Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari  ( 118285 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:40:27

The Affirmative Form

I. I was working.         I. We were working.
Men ishlayotgan edim.      Biz ishlayotgan edik.
II. You were working.      II. You were working.
Sen ishlayotgan eding.      Siz ishlayotgan edingiz.
III. He (she) was working.      III. They were working.
U ishlayotgan edi.         Ular ishlayotgan edilar.
Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (was, were) ko‘makchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

The Negative Form

I. I was not working.      I. We were not working.
II. You were not working.      II. You were not working.
He (she) was not working.      III. They were not working.

Bu zamonning so‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «to be» (was, were) ko‘makchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shular yordamida javob beriladi.

The Interrogative Form.

Was I working? — Yes, you were. — No, you were not.
Were you working? — Yes, I was. — No, I was not.
Was he/she working?  Yes, he/she was. No, he/she was not.


Were we working? — Yes, you were. — No, you were not.
Were you working? — Yes, we were. — No, we were not.
Were they working? — Yes, they were. — No, they were not.

«Past Continuous» zamoni ishlatilishi zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘zlar quyidagilar:
1. At 2 o'clock yesterday.      4. From 3 till 5 yesterday.
2. All day long.         5. At this time yesterday.
3. The whole day.         6. «When» so‘zi bilan kelgan                      ergash gap.

II. «Future Continuous» (kelasi zamon davom fe’li) zamoni ish-harakatining ma’lum bir vaqt jarayonida davom etishini ifodalash uchun qo‘llanadi.
Bu zamon kelasi zamondagi «to be» (shall be, will be) ko‘makchi fe’li bilan yetakchi fe’lning IV shakli vositasida yasaladi.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:42:55

The Affirmative Form

I. I shall be working.      I. We shall be working.
Men ishlayotgan bo‘laman.            Biz ishlayotgan bo‘lamiz.
II. You will be working.      II. You will be working.
Sen ishlayotgan bo‘lasan.      Siz(lar) ishlayotgan bo‘lasiz.
III. He (she) will be working.                   III. They will be working.
U ishlayotgan bo‘ladi.      Ular ishlayotgan bo‘ladilar.

Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «shall» yoki «will» ko‘makchi fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.

The Negative Form

I. I shall not be working.      I. We shall not be working.
II. You will not be working.   II. You will not be working.
III. He (she) will not be working.   III. They will not be working.

So‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «shall» yoki «will» ko‘makchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi.

The Interrogative Form

Shall I be working? — Yes, you will. — No, you will not.
Will you be working? — Yes, I shall. — No, I shall not.
Will he/she be working? — Yes, he/she will. — No, he/she will not.

Shall we be working? — Yes, you wil. No, you will not.
Will you be working? — Yes, we shall. No, we shall not.
Will they be working? — Yes, they will. No, they will not.

«Future Continuous» zamoni qo‘llanishi zarurligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘zlar quyidagilar:
1. at 6 o'clock tomorrow  — ertaga soat 6 da
2. at this time tomorrow — ertaga xuddi shu paytda
3. from 6 till 8 tomorrow — ertaga 6 dan 8 gacha
4. the whole day tomorrow — ertaga butun kun bo‘yi
5.«when» so‘zi bilan kelgan ergash gap.
Misol:  He will be preparing for his exam the whole day tomorrow.
           I shall be reading a newspaper when he comes.

III. Direct and indirect speech. (Ko‘chirma va o‘zlashtirma gap)
So‘zlovchining hech o‘zgarishsiz, aynan keltirilgan gapi ko‘chirma gap deyiladi.
Misol:  She said: «Are you a student?»
           U so‘radi: «Siz talabamisiz?»

Bu yerda «she said» avtor so‘zi, «are you a student?» ko‘chirma gapdir.
O‘zgalar gapining mazmuni saqlangan holda shakli o‘zgartirilib berilishi o‘zlashtirma gap deyiladi.
Misol:  She asked if she was a student.
           U undan talaba yoki talaba emasligini so‘radi.

