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IELTS. Writing task 2.

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Bugungi kunda aksariyat forumdoshlarimiz, Oliy o`quv yurtlariga imtixonlarga tayyorgarlik ko`rishyapti. Shu jumladan, ba`zi forumdoshlarimiz IELTS, TOEFL kabi imtixonlardan yuqori natijalarga umid qilishyapti. Ushbu mavzuni ochishimdan maqsad IELTS examlariga bir-birimizga ko`maklashishdir.

IELTS examlari tarkibida Writing bo`limi ham mavjud.
Writing task 1 ga 20 min vaqt ajratilsa, Writing task 2 ga 40 min. Jami 1 soat davomida ingliz tilida ikkita insho yozish talab etiladi. Ushnu mazvuda Writing task 2 ga yozgan insholarimizni post qilamiz.

Unda o`zim boshlayman.

To some people studying the past has little value in the modern world. Why do you think it is important to do so? What will be the effect if children are not taught history?
I guess, studying some kind of subjects depends on people’s interests, ability and of course benefit. We study in order to get some profit or to use this knowledge in the future life, especially during the work, study or do our life more comfortable or better than in the past.
Nowadays, the most of people aren’t interested in history. Because our modern world is different from the past for that reason at the present we need to study some new subjects to develop our earth or where we live. However, we should learn history, our ancestors life with the purpose of not to repeat their mistakes. For instance, when builders build some house they pay attention to fundamental part of the house. If fundamental part isn’t built strong, the house won’t perseverance even the wind. Our life like a house which we build during we live. It consists of history, present and future. History is fundamental part of our life. Unless we don’t learn history, our life will be destroyed. For that reason we have to study past and modern subjects at the same time, and teach them to our future generations.
If children are taught history, it will give good results. During studying history they can learn their ancestors, inventions, how scientists invented things which we use they every day every field of our life and they might be encouraged by studying. Past events will be incentive of the future inventions.
Indeed, we should study the past and teach it to our children, in order to get certain information about the past life and not to repeat errors of people who lived before us.
Words: 275

PS: Birinchi yozgan essaylarimdan. Fikr, mulohaza va tanqidlaringizni kutaman.


--- Iqtibos: G_u_l_i  05 Dekabr 2010, 07:43:57 ---Unda o`zim boshlayman.

PS: Birinchi yozgan essaylarimdan. Fikr, mulohaza va tanqidlaringizni kutaman.

--- End quote ---

your theme Reminds all the memories  :) and recalled our lesson too .

Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Learning foreign language especially English, is useful for everyone not only for linguistics and it`s also beneficial who want to be a master of their qualification. For the reason English is widely distributed in many parts of our world. You can communicate with other people in English despite of their nationality.
In my opinion, learning English in an English-speaking country has favourable chance learn it by native speakers and it has also an opportunity to learn it easily with the right pronunciation. Moreover, you can practice your English every day everywhere and English-speaking countries own well-known universities all over the world. You can be a student of these famous universities by learning English.
However, for every plus there is a minus. On the other hand it doesn`t mean that everyone who live in an English-speaking country know all the rules of the language thoroughly and they speak according to the grammar rules. You may learn very informal words, phrases, or meanings, not regarded as standard which isn`t often used by a specific profession.
I consider, studying the English language will give good results if you learn it at the same time studying some specialty. For one thing, you can get right qualification and know the language and you don`t spend your time not only for English.
Words: 216


Some      people    prefer   to  live  in  a  house,   while   others    think   that  there   are  more
advantages living in an apartment.

Are there more advantages than disadvantages to living in a house rather than in an

       Many   people   nowadays   face   a   difficult   decision   when   they buy   their   own   home.   The
question  is whether  they should buy a  house or  an  apartment.  There would seem to be
clear benefits and drawbacks to both options.

       Perhaps the major advantage of living in a house is the issue of privacy. Typically, there is
more opportunity for peace and quiet, if you live in a house. This is particularly the case if it
is   a   detached   house.   Other   significant   advantages   are   that   houses   are   generally more
spacious and on the whole have gardens. This is especially important if there is a family so
that the children  can  have a safe environment to play in. If,  however, you live in  a  tower
block, then the children may have to play outside on the pavement.

      There are, of  course, negative aspects  to living in  houses.  The greatest of these is that
they tend to be more expensive to purchase and to maintain.  Indeed, a large majority of
people   choose to   live   in   apartments because   they cannot   afford the mortgage to buy a
house.     Another   possible    problem    is  that  there  are   fewer   houses    in  cities  than  the
countryside. So if you like urban life, it may be preferable to live in an apartment. A second
reason to avoid living in a house is that there is a greater sense of community to life in an

      My conclusion  would be that this  is a  well-balanced issue. There are probably an  equal
number of pros and cons to making either choice. Ultimately, whether you decide to live in
a cottage in the countryside or a duplex in the city depends on your own personality, family
and financial circumstances.

(285 words)


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