Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari  ( 118403 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Robiya  11 Mart 2008, 16:17:54

The new words and expressions:

1. a manager ['m#nid¦с’] — boshliq, ish yurituvchi
2. a long way from [wei] — uzoqda sin. Far from [fa:] — uzoqda
3. by car [bai k°:] — avtomobilda, mashinada
4. five days a week — haftada besh kun
5. three times a week — haftada uch marta
6. a week-day — ish kuni (ishga boriladigan kun)
7. a week-end — dam olish kunlari (shanba, yakshanba)
8. to last [l°:st] — davom etmoq
9. foreign ['fс”rin] — xorijiy
10. a firm [fс’:m] — firma
11. most of them [moust] — ulardan ko‘pchiligi
12. to translate ['tr#nsleit] — tarjima qilmoq
13. to answer ['°:nsс’] — javob bermoq
14. to receive [ri'si:v] — qabul qilmoq
15. different ['difrс’nt] — turli
16. to discuss [dis'kА‡s] — muhokama qilmoq
17. a lot of [lс”tс’v] — ko‘p (ham donalab sanaladigan, ham sanalmaydigan otlar uchun)
18. to work hard at [h°:d] — berilib, ter to‘kib ishlamoq
19. a  newspaper ['nju:speipс’] — gazeta
20. a journal ['d¦с’:nс’l] — jurnal
21. an article ['°:tikl] — maqola
22. to stay [stei] — biror joyda qolmoq, vaqtincha yashamoq
23. a clerk [kl°:k] — idora xizmatchisi
24. to return [ri'tс’:n] — qaytmoq, qaytarib bermoq

Answer the questions:

1. What does Mr. Shokirov do?
2. Where is his office?
3. How many days does he work?
4. What time does his working day begin?
5. How long does his working day last?
6. What does he do in the morning?
7. Whom does he receive in the afternoon?
8. What foreign language do they learn?
9. Does he read article in foreign journals?
10. Why does he stay in the office after work?
11. Do the clerks of the office learn English or German?
12. How often do they have their English?

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 16:33:04


I. «Hour» so‘zi vaqt birligini (60 daqiqani) ifodalaydi, «o'clock» so‘zi esa vaqtni ko‘rsatadi.
Misol:      His working day lasts eight hours.
         Uning ish kuni sakkiz soat davom etadi.
         He usually finishes work at 6 o'clock.
         U odatda ishini soat 6 da tugatadi.
II. Quyidagi gaplar tarjimasiga e’tibor berib, «in» predlogi qaysi holatda ishlatilishini anglab oling:

He speaks English. — U ingliz tilida gaplashadi.
He reads English well. — U ingliz tilida yaxshi o‘qiydi.
He writes letters in English. — U xatlarni ingliz tilida yozadi.
He reads books in English. — U ingliz tilidagi kitoblarni o‘qiydi.

III. O‘zbek tilidagi «marta» so‘zi qo‘shilgan sonlar ingliz tilida quyidagicha ifodalanadi.
Bir marta — once [wА‡ns]
Ikki marta — twice [twais]
Uch marta — three times

I go to the library once a week.
— Men kutubxonaga    haftada bir marta boraman.
Twice two is four.
— 2 marta ikki to‘rt bo‘ladi.
We have English lessons three times a week.
— Ingliz tili darsimiz haftada uch marta bo‘ladi.

IV. Kishilik olmoshlarida kelishik.

Ingliz tilida kishilik olmoshlarida ikkita kelishik bor:

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 16:41:18

Personal Pronouns
   The Nominative Case         The Objective Case
   Bosh kelishik            Ob’ekt kelishik

«The Nominative Case» o‘zbek tilidagi «Bosh kelishik» ka mos keladi. «The Objective Case» esa o‘zbek tilidagi «Bosh va qaratqich kelishik» laridan tashqari 4 ta (tushum, jo‘nalish, chiqish va o‘rin-payt) kelishiklari o‘rnida (ba’zida predloglar bilan kelib) qo‘llanadi.
V. Much, little, many, few.

1. «Much» (ko‘p), «little» (kam) fe’l bilan bog‘lanib kelib, ravish bo‘lishlari mumkin. Bu holda ular gapda fe’ldan keyin qo‘yiladi. Bo‘lishli gaplarda ular ko‘pincha «very» daraja ravishi bilan keladilar. Bo‘lishsiz gaplarda esa «very little» «o‘rniga» «very much» ishlatiladi.
She reads very much. — U juda ko‘p o‘qiydi.
He reads very little. — U juda kam o‘qiydi.
He doesn't read very much. — U kam o‘qiydi. (U ko‘p o‘qimaydi).