O‘zlashtirma gap to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap bo‘lganligi uchun uning kesimi bosh gapdagi (avtor so‘zidagi) fe’l  kesim bilan zamonda moslashadi. Ingliz tilidagi o‘zlashtirma gaplar o‘zbek tilida sodda yoyiq gap tarzida beriladi.

O‘zganing gapi birikmali to‘ldiruvchi bo‘lib keladi:
Misol:   He said that he had four lessons that day.
   U o‘sha kuni to‘rtta darsi borligini aytdi.

a) ko‘chirma gap darak gap bo‘lsa, u bosh gapga «that» orqali yoki bog‘lovchisiz bog‘lanadi.
Misol:   He says: «I have many English books».
      He says that he has many English books.

b) ko‘chirma gap umumiy so‘roq gap bo‘lsa, bosh gapga «if» yoki «whether» bog‘lovchisi orqali bog‘lanadi.
Misol:   He says: «Have you English books?»
      He asks if I have English books.

c) agar ko‘chirma gap maxsus so‘roq gap bo‘lsa, shu gapdagi so‘roq so‘z bog‘lovchi vazifasini bajaradi.
Misol:   He says: «When will you go to the library?»
      He asks when I shall go to the library.
d) agar ko‘chirma gap iltimos yoki buyruq shaklidagi gap bo‘lsa, u murakkab to‘ldiruvchi (complex object) shaklida, ya’ni fe’l-kesim infinitiv shaklida beriladi.
Misol:      Mother said: «Help me in washing».
      Mother told me to help her in washing.
Eslatma: Iltimos yoki buyruq gaplar o‘zlashtirilganda avtor so‘zidagi «to say» fe’li o‘rniga «to tell» yoki «to ask» fe’li qo‘llanadi.

Ingliz tilida «zamonlarning moslashuvi» uchun eslatma.  O‘zga shaxsning nutqini o‘zlashtirma gapda berishda «to say», «to ask», «to tell» fe’llari qo‘llaniladi, bu fe’llardan keyin to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap keladi.
Agar yuqoridagi fe’llar o‘tgan zamonda bo‘lsalar, «Zamonlar moslashuvi» qoidalariga rioya qilinadi. Bu holda gapdagi ko‘rsatish olmoshlari, payt va o‘rin ravishlari ma’nolariga qarab, quyidagi so‘zlar bilan almashtiriladi.

1. this/these      that/those
2. here         there
3. now         then
4. yesterday      the day before
5. today         that day
6. tomorrow      the next day, the following day
7. ... ago       ... before yoki earlier
8. last week      the week before
9. last year      the year before yoki the previous year
10. next week      the next week yoki the following week
11. next year      the next year yoki  the following year
12. in two days   two days later (ikki kundan keyin)

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  30 Aprel 2008, 17:49:34


I. Fe’llarning to‘rtta asosiy shakllarini yozing: (infinitive, past indefinite, participle II, participle I)

To work, to live, to leave, to go, to walk, to get, to come, to repeat, to write, to revise, to cry, to promise, to copy, to bring, to buy.

II. Gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

A) 1. The postman was bringing a newspaper at 7 a.m. yesterday. 2. She was writing to her friend at this time yesterday. 3. It was raining the whole day last Sunday. 4. The pupils were sitting at the lesson at 9 yesterday. 5. The boys were playing football at this time yesterday.
B) 1. We shall be sitting at the English lesson 10 a.m. tomorrow. 2. My sister will be watching TV at 6 p.m. tomorrow. 3. At this time tomorrow he will be doing his homework. 4. I shall be listening to the latest news at 8.30 tomorrow. 5. They will be waiting for the delegation at this time tomorrow.

