidden    man qilmoq
forget      forgot      forgotten   unutmoq
forgive      forgave   forgiven   kechirmoq
freeze      froze      frozen      sovqotmoq
give      gave      given      bermoq
grow      grew      grown      o‘smoq, o‘stirmoq
hide      hid      hidden               yashirmoq
know      knew      known               bilmoq
lie      lay      lain      yotmoq
ride      rode      ridden      otda yurmoq
ring      rang      rung      jiringlamoq
 rise      rose      risen      turmoq, ko‘tarilmoq
see      saw      seen      ko‘rmoq
shake      shook      shaken               siltamoq, qoqmoq
show      showed   shown      ko‘rsatmoq
sing      sang      sung      ashula aytmoq
sink      sank      sunk      cho‘kmoq, botmoq
speak      spoke      spoken               gapirmoq
spring      sprang      sprung               sakramoq
steal      stole      stolen      o‘g‘irlamoq
swear      swore      sworn      qasam ichmoq
swim      swam      swum      suzmoq
take      took      taken      olmoq
tear      tore      torn      uzmoq, yulmoq
throw      threw      thrown               otmoq, irg‘itmoq
wake      woke      woken      uyg‘onmoq
wear      wore      worn      kiymoq, kiyib yurmoq
write      wrote      written               yozmoq

T H E     E N D!!!
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: munisaxon 09 Mart 2010, 00:09:21
menga bir savol qiyinchilik tug`dirayapti
... no use ofspending time
shu yerda there bo`ladimi yoki it
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: uzboy 09 Mart 2010, 00:45:05
menga bir savol qiyinchilik tug`dirayapti
... no use ofspending time
shu yerda there bo`ladimi yoki it

it bo'lmasligi aniq.... there is no use of spending time to'g'riroq, lekin og'zaki nutqda shunchaki no use ofspending time o;zini ishlatsa ham bulaveradi
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: munisaxon 12 Mart 2010, 00:49:07
The club was founded by an american millionaire ... was himself read-headed and had great sympathy for all red-headed men. mana shu nuqtalar o`rniga who qo`yiladimi yoki which
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: registan 12 Mart 2010, 01:40:47
The club was founded by an american millionaire ... was himself read-headed and had great sympathy for all red-headed men. mana shu nuqtalar o`rniga who qo`yiladimi yoki which

Nuqtalar o'rniga "who" yoki "that" qo'ya olasiz, "which" jonsiz narsalar uchun ishlatiladi. wa
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: munisaxon 12 Mart 2010, 02:01:09
lekin bir o`qituvchimga ko`rsatganimda which ba`zan bir yoki bir necha narsani ajratib ko`rsata oladi degandi shunig uchun ikkilanayotgandim
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: munisaxon 12 Mart 2010, 02:03:01
yan bir savolim bor edi. expert so`zi oldidan at\in\on predloglari kela oladi lekin qanday holatlarda  qo`llashimiz mumkin
Nom: Re: Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari
Yuborildi: uzboy 12 Mart 2010, 04:39:42
lekin bir o`qituvchimga ko`rsatganimda which ba`zan bir yoki bir necha narsani ajratib ko`rsata oladi degandi shunig uchun ikkilanayotgandim
ba'zida which bulishi mumkin, lekin javoblar orasida who bulsa avval shuni tanlang. Chunki grammatik jihatdan who jonli narsalarga nisbatan, which esa jonsiz narsalarga nisbatan. bu yerda siz odamni nazarga olib aytayapsiz demak who

yan bir savolim bor edi. expert so`zi oldidan at\in\on predloglari kela oladi lekin qanday holatlarda  qo`llashimiz mumkin

manimcha expert so''zidan keyin demoqchisiz shekilli, shunaqami?
masalan: She is an expert at financial institution - U molivaviy institutda professionaldir ( Bu yerda uning qayerda ishlashi nazarda tutilmoqda)
She is an expert on/in solving mathematical problems - U matematik masalalarni yechish buyicha tajbali/expert.. ( bu yerda kishi qaysidir sohada qobiliyatini kursatish uchun)