2. «Much», «little» donalab sanalmaydigan ot oldida kelganda, noaniq olmosh bo‘ladi.
He spends much money for books. — U kitoblar uchun ko‘p pul sarflaydi.
   There is little water in the glass. — Stakanda kam suv bor.
Ko‘pincha bo‘lishli gapdagi «little» ma’nosini bo‘lishsiz gapda «much» vositasida beriladi.
There isn't much water in the glass. — Stakanda kam suv bor (stakanda ko‘p suv yo‘q).

«Much», «little» noaniq olmoshlari uchun «How much» birikmasi vositasida savol beriladi.
How much money does he spend for books?

3. «Many (ko‘p)», «few» (kam) noaniq olmoshlari donalab sanaladigan otlar bilan kelib, ko‘pincha bo‘lishsiz va so‘roq gaplarda ishlatiladilar. Bo‘lishli gaplarda «many» o‘rniga «a lot of» birikmasi qo‘llanadi.
Misol:   He hasn't got many English books.
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar ko‘p emas.
      Has he got many English books?
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar ko‘pmi?
      She has got few English books.
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar kam.
      She hasn't got many English books.
      — Unda inglizcha kitoblar ko‘p emas.
      She usually asks me a lot of questions.
      — Odatda u mendan ko‘p savollar so‘raydi.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 16:44:29


I. Qavs ichidagi kishilik olmoshlarini ob’ekt kelishigiga qo‘yib, yozing:

1. These pictures are nice. Look at (they), please. 2. My sister is an English teacher. Everybody knows (she) at school. 3. The jokes are very funny. Read (they) at home. 4. I know this student. He studies with (we). 5. Read this text and translate (it) into Uzbek. 6. The teacher often asks (I) questions. 7. I see (he) at the bus-stop every morning. 8. Your son is waiting for (you) there.

II. Nuqtalar o‘rniga ob’ekt kelishigidagi kishilik olmoshlarining mosini qo‘ying:

1. This article is easy, translate ... at home. 2. Does he often speak to ... about his work. 3. I like this dictionary. Where do you buy ... ? 4. My brother is good at English. I do my homework with ... . 5.  He is a tall boy. Look at ... . 6. I often write letters to my girl-friend but I seldom hear from ... . 7. There are a lot of grammar rules in this lesson. Learn ... by heart. 8. My niece is at that table. Do you see ... .

III. Qavsdagi so‘zlardan mos keladiganini qo‘yib, mashqni bajaring:

1. My friend reads (much, a lot). 2. They don't write (a lot, very much) in class. 3. My sister works (too many, too much). 4. Does your son read (many, much)?  Yes, he reads (very many, very much). 5. (many, a lot of) students know two foreign languages. 6. We send letters to (much, many, a lot of) foreign firms. 7. Does your teacher give you (a lot of, very many, very much) homework? 8. The secretary gots (very little, very many) letters every day.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga predloglar qo‘yib yozing:

1. He usually walks ... home ... work. 2. His office is a long way ... his house. 3. She is always ... time ... her lessons. 4. Ann lives ... a large park. She often goes ... a walk to this park ... the evening. 5. Mr. Brown works ... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He doesn't work ... the week-end. 6. The manager gets a lot ... letters ... foreign firms. 7. He answers ... the letters ... the morning. 8. He stays ... his office ... work ... his English lessons.

V. Qavsdagi so‘zlardan mosini qo‘yib, mashqni bajaring:

1. His father finishes his work at 3 (hour, o'clock) on Saturday. 2. This Indian film lasts two (o'clock, hours). 3. We have lunch at the University canteen at 12 (hour, o'clock). 4. His lecture usually lasts (o'clock, an hour). 5. The clerk's working day lasts eight (o'clock, hours). 6. His first lesson begins at 9 (hour, o'clock).

VI. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyga artiklni qo‘ying:

1. Mr. Smith is ... manager. He works at ... ofiice. ... office is far from his house. He begins ... work at 9 o'clock. In ... afternoon he receives ... engineers. He finishes ...work at six in ... evening. After... work he stays in ... office for his English lessons. Late   in ... evening he returns ... home.