III. Qavs ichidagi fe’llarni «Past Continuous» yoki «Future Continuous» zamonida qo‘llab, gaplarni yozing:

1. My sister (to write) a letter at 5 p.m. tomorrow. 2. His mother (to cook) the dinner at this time tomorrow. 3. He (to open) the window when I entered the room. 4. The students (to discuss) Navoiy's poems at four o'clock yesterday. 5. Children (to watch) TV when I come home. 6. Where (to go) you last night when I saw you? 7. It (to rain) heavily when I went out. 8. She (to play) tennis at this time next week. 9. We (to write) a test at 9 o'clock yesterday. 10. It (to rain) all day long yesterday.

IV. Ko‘chirma gaplarni o‘zlashtirma gap shakliga qo‘ying:

1. He says: «I shall go to school tomorrow». 2. She says: «The weather was fine yesterday». 3. She says: «My elder sister can speak English». 4. He said: «I am on holiday now». 5. She says: «My mother is a teacher». 6. She asks: «Where are you going?» 7. She asks: «Did you see the football match on TV?» 8. The teacher said: «Copy out the text». 9. Mother says: «Open the window, Ann» . 10. He said: «My hobby is tennis».

V. Nuqtalar o‘rniga zarur predloglarni qo‘yib ko‘chiring:

1. I'm interested ... Navoiy's poetry. 2. Everybody likes poems ... Navoiy. 3. Navoiy was the founder ... Uzbek literature. 4. Navoiy  wrote mostly ... Turkic. 5. He helped ... poets, scientists, artists. 6. His poems were collected ... four parts, which were called «Char-Devon». 7. His «Quintuple» consists ... five poems. 9. His books are popular ... the Uzbek people. 10. Navoiy's poems have been translated ... many languages.

VI. Quyidagi gaplarni o‘qing va ularning haqiqatan «Тo‘g‘ri-True» yoki «Noto‘g‘ri-False» ekanligini ayting:

1. Alisher Navoiy was born in 1541. 2. He was born in Bukhara. 3. «Quintuple» was written by Navoiy. 4. «Quintuple» consists of seven poems. 5. Charles Dickens was born in 1812. 6. He was born in Manchester. 7. «Martin Eden» was written by Ch. Dickens. 8. Dickens's first book was published in 1836. 9. Navoiy wrote his «Quintuple» from 1583 till 1585. 10. «Farhod and Shirin» was written in prose.

VII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:

Famous, to be born, a statesman, to support smb., to describe, a founder, in Turkic, in Persian, to collect, to consist of, in prose.

VIII. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

1. Alisher Navoiy o‘zbek adabiy tilining asoschisidir. 2. Kecha soat 4 da talabalar Navoiyning «Hamsa» dostonini muhokama qilayotgan edilar. 3. Ertaga shu paytda men yangi she’rni yodlayotgan bo‘laman. 4. Kecha soat 9 da bizda ingliz tili darsi bo‘layotgan edi. 5. Siz «Layli va Majnun» dostonini qachon o‘qigansiz? — O‘tgan yili. 6. Ular ertaga qayerga ketmoqchilar?  Samarqandga. 7. Biz ertaga shu paytda Samarqandga ketayotgan bo‘lamiz. 8. Men kelganimda, oilamiz ovqatlanayotgan ekan. 9. Ertaga men kelganimda, siz uy vazifasini bajarayotgan bo‘lasiz. 10. Kecha u uydan chiqqanida, yomg‘ir yog‘ayotgan edi.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:
Tom:      Jack, do you know  William Shakespeare's                birthplace?
Jack:      Yes, I do, you know that W.Shakespeare was born             in Stratford-on-Avon. There is a small river the             Avon in the city.
Tom:      I know some interesting facts about Stradford-on-            Avon.   But I'm interested in the house where             Shakespeare was born.
Jack:      He was born in a small house in the centre of the             town. There was a large garden behind the house.
Tom:      Did Shakespeare die in this house?
Jack:      No, he didn't. After he became famous he bought a             large  house. He died in that house.
Tom:      Is that house  a museum  now?
Jack:      No, there  is nothing left of it. People visit                Shakespeare's small house  now.
Tom:      Thank you, Jack. You have told  me interesting             things about Shakespeare's birthplace.

