Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari  ( 118423 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:25:18

V. Zarur joyga predlog qo‘ying:

1. Great Britain consists ... four parts. 2. English Channel and Strait ... Dover separate Great Britain ... the continent. 3. There are a lot ... short rivers there. 4. ... summer the highest temperature is ... +32°C and ... winter the lowest temperature is ... -10°C.  5. The country is not rich ... mineral resources. 6. There are ... 59 million people in the UK. 7. He helps ... his younger brother ... his English. 8. Dilbar is going to enter ... the University. 9. There is a beautiful flowerbed ... the office. 10. There is a garden ... the house.

VI. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagilardan mosini qo‘ying: the climate, mountain, washed, separates, developed, navigation, the government, chambers, leading, university.

1. From all sides Great Britain is ... by seas and oceans. 2. It is highly ... industrial country. 3. ... in Great Britain is mild. 4. English Channel ... Great Britain from the continent. 5. The head of ... is the Queen. 6. Ben Nevis is the highest ... . 7. The UK exports machinery, electronics, ships, airchaft and ... equipment. 8. Oxford and Cambridge are called ... cities. 9. There are two ... parties in the country. 10. There are two ... in the British parliament.
VII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

official, to be situated, to separate smth. from smth., to be washed by, highest, a lot of, important, above, below, wettest, developed, navigation equipment, government, to be responsible for, to consist, leading, a port, industrial.

VIII. Gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Men uyga darhol ketishim kerak. 2. Bu mashqni yozishimiz shartmi?  Yo‘q, shart emas. 3. Opamning qizi besh yoshda. U inglizcha gaplasha oladi. 4. Bizning sportchilarimiz kecha matchda g‘alaba qila oldilar. (to win the game). 5. Sizning ruchkangizdan foydalanishim mumkinmi? 6. Osmonda bulutlar ko‘p. Yomg‘ir yog‘ishi ehtimol. 7. Biz ingliz tili darsida inglizcha gapirishimiz kerak. 8. Sobir qayerda? U sport maydonchasida (sports ground) bo‘lsa kerak. 9. Merining isitmasi baland. Unga shifokor chaqirish (to send for a doctor) zarur. 10. O‘tgan yakshanbada havo yomon edi. Biz uyda qolishga majbur bo‘ldik.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod olib sahnalashtiring:


Teacher:   Now, let's speak a little about London. You know             London is the capital ...  Please, Dilbar, will you             complete my sentence?
Dilbar:   Certainly. London is the capital of England and the          United Kingdom. It is situated on the river Thames.          It is more than twenty centuries old.
Teacher:   That's right, thank you. Take your seat, please.             Akmal, will you describe London?
Akmal:   I'll try. There are two main parts in London: the             West End and the East End. There are tall beautiful          buildings, the richest shops,  palaces, museums,          nice parks and theatres there.
Teacher:   That'll do for you, thank you.
Feruza:   May I say a few more words about this part.
Teacher:   Do, please. Your friends are eager to listen to it.
Feruza:   I saw the pictures of the places of interest in London.            They are: Westminister Abbay, the City, the             London Tower, the Tower Bridge and the Houses             of Parliament. The largest clock Big Ben is situated          on the Houses of Parliament.
Teacher:   It's very nice of you, thank you.
Dilshod:   Shall I go on discribing London?
Teacher:   Yes, please.
Dilshod:   East End is the poorest part of London. The             houses are not tall and nice. The streets are dirty             and narrow. The plants, factories and docks are             situated there. Workers and dockers live in that part.
Teacher:   That's all right, thank you, Dilshod. Everything             was all right. Next lesson you'll have to describe             the historical monuments of London, pupils.

X. Quyidagi maqollarni yod oling:

Art is long, life is short.
Every bird likes its own nest.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:27:43


Text: Charles Dickens.
Grammar.   I. The Future Indefinite Tense.
   II. The Subordinate Object Clause.


Charles Dickens, one of the greatest and most popular English novelist, was born on the 7th of February, 1812, in a small English town. He was a weak boy and didn't like to play noisy games. He was very clever and learnt to read at an early age.
When he was nine years old the family moved to London. His father was in prison at that time. There were several younger children in the family. Charles couldn't go to school. He worked hard from early morning till late at night to help his family.
When he was twelve he started going to school. His ambition was to study and become a well-educated man.
At the age of fifteen he attended the famous library of the British Museum. He spent a lot of time studying there and in this way he got education.
Soon Ch. Dickens became a reporter for newspapers. As a reporter he had to meet all kinds of people. Later they became the characters of his novels.
In 1836 Dickens's first book was published. It was «Sketches by Roz». Then «Pickwick Papers» was published and made him famous.
Later Dickens wrote his famous novels: «Oliver Twist», «Nicolas Nickleby», «Little Dorrit», «David Copperfield» and others.
In his books the writer described his childhood and the hard life of working people. His novels were translated into many languages. Everybody reads the writer's novels with great interest.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:28:30

Answer the questions:

1. When and where was Charles Dickens born?
2. What kind of boy was he?
3. Why did the family move to London?
4. Why did he have to work hard?
5. What was his ambition?
6. What did he begin doing at the age of fifteen?
7. Why did he have to meet all kinds of people?
8. When was his first book published?
9. Which famous novels by Dickens do you know?
10. What did the writer describe in his books?

