ENGLISH Speaking  ( 94187 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Salmoni Forsiy  21 Yanvar 2008, 12:38:41

Gapilaga aralashayotganim uchun uzr.
Manimcha, BC British Council, c.a.f.e - Learning Center of USWLU (Inyaz) bo'lsa kerak, yana bilmadim ;D

ABBREVIATION FOR Before Christ: used in the Christian calendar when referring to a year before Jesus Christ was born:
The Battle of Actium took place in 31 BC.

 Siz so'ragan savol haqida.BC ko'pincha miloddan avvalgi ma'nosida keladi (Before Christ degani.Yuqoriga qarang.)Inglizchada tarihiy hikoyalarda ko'p uchraydigan qisqartma so'z.

ABBREVIATION FOR Anno Domini: used in the Christian calendar when referring to a year after Jesus Christ was born:
Milodiy yillarga inglizchada AD deyiladi.Masalan: During the seventh century AD(Milodiy 7 asrlarda)

Qayd etilgan

Hayotjon Kenjayev  08 Fevral 2008, 19:58:12

ok. I'm interested in everything. if you have any question you are welcome, I'll be happy when I'm answering them,

Qayd etilgan

Shahnozka89  10 Fevral 2008, 08:46:57

Hello, Ozoda. I'm fine, what about you? 

Qayd etilgan

ikbaljohn  10 Fevral 2008, 17:26:18

Too difficult :(

Qayd etilgan

Salmoni Forsiy  11 Fevral 2008, 15:30:51

Qayd etilgan

ikbaljohn  12 Fevral 2008, 08:25:36

And somewhere there....

Qayd etilgan

Jakonda  11 Mart 2008, 17:25:46

It looks chatting room .... and they look chatting people.

Qayd etilgan

akmal bax  10 Dekabr 2009, 11:17:06

hi everybody
let me congratulate u with new year!
 i hope we'll do our best the next year
god bless us
see u soon at "forum.ziyouz.com"

Qayd etilgan