X. Maqollarni  o‘qing va yodda tuting.

Where there is a will, there is a way
Every dog has  his day (har kimning o‘z nasibasi bor)

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  02 May 2008, 13:28:13

                                             Additional Material For Reading.

                                                     WILLIAM CAXTON

William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1442. His father was a farmer. He didn't want to be a farmer. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office. The office traded with different countries. William liked to read new books of foreign writers. When he was thirty his master died. And he began his own business in Belgium. In 1471 he left his business and began to translate French books into English. He was interested in printing, so he learnt it. He made the first printing-press in England. In 1476 he brought his printing-press to London. Caxton printed his first book in 1477. It was the first book printed in English language. It was "œTales of Troy", Caxton's translation of the French book. William Caxton printed about 80 books. He translated 31 books from French into English. William Caxton died in 1491.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  02 May 2008, 13:30:03

                                            BRITISH HOLIDAYS

There are some public holidays in Great Britain. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.
The most popular holiday is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. On Christmas Eve offices and public buildings are closed at one o'clock. But shops stay open late.
Every year the people of Norway give London a present. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Cities and towns are decorated with colored lights across the streets. In squares enormous Christmas trees are decorated.
The fun starts on the 24th of December. Children and grown ups decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down with toys and sweets.
Housewives are busy cooking. The Christmas bird is usually a turkey. As Christmas is a family holiday, relatives usually meet for the big dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. People say to each other "œA Merry Christmas to you".
The 26th of December is Boxing Day. People visit friends and relatives or just sit at home.
Besides public holidays there are some special festivals in Great Britain. One of them is the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James 1. But it couldn't happen. The King's men found the bomb, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and cut his head.
Since that day British people celebrate the 5th of November. They burn a dummy on a bonfire. Dummy is usually made of straw and old clothes. They let off fireworks. This dummy is called a "œguy" (like Guy Fawkes). On the eve of the festival children can be seen in the streets saying "œPenny for the guy". They collect money for their fireworks.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  05 May 2008, 17:47:33

                                                      ENGLISH MEALS

   There are four meals a day in an English house: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner.
   Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is about 8 a.m. and consists of porridge with milk, eggs (boiled or fried), bread and butter with marmalade or jam. Some people drink tea and others prefer coffee.
   The usual lunchtime is 1 o'clock. It consists of soup or fruit juice and meat or poultry with potatoes (boiled or fried), carrots and beans. Then they can have pudding or cheese and biscuits. Then they drink coffee (black or white). Some people prefer juice or lemonade.
Tea is the 3rd meal. It is between 4or 5 o'clock. It is called "œ5 o'clock tea". They can have tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam. Friends and guests are invited to tea.
Dinner is the 4th meal of the day. The usual dinnertime is 7 o'clock p.m. All the members of the family sit down together.
Dinner consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables, pudding or biscuits. Then they can have coffee (black or white).
But country people have dinner instead of lunch, tea between 5 and 6 o'clock. In the evening they have supper.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  05 May 2008, 17:50:25


Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac River, in the District of Columbia.
Washington was founded in 1791 and named after the 1st US President  George Washington. George Washington personally chose the site for the capital. The city became the capital of the state in 1800. Washington is the residence of the congress of the USA. All government departments and numerous federal institutions are also housed there. It is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are many research institutions and five universities there. The two main centres of the city are: the Capitol [k#pitl] — the seat of the Congress, and the White House — the President's residence.
   Pentagon is also situated there. The processional avenue connects the Capitol and the White House.
   The places of interest in Washington are: the Smithsonian National Museum, the National Galleries of Art, the Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials and others.
   The city is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter designated by its direction from the centre: North-East — NE; North-West — NW; South-East — SE; South-West — SW. Streets, running North and South are numerated as 1st street, 2nd street. Streets, running East and West are lettered as A-street, B-street, etc.
   The Union Railway station is pride of the city. It's bigger than the capital itself. Twenty train tracks enter the station on the upper level and 20 on the lower one. It's so big that it can hold an army of fifty thousand men.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  05 May 2008, 18:03:04