VII . Gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Ular haftada besh kun ishlaydilar: dushanba, seshanba, chorshanba, payshanba va jumada. 2. Ular dam olish kunlarida ishlamaydilar. 3. Malikaning onasi shanba kuni ishlaydimi?  Ha, chunki u shifokor. 4. Bu film ikki soat davom etmaydi. 5. Firma kotibasi, har kuni ko‘p xat oladi. 6. Bizning ingliz tili o‘qituvchimiz juda ko‘p uy ishi beradi. 7. Bu bog‘da mevali daraxtlar juda ko‘p. 8. Uning ish kuni olti soat davom etadi. 9. Bizda ingliz tili darsi haftada uch marta bo‘ladi. 10. Akam ingliz tilini yaxshi biladi. U kitoblarni ingliz tilida o‘qiydi. 11. Do‘stim menga har oyda xat yozadi va men unga o‘z vaqtida javob beraman. 12. Bu mashqlar oson. Ularni uyda bajaring.

VIII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, o‘z ish kuningiz haqida gapirib bering:

to get up early, to begin, to live a long way from, to take a bus, to be in time for, twice, the canteen, after classes (work), the library, to get books, to help smb., to do homework, to learn English, to work hard (at).

IX. Quyidagi dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:

Alimov:   I know your company is very large, Mr. Bell.
Bell:      Yes, we've got offices in different cities, I meet             our customers every day.
Alimov:   Oh, really? And when do you usually come to the             office?
Bell:      At 9 in the morning.
Alimov:   Do you stay in the office all day?
Bell:      I often do. I read cables and telexes and write letters.
Alimov:   I do that in my office in Tashkent too.
Bell:      Are you always very busy?
Alimov:   Yes, very busy till 6 o'clock.
Bell:      I finish my work at six too and come home at 7.
Alimov:   Do you always stay at home in the evenings?
Bell:      Not always. Sometimes we go out, but sometimes             we  stay at home and read books or watch television.
Alimov:   That sounds nice.

X. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 16:52:26


Texts:      I. Days and Months.
         II. Seasons.

Grammar   1. «It» olmoshi. Shaxssiz gaplar.
         2. Sifat darajalari.
         3. «Present Continuous» zamoni.      


There are four seasons in a year. They are: winter, spring, summer and autumn.
   There are twelve months in a year. They are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
There are three hundred and sixty-five or three hundred and sixty-six days in a year.
There are thirty or thirty one days in a month, but there are twenty eight or twenty nine days in February. There are twenty nine days in February in the leap year.
There are seven days in a week. They are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The new words and expressions

1. a month [mА‡n|] — oy
2. a season [si:zn] — fasl
3. winter [wintс’] — qish
4. spring [spriА…] — bahor
5. summer [sА‡mс’] — yoz
6. autumn [с”:tс’m] — kuz
7. a year [jс’:] — yil
8. a leap year [li:p jс’:] — kabisa yili
9. a week [ wi:k] — hafta

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 16:56:02

Winter months are: December, January and February.
It is cold in winter. It often snows. Everything is covered with snow. Children play snowballs and make snowmen. Some boys play hockey. People go skating and skiing on the skating-rink. It is not so cold in Great Britain as it is in Uzbekistan. Snow does not stay on the ground for long. Winter in Great Britain is mild.
Spring months are: March, April and May. The days are longer and the nights are shorter. It is warm in spring. The sun shines brightly. The trees are covered with green leaves. The ground is covered with green grass. Fruit-trees are in blossom in spring. The birds sing in the trees. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. It sometimes rains.
It is rainy and foggy in Great Britain in spring.
Summer months are: June, July and August. It is hot in summer in Uzbekistan. The sun shines brightly. There are flowers everywhere. There is much fruit and vegetables in summer: apples, grapes, apricots, melons, water-melons and others.
People go boating, swimming or fishing. Children have their summer holidays.
It is warm in Great Britain in summer. It often rains there.
   Autumn months are: September,October and November. It often rains in Uzbekistan in autumn. The sky is grey and cloudy. It gets cooler and cooler at nights.
There are red and yellow leaves on the ground in autumn. There is much cotton in the fields of the farms. Farmers pick cotton and gather fruits and vegetables too. On the second  of September the new school year begins. It is rainy, foggy and cool in Great Britain in autumn.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 16:57:50