The new words:
1. popular ['pс”pjulс’] — mashhur
2. weak [wi:k] — nozik, nimjon
3. noisy ['nс”izi] — shovqinli, sho‘x (to‘polonchi)
4. to move(to) [mu:v] — ko‘chib o‘tmoq
5. a prison ['prizс’n] — qamoq
6. well-educated ['wel 'edjukeitid] — bilimdon
7. education ['edjukei$n] — bilim
8. a character ['k#rс’ktс’] — asar qahramoni
10. to be published ['pА‡bli$t] — nashr qilinmoq
11. to describe [dis'kraib] — tasvirlamoq

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:30:53


The Future Indefinite Tense.
Kelasi noaniq zamon

I. 1. «Future Indefinite» zamoni nutq so‘zlanib turgan paytdan keyin bo‘ladigan ish-harakatni bildiradi. Fe’lning bu zamoni fe’l o‘zagi oldiga I shaxs (birlik va ko‘plik) uchun «shall», birlik va ko‘plik II, III shaxslar uchun esa «will» yordamchi fe’lini qo‘yish orqali yasaladi. Endi «to work» fe’lini shu zamonda tuslaymiz.

The Affirmative Form. Bo‘lishli shakl

The Negative Form. Bo‘lishsiz shakl

Bu zamonning bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «shall», «will» yordamchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

Qisqargan shakli quyidagicha:
shall not  shan't [$a:nt],  will not  won't [wount].

The Interrogative Form. So‘roq shakl

So‘roq shaklida «shall» yoki «will» yordamchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu  fe’llar yordamida javob beriladi.

2. Quyidagi so‘z yoki so‘z birikmalari Future Indefinite zamoni ishlatilishi lozimligini ko‘rsatuvchi (signal) turtki so‘zlardir:

1. tomorrow [tс’'mс”rс”u] — ertaga
2. next week [nekst wi:k] — kelasi haftada
3. next month [mА‡n|] — kelasi oyda
4. next year [jс’:] — kelasi yili
5. next summer [nekst'sА‡mс’] — kelasi yozda
6. in a week — bir haftadan so‘ng
7. the day after tomorrow — indinga

Eslatma: Shart va payt ergash gapli qo‘shma gaplar ma’nosi kelasi zamonga tegishli bo‘lsa ham, ana shu shart yoki payt ergash gapda Future Indefinite o‘rniga Present Indefinite ishlatiladi.

Misol:      If he comes I shall show him the letter.
      When he comes I shall show him the letter.

Shart ergash gapni bog‘lovchi «if» yoki «whether» orqali bog‘lanadi. Payt ergash gaplar bog‘lovchilari quyidagilar: when, as soon as, untill, till, after, before kabilar.

3. Harakatlanishni anglatuvchi to go, to come, to start, to leave, to arrive kabi fe’llari bilan kelasi zamonda bajarilishi aniq bo‘lgan ish-harakatlarni «Present Continuous» zamoni shaklida ifodalanadi.

Misol:      The gelegation is arriving in Tashkent tomorrow.
      The train is starting in five minutes.

II. The Subordinate Object Clause — Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gap.

Ingliz tilida to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap qo‘shma gapda vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi yoki predlogli vositali to‘ldiruvchi vazifasini bajaradi. Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gap «whom?» (kimni?), «what?» (nimani?) so‘roqlariga javob bo‘ladi.
Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gap bosh gapga «that», «if», «whether» bog‘lovchilari yoki «who», «what», «which», «when», «how», «where» kabi bog‘lovchi vazifasidagi so‘zlar vositasida yoki bog‘lovchisiz birikishi mumkin.
1. I know that he is at the library now. — (Men bilamanki, u hozir kutubxonada). Men uning hozir kutubxonadaligini bilaman.