                                              AMERICAN HOLIDAYS

American holidays are various in character. Some of them are religious and some are connected with American history. American holidays are almost always celebrated by gathering together family and friends. There are often traditional meals. There are ten main holidays in the USA. They are:
1. New Year. New Year's Eve is celebrated on December 31. At midnight, bells ring, horns blow and friends exchange hugs and kisses. Everyone stays up late to celebrate the arrival of another year. New Year's Day is traditionally the time to start new programmes and give up bad habits. In big cities it is celebrated with parades, sporting events and fireworks.
2. Valentine's Day. On February 14, or St. Valentine's Day, people in America remind the people who are important to them that they are loved. Husbands and wives, parents and children, children and teachers give each other cards and candy that show how they really feel.
3. Easter. Easter is a religious holiday that comes on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Christians believe that Christ rose from the dead on Easter. Other people celebrate Easter as a sign of the coming of spring. Americans paint eggs pretty colours and give them as gifts to children. According to tradition, a rabbit called the "Easter Bunny" brings the eggs and hides them for children to find.
4. Memorial or Decoration Day. This holiday comes on May 30 and is dedicated to the service-men who gave their lives in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches decorate cemeteries and hold memo-rial services. They hang American flags on the main streets of towns.
5. The Fourth of July (Independence Day). This is the biggest national holiday of the USA. It is celebrated as the birthday of the country, because on this day in 1776, the colonies declared their independence from the British Crown and became the United States of America. On Independence Day, Americans march in parades and gather with friends and family. They cook hamburgers and hot dogs over a fire. In the evening, people watch fireworks.
6. Labour Day. This is the holiday dedicated to the American working class and comes on the first Monday of September. It marks the beginning of autumn and is the last real holiday of summer. Many families take a vacation the week before Labour Day, as it is the end of summer vacation before the beginning of school.
7. Hallowe'en. October 31 is a day when people, mostly children, dress up in costumes, enjoy parties, and collect candy from their neighbours, saying "Trick or treat." The tradition started because, according to superstition, October 31 is the last day that spirits and devils can roam the earth before "All Hallows Day," a holy day in the church. This means that the day before is "All Hallows Evening," which has been shortened to "Hallowe'en." On this day, many people hollow out a pumpkin, carve a face into it and place a candle inside, making a glowing head called ajack-o-lantern.
8. Veterans' Day. This comes on November 11 and is usually marked with parades and ceremonies in which people honour those who have served in the country's military.
9. Christmas. Christmas is a religious celebration. It is celebrated on December 25 as the birthday of Christ. It is a family holiday, and every house tries to have a Christmas tree, which is brightly decorated. As a rule, presents for children, relatives and close friends are placed under the tree. There are many traditional songs, sweets and treats associated with Christmas. According to tradition, a mythical grandfatherly old man named "Santa Claus" brings presents to all the children while they are sleeping. He places them in the stockings (socks) that they leave for him to fill.
There are many other holidays that almost everyone in the USA celebrates. Among them are St. Patrick's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and April Fools Day.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  05 May 2008, 18:07:12

                                          Some Words About The Religion

   Religion is a belief in the existence of supernatural power, the creator and controller of the Universe.
   Religion is a behavioral discipline with particular moral code. It keeps a man away from bad behavior.
   There are 3 universal religions:
1. Buddhism;
2. Christianity;
3. Islam;
People, whose religion is Buddhism, are called Buddhists.
Buddhism was founded by Buddha, the great religious teacher. He lived in India about 2500 years ago.
Jesus Christ was the prophet. People, who believe in Jesus Christ
are called Christians. Among Christians there are: Catholics, Protestants and Pravoslavs. Christians celebrate the birth of Christ every year. They call it Christmas (X-mas). It is celebrated on the 25th of December. Muslims don't celebrate the birthday of anybody.   
   Islam is the world's oldest religion. Mohammad (pbuh) never claimed that he brought a new religion to the people. Islam has been the same throughout the history of mankind. The fundamental teachings were the same. Mohammad was the last prophet. He preached that Islam is its final, uncorrupted, incorruptible and complete form, it is for all the people of the world and for all times to come. So Islam's basic source of teaching-the Quran- is preserved intact in its exact original form and in its original language. People, who believe in Islam, are called Muslims.
     There are the people, who refuse to believe in the existence of God. They are called atheists.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  05 May 2008, 18:09:45

