"Quyosh qoraymas" ni tarjima qilyabman. O'qiganlar bormi?  ( 15172 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Arkmon  13 Dekabr 2011, 20:33:09