2. I am glad that you have passed your exam well. — Men sening   
   imtihonni yaxshi topshirganingdan xursandman.

3. He said he got a letter yesterday. — U kecha xat olganini aytdi.

4. He asks his friend where he lives. — U do‘stidan qayerda yashashini so‘radi.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:33:40


I. Gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shaklga qo‘ying:

1. I shall be 16 next year. 2. He will do his exercises after dinner. 3. We shall read «Oliver Twist» by Dickens next month. 4. My sister will enter the University next summer. 5. They will visit Samarkand next Sunday. 6. The pupils will have the exams in June. 7. He will repair our TV-set tomorrow. 8. I shall ring him up in two hours. 9. Mary will graduate from the University next year. 10. He will stay in the office for his English.

II. Qavsdagi fe’llarni gap ma’nosiga qarab, to‘g‘ri zamon shaklida yozing:

1. Who wants to erase the blackboard?  I (to do) it. 2. Be careful, Ann! You (to hurt) yourself. 3. We (to visit) our teacher. It (to be) her birthday tomorrow. We (to congratulate) her on her birthday. 4. He ( to finish) his work tomorrow. 5. This letter is in English. I (to translate) it from English into Uzbek. 6. What time do you want to leave?  I (to leave) in an hour. 7. You have got cold. I (to make) a cup of hot tea. 8. It is dark here. I (to switch on) the light. 9. Why do you have a rubber in your hand?  I (to rub out) the pencil mark in my note-book. 10. He (to write) a letter to his pen-friend next week.

III. Ergash gaplarning turini (payt, shart yoki to‘ldiruvchi) aniqlab, qavsdagi fe’lni to‘g‘ri zamon shakliga qo‘ying:

1. I'll tell you about it when I (to see) you. 2. I don't know when I (to see) you. 3. They will go out of town if the weather (to be) fine. 4. They don't know if the weather (to be) fine tomorrow. 5. He will finish the work if you (to help) him. 6. He doesn't think if you (to help) him. 7. She doesn't know when she (to be) able to speak  English well. 8. Peter is going to leave in an hour. He (to finish) his work before he (to leave). 9. When I (to get) home I (to call) Mike. 10. He is tired. He (not to read) a book before he (to go) to bed.

IV. Bosh gapdagi fe’l-kesimning tagiga chizing va gapni tarjima qiling. Тo‘ldiruvchi ergash gapli qo‘shma gapning o‘zbek tilida berilishiga e’tibor bering:

1. She says she wants to master the English language. 2. My mother writes that she will stay in Buchara for two more days. 3. I know that my friend finished school last year. 4. They say that they have bought a dictionary. 5. She says that she has missed four lessons. 6. The teacher says that the examination will begin in June. 7. Nick says that he will try to learn the new words. 8. He knows that she heard about it last week. 9. Father says that his son will become an economist. 10. The pupils say they read the books by Dickens in Russian in their childhood.

V. Nuqtalar o‘rniga before, in, on, from, for, among, to, of predloglaridan mosini qo‘yib, yozing:

1. My friend lives ... a beautiful block ... flats. 2. She is fond ... Dickens's books. 3. The Museum of  Temurids is one ... the best museums in Uzbekistan. 4. The students are happy to be ... their friends again. 5. London is situated ... banks ... the river Thames. 6. Jane likes to go ... a walk after dinner. 7. ... the morning he reads a newspaper ... going to work. 8. He likes to listen ... that professor's lectures. 9. Oybek had many friends ... talented writers of the world. 10. He says that he is waiting ... his friend.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:39:10

VI. Read them and say «False» or «True». Gaplarni o‘qing va to‘g‘ri yoki noto‘g‘riligini ayting:

1. Charles Dickens is an American writer. 2. He was born in Edinburgh. 3. His first book was published in 1836. 4. Dickens wrote the novel «Sister Carrie». 5. When Charles was 9, the family moved to Liverpool. 6. «Little Dorrit» was written by Charles Dickens. 7. The novels by Dickens have been translated into many languages. ¬8. Ch.Dickens died in 1945.

VII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

well-known, to be born, an English writer, to go to school, several children, to move to, a prison, for debt, to have to earn  living, to work hard, to be published, to get education, to read the works, to be translated.

VIII . Quyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Kelasi yili o‘quvchilar Londonga boradilar. 2. Men ertaga uyga kechroq kelaman, chunki bizda majlis bo‘ladi. 3. Kelasi hafta talabalar Тemuriylar muzeyiga tashrif buyuradilar. 4. Biz hozir Oskar Vayldning kitobini o‘qiyapmiz, kelasi yili Dikkensning kitobini o‘qiymiz. 5. Charlzning otasi qamoqda edi, shuning uchun u qattiq ishlashga majbur edi. 6. Charlz Britaniya muzeyining kutubxonasida turli sohaga oid kitoblarni mutolaa qildi. Shu yo‘l bilan u yaxshi bilimga ega bo‘ldi. 7. Men Charlz Dikkens kitoblarini bolaligimda rus tilida o‘qiganman. 8. Har kuni ertalab pochtachi gazetalar olib keladi. Kecha u gazetalarni olib kelmadi. 9. Siz qachon Samarqandga bormoqchisiz?  Kelasi haftada.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod oling.