Geographic Names

Abu(i) Dhabi [с’'bu: da:bi] — Abu Dabi
Adriatic Sea [eidri '#tik 'si:] — Adriatika dengizi
Afghanistan [с’f 'g#nistan] — Afg‘oniston
Alabama [#lс’'b#mс’] — Alabama
Algeria [#l'd¦iс’riс’] — Jazoir
Al Kuwait [elku 'weit] — Al - Quvayt
Antarctic Continent [#nt°:ktik 'kс”ntinс’nt] — Antarktida
Arctic Ocean ['°:ktik 'ou$с’n] — Shimoliy muz okeani
Arizona [#ri 'zounс’] — Arizona
Assouan, Aswan [#su '#n] — Assuan
Atlantic Ocean [с’t'l#ntic 'ou$с’n] — Atlantika okeani
Bahrain, Bahrein [bс’'rein] — Bahrayn
Balkan Peninsula [bс”:lkс’n pi'ninsjulс’] — Bolqon yarim oroli
Basra ['b#zrс’] — Basra
Beirut [bei 'ru:t] — Bayrut
Belfast ['belfa:st] — Belfast
Bermudas [bс’'mju:dс’z] — Bermud orollari
Birmingham [bс’:miА…с’m] — Birmingam
Bradford ['br#dfс’d] — Bredford
Brighton [braitn] — Braytn
Cairo ['kaiс’rou] — Qohira
California [k#li 'fс”:njс’] — Kaliforniya
Cambridge [keimbrid¦] — Kembrij
Canada ['k#nс’dс’] — Kanada
Caucasus ['kс”:kс’sс’s] — Kavkaz
Chicago [t$i'ka:gou] — Chikago
Cleveland ['kli:vlс’nd] — Klivlend
Colorado [kс”lс’ra:dс”u] — Kolorado
Copenhagen [koupn 'heign] — Kopengagen
Damascus [dс’'ma:sks] — Damashq
Dar es Salaam [da:ressс’'la:m] — Dorussalom
Dead Sea [ded si:] — O‘lik dengiz
District of Columbia ['distriktс’v kс’'lА‡mbiс’] — Kolumbiya okrugi
Doha [douha] — Doha
Dublin ['dА‡blin] — Dublin
Edinburgh ['edinbс’rс’] — Edinburg
Egypt ['i:d¦ipt] — Misr
England ['iА…gland] — Angliya
English Channel ['iА…gli$ t$#nl] — La Mansh bo‘g‘ozi
Europe ['juс’rс’p] — Yevropa
Federal Republic of Germany ['fedс’rс’l ri 'pА‡blik с’v 'd¦с’:mс’ni] —  GFR
Finland ['finlс’nd] — Finlyandiya
Florida ['floridс’] — Florida
France [fra:ns] — Fransiya
Geneva ['d¦i 'ni:vс’] — Jeneva
Georgia ['d¦с”:¦djс’] — Jorjiya shtati (AQSH); Gruziya
Germany [d¦с’:mс’ni] — Germaniya
Great Britain ['greit 'britn] — Buyuk Britaniya
Greece ['gri:s] — Gretsiya
Hague [heig] — Gaaga
Hastings ['heistiА…z] — Gastingz
Hawaii [ha 'wai:] — Gavaya orollari
Hollywood ['hс”liwud] — Gollivud
Hong Kong [hс”А… 'kс”А…] — Gonkong
Hungary ['hА‡А…gс’ri] — Vengriya
Iceland ['aislс’nd] — Islandiya
Idaho ['aidс’hou] — Aydaho