The new words  and expressions

1. cold [kould] — sovuq
2. cool [ku:l] — salqin
3. warm [wс”:m] — iliq
4. hot [hс”t] — issiq
5. to snow  [tс’snou] — qor yog‘moq
6. to rain [tс’rein] — yomg‘ir yog‘moq
7. fog  [fс”g] — tuman
8. to be covered ['kА‡vс’d] — qoplanmoq
9. to go skiing  ['ski:iА…] — chang‘i uchmoq
10. to go skating [skeitiА…] — konki uchmoq
11. the skating-rink [`с’ skeitiА… riА…k] — yaxmalak
12. mild [maild] — yumshoq
13. to shine [$ain] — nur sochmoq
14. a leaf  [li:f] — barg   
15. leaves [li:vz] — barglar
16. a fruit- tree  ['fru:ttri:] — mevali daraxt
17. to be in blossom ['blс”sс’m] — gullamoq (mevali daraxt)
18. to go boating ['boutiА…] — qayiq uchmoq, qayiqda sayr qilmoq
19. to swim  [swim] — suzmoq, cho‘milmoq
20. to go fishing  ['fi$iА…] — baliq ovlamoq
21. vegetable  ['ved¦с’tс’bl] — sabzavot
22. cloud  [klaud] — bulut
23. to pick cotton [tс’pik 'cс”tn] — paxta termoq
24. a new school year ['nju:'sku:ljс’:] — yangi o‘quv yili
25. to gather ['g#`с’] — yig‘ishtirmoq

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  23 Mart 2008, 17:01:24


«o»  harfi bir bo‘g‘inli so‘zlar va ulardan yasalgan so‘zlarda «ll», «lk», «ld», «lt», «ls», «st» harf birikmalaridan oldin kelganda [с”] tovushi o‘rniga [ou] unli tovushi bilan o‘qiladi.
poll [poul]      —   polling ['pouliА…]
folk [fouk]      —   folky ['fouki]
cold [kould]      —   colder [kouldс’]
bolt [boult]      —   bolter [boultс’]
post [poust]      —   postman ['poustmс’n]
bolster [boulstс’]

Quyidagi so‘zlar bu qoidadan mustasnodir:

doll [dс”l] — qo‘g‘irchoq
lost [lс”st] — yo‘qolgan
cost [kс”st] — (so‘m) turmoq
frost [frс”st] — sovuq, izg‘irin

II. «It» olmoshi va shaxssiz gaplar. Agar gapda shaxsni yoki predmetni ifodalovchi ega bo‘lmasa, ingliz tilida gap boshiga ega o‘rniga «it» olmoshi qo‘yiladi. Bunday gaplar ko‘pincha tabiat hodisalarini, fasllarni, ob-havoni, vaqtni, masofani tasvirlashda ishlatiladi.

Misol:       It is spring. — Bahor
          It is warm. — Iliq
          It is 9. — Soat 9
          It is far. — Uzoq
          It is raining. — Yomg‘ir yog‘yapti
          It is getting dark. — Qorong‘ilashyapti

Bunday gaplarda «it» olmoshidan keyin bog‘lama fe’l («to be» yoki  «to get») keladi.

III. Sifat darajalari.

1. Predmetning belgisini, sifatini ifodalaydigan so‘z turkumi sifat deyiladi. Sifatlar o‘zbek tilidagidek kelishik yoki ko‘plik qo‘shimchalari bilan turlanmaydi. Sifatlar gapda aniqlovchi yoki qo‘shma ot kesimning predikativ qismi vazifasini bajaradi.
Ingliz tilidagi sifatlarda ham o‘zbek tilidagi kabi uchta daraja bor. Ular quyidagilar:
Oddiy daraja. — The Positive Degree.
Qiyosiy daraja. — The Comparative Degree.
Orttirma daraja. — The Superlative degree.
IV. Sifat darajalari quyidagicha yasaladi:

Hamma bir bo‘g‘inli va «er», «ow», «y» bilan tugaydigan 2 bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasi sifat o‘zagiga «er» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

Misol:      Thick — thicker
         Clever — cleverer
         Narrow — narrower
         Easy — easier

2. Hamma bir bo‘g‘inli va «er», «ow», «y» bilan tugaydigan ikki bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning orttirma darajasi sifat o‘zagiga «est» qo‘shimchasi qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

Misol:      Thick  thicker  the thickest              
         Clever  cleverer  the cleverest
         Narrow  narrower  the narrowest
         Easy  easier  the easiest

3. Qolgan hamma ikki bo‘g‘inli va ko‘p bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasi sifat o‘zagi oldiga «more», orttirma darajasi esa sifat o‘zagi oldiga «the most» so‘zlarini qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

Misol:      Famous-more famous-the most famous
         Important-more important-the most important

Eslatma: Orttirma darajadagi sifatlar oldiga ulardan keyin ot kelmagan holatda ham aniq artikl «the» qo‘yiladi.