Dilbar:      I see you've enjoyed the book you read lately. What             is the title of it?
Feruza:      It's «All my sons».
Dilbar:      Who is the author?
Feruza:       Arthur Miller, a modern American writer.
Dilbar:      Where does the action take place.
Feruza:      In America.
Dilbar:      Did you read the book in the original or adopted?
Feruza:      I read it in the original.
Dilbar:      What is the book about?
Feruza:      It is about university life in present day America.
Dilbar:      What else would you advise me to read to learn             about  America?
Feruza:      You can read books by L.Hellman, J.D.Salinger             and A.Maltz.

X. Maqollarni o‘qing va yod oling:

It is never late to learn.
Well begun is half done.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:22:54


Text: Alisher Navoiy.
Grammar:   I. The Past and Future Continuous.
   II. Direct and indirect speech.
   III. The sequence of tenses.

Alisher Navoiy, the founder of Uzbek literature, a great poet, scientist and statesman, was born on the 9th of February 1441 in Herat. His father served in the palace of Temurids. So he was brought up with Husain Boyqaro, one of the Temurids. His mother was a noble woman.
Alisher was a very capable boy. At an early age he learned the poems «Yulistan» and «Boston» by Sheih Saadiy and «Mantiq-ut-tayr» by Farididdin Attar and began writing verses.
He studied at Mashkhed Madrasah. After podishah's death Navoiy came to Samarkand in 1466. Smarkand was a scientific and cultural centre at that time. There he continued attending a well-known madrasah. He was able to meet famous scientists, poets, musicians and other scholars there.
In 1469 Husayn Boyqaro became the head of the state and invited Navoiy to Herat. Navoi became a statesman. Being statesman he helped scientists, poets, artists and architects. Under his leadership many roads, channels, schools, hospitals and bridges were built. Besides working at the palace, Navoiy was busy writing poems and scientific works in Turkic. He became the founder of the Turkic-Uzbek literary language. He wrote a lot of famous poems. One of them is his «Quintuple» («Hamsa»). It consists of five poems: «Hayrat ul-Abror», «Layli and Majnun», «Farhod and Shirin», «Saddy Iskandary» and «Sabbai Sayyor». Then he wrote his philosophical work «Mahbubul Qulub». He wrote it in prose. Navoiy died on the 3rd of January, 1501 in Herat. Navoiy's poems are very popular with the Uzbek and other peoples. They have been translated into many languages.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:25:35

Answer the questions:

1.When and where was Alisher Navoiy born?
2. What kind of boy was he?
3. Where did he study?
4. What kind of city was Samarkand at that time?
5. Whom did he meet in Samarkand?
6. When did Husayn Boyqaro invite Navoiy to Herat?
7. What did  Navoiy do as a statesman?
8. What language did he mostly write in?
9. How many poems does «The Quintuple» consist of?
10. When did Navoiy die?

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:36:37

The new words:

1. a founder ['faundс’] — asoschi
2. a statesman ['steitsmс’n] — davlat arbobi
3. to serve [sс’:v] — xizmat qilmoq
4. to be brought up ['brс”:t'А‡p] — tarbiyalanmoq
5. temurids ['temuridz] — temuriylar avlodi
6. at an early age ['с’:li eid¦] — juda yosh paytida
7. noble ['noubl] — aslzoda
8. a verse [vс’:s] — she’r, g‘azal
9. scientific ['saiс’ntifik] — ilmiy
10. cultural ['kА‡lt$с’rс’l] — madaniy
11. to continue [kс’n'tinju:] — davom ettirmoq
12. a musician ['mju:zi$n] — musiqashunos
13. an artist ['°:tist] — rassom
14. an architect ['°:kitekt] — me’mor
15. a scholar ['skс”lс’] — bilimdon
16. to invite [in'vait] — taklif qilmoq
17. under the leadership [А‡ndс’r 'li:dс’$ip] — biror kishining boshchiligida
18. a bridge [brid¦] — ko‘prik

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:38:56


I. «Past continuous» (o‘tgan zamon davom fe’li) zamoni ish-harakatning o‘tgan zamonda ma’lum ko‘rsatilgan paytda davom etganini bildiradi.

II. Bu zamon o‘tgan zamondagi «to be» (was, were) ko‘makchi fe’li bilan yetakchi fe’lning IV shakli (doing) vositasida yasaladi.

Qayd etilgan