Indian Ocean ['indjс’n 'ou$с’n] — Hind okeani
Iowa ['aiouс’] — Ayova
Ireland ['aiс’lс’nd] — Irlandiya
Jamaica [d¦с’'meik  ] — Yamayka
Japan [d¦'p#n] — Yaponiya
Jordan ['d¦с”:dn] — Iordaniya
Jugoslavia ['ju: gou 'sla:vjс’] — Yugoslaviya
Kabul [kс”:bl] — Kobul
Kansas City ['k#nс’s 'siti] — Kanzas siti
Kazakhstan [ka:za:h'sta:n] — Qozog‘iston
Kentucky [ken'tА‡ki] — Kentukki
Kirghizia [kс’:'gi:zjс’] — Qirg‘iziston
Klondike ['klс”ndaik] — Klondayk
Korea [kс’'ri:с’ ] — Koreya
Lebanon ['lebс’nс’n] — Livan
Leipzig [laipzig] — Leipsig
Louisiana [lu(:)i:zi '#nс’] — Luiziana
Maine [mein] — Meyn shtati
Manchester ['m#nt$istс’] — Manchester
Massachusetts [m#sс’'t$u:sits] — Massachusets
Mauritania [mс”:ri 'teinjс’] — Mavritaniya
Mediterranean Sea [meditс’'reinjс’n'si:] — O‘rta Yer dengizi
Morocco [mс’'rс”kou] — Marokash
Nairobi [naiс’'roubi] — Nayrobi
Nebraska [ni'br#skс’] — Nebraska
Netherlands ['ne`с’lс’ndz] — Niderlandiya
New Jersey ['nju:'d¦с’:zi] — Nyu Jersi
North Pole ['nс”:|'poul] — Shimoliy qutb
Ohio [ou'haiou] — Ogayo
Oklahoma [ouklс’'hс”umс’] — Oklaxoma
Lake Ontario ['leik с”n't±с’riou] — Ontario ko‘li
Pacific Ocean [pс’'sifik 'ou$с’n] — Тinch okeani
Pearl Harbour ['pс’:l 'ha:bс’] — Pirl Xarbor
Persian Gulf ['pс’:$с’n 'gА‡lf] — Fors ko‘rfazi
Prague [pra:g] — Praga
Pyongyang ['pjс’:А…ja:А…] — Pxenyan
Peking ['pi:kiА…] — Pekin
Quebec [kwi 'bek] — Kvebek
Riyadh [ri 'ja:d] — Ar-Riyad
Russia ['rА‡$с’] — Rossiya
Rwanda [ru '#ndс’] — Ruanda
Saint Louis [seint 'luis] — Sent Luis
Salt Lake City ['sс”:ltleik 'siti] — So‘lt leyk siti
Siberia [saibiс’riс’] — Sibir
Suez Canal [suizkс’'n#l] — Suets kanali
Syria ['siriс’] — Suriya
Thames [temz] — Тemza
Toronto [tс’'rс”ntou] — Тoronto
Turkmenistan [tс’:kmeni 'st°:n] — Тurkmaniston
Ukraine [ju 'krein] — Ukraina
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [ju:'naitid kiА…dс’m с’v 'greit 'britn с’nd 'nс”:`с’n 'aiс’lс’nd] — Buyuk Britaniya va shimoliy Irlandiya  birlashgan qirolligi
Utah ['ju:ta:] — Yuta
Vienna [vi 'enс’] — Vena
Virginia [vс’'d¦injс’] — Virjiniya
Waterloo ['wс”tс’lu:] — Vaterloo
Yugoslavia ['ju:gou 'sla:vjс’] — Yugoslaviya
Zurich ['zjuс’rik] — Syurix

Qayd etilgan