V. Quyidagi kabi sifatlarning darajalari bu qoidadan mustasno tarzda yasaladi:

1. good   — better — the best
2. bad   — worse — the worst
3. little   — less — the least
4. many   much
      — older — the oldest
      — elder — the eldest (oila chegarasida)
      — farther  the farthest (masofa)
      — further — the furthest (vaqt)
VI. Ikkita bir xil sifatli predmetlar solishtirilganda, oddiy darajadagi sifat «as...as» birikmasi orasiga qo‘yiladi.

Misol:      Room 64 is as little as room 66.
         64-xona xuddi 66-xona kabi kichikdir.

VII. Agar ikkita bir xil bo‘lmagan belgili sifatlar solishtirilsa, oddiy darajadagi sifat «not so... as» birikmasi orasiga qo‘yiladi.

Misol:      Andijan is not so large as Tashkent.
               Andijon Тoshkent kabi katta emas.

VIII. Sifat darajasi qo‘shimchalari qo‘shilganda yozuvda quyidagilarga ahamiyat berilishi kerak:

1. agar sifat o‘zagidagi unli qisqa bo‘lib, o‘zak oxiridagi undosh bitta bo‘lsa, shu undosh ikkilantiriladi:

Misol:      Big  bigger  the biggest.

2. agar ikki bo‘g‘inli «y» bilan tugaydigan sifatga «er», «est» qo‘shilsa, «y»  unli harfi «i» ga aylanadi:   

Misol:      easy  easier  the easiest   

3. agar sifat o‘zagi «e» bilan tugagan bo‘lsa, qo‘shimchalar qo‘shilganda bitta «e» tushirib qoldiriladi.

Misol:      large — larger — the largest

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 16:43:34

The Present Continuous Tense.
Hozirgi zamon davom fe’li

I. Present Continuous zamoni nutq so‘zlanib turgan paytda bajarilayotgan ish-harakatni bildiradi.

Misol:      Men hozir yozyapman. — I am writing  now

II. Bu zamon Present Indefinite dagi «to be» (am, is, are) yordamchi fe’li bilan asosiy fe’lning IV shakli vositasida yasaladi.

To be (am, is, are) + fe’l o‘zagi + ing

Endi «to work» fe’lini shu zamonda tuslaymiz:

The Affirmative Form

I. I am working now. — Men ishlayapman (hozir)
II. You are working now. — Sen ishlayapsan (hozir).
III. He /she is working now. — U ishlayapti (hozir).

We are working now. — Biz ishlayapmiz (hozir).
You are working now. — Sizlar ishlayapsiz (hozir).
They are working now. — Ular ishlayaptilar (hozir).

I. Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (am, is, are) yordamchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.   

The Negative Form

I. I am not working now.
II. You are not working now.
III. He/she is not working now.

I. We are not working now.
II. You are not working now.
III. They are not working now.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 16:45:58

So‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (am, is, are) yordamchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi.

The Interrogative Form

I. Am I working now? — Yes, you are. — No, you are not.
II. Are you working now? — Yes, I am. — No, I am not.
III. Is he/she working now? — Yes, he/she is. — No he/she is  not.

I. Are we working now? — Yes, you are. — No, you are not.
II. Are you working now? — Yes, we are. — No, we are not.
III. Are they working now? — Yes, they are. — No, they are not.

V. Present Continuous zamoni ishlatilishi zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘zlar quyidagilar:

1. now [nau] — hozir
2. at present [с’t'preznt] — hozirgi paytda
3. at the present moment ['moumс’nt] — aynan shu paytda
4. still — hali ham (faqat bo‘lishli gaplarda).

VI. Aslida kelasi zamonga tegishli bo‘lib, lekin bajarilishi aniq bo‘lgan ish-harakatlar ham Present Continuous zamoni bilan ifodalanishi mumkin.
Do‘stim ertaga Тoshkentga kelyapti.
My friend is coming to Tashkent tomorrow.

VII. Umuman «Continuous» ya’ni davomli zamonda ishlatilmaydigan fe’llar to see, to hear, to feel, to know, to like, to want, to hope, to seem, to notice, to remember, to think kabilar.

Qayd etilgan