Practice Your English  ( 22139 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:12:10

Assalomu alaykum.
Ushbu bo'limda siz Ingliz tilidan turli xil mashqlar topishingiz mumkin. O'rganuvchilar uchun o'z ingliz tillarini ishlatib, mashq qilish judayam foydali.

p/s.O'rganuvchilar uchun birinchi maslahat.

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:12:30


Sifatni kiritganim uchun, shu mavzu yuzasidan mashqlar.

1. Quyidagi sifatlarning qiyosiy va orttirma darajalarini yasang. (Bajarishni maslahat berardim, shunda yozilishi ancha esda qoladi.)

Big, heavy, short, dirty, clean, near, bad, famous, little, much, clever, good, expensive, cheap, important, pale, hot, beautiful, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, dry, flat, fresh, full, quick, late, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, funny, easy, lazy, ugly, comfortable, quiet, far.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi kitobidan foydalanildi.

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:12:44

Gapning mazmuniga qarab, sifatlarni to'g'ri shaklda yozing.

1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains. 6.HIs plan is (practical) of all. 7. London is (large) city in England. 8.Calculus is (difficult) than pre-calculus. 9. Silver is (cheap) than gold. 10. This room is (large) of all rooms in this house.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi kitobidan foydalanildi.

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:12:59


bigger, the biggest;
heavier, the heaviest;
shorter, the shortest;
dirtier, yhe dirtiest;
cleaner, the cleanest;
badder, the baddest;
famouser, the famousest,
littler, the littlest;

Shu yerigacha tekshirib bering. Qolganini keyin bajaraman.

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:13:20


Oxirgi uchtasidan boshqa hammasi to'g'ri!
Qarab ko'ring, qolgani boshqacha qoida bilan yasalardiyu!
p/s. Zo'r!
Keep practicing!

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:15:25


clever-cleverer-the cleverest;
good-better-the best;
expensive-more expensive-the most expensive;
cheap-cheaper-the cheapest;
hot-hotter-the hottest

Tekshirib bering.

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:15:40


Buyog'ini man davom ettirsam:
beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful;
large-larger-the largest;
fat-fatter-the fattest
early-earlier-the earliest
pretty-more pretty-the pretties


Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:16:17


practical more practical the most practical
pretty prettier the prettiest (orttirmasini to'g'ri yozibsiz)
Davom ettiravering!

Hozircha yaxshi!
Qolganlarini ham harakat qilib ko'ring! (birinchisiga yana bir urnab ko'ring!)

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:16:32


1.the longest2.shortest 3.the most usefull 4. the wider and deeper 5.highest 6.the most practical 7. the largest 8. more difficult 9. cheaper 10. the largest.

Qayd etilgan

AbdulAziz  24 Iyun 2006, 05:16:51


bright-brighter-the brightest;
dark-darker-the darkest;
dry-drier-the drierest;
flat-flatter-the flattest
fresh- more fresh - the most fresh
full- more full-the most fullest

Qayd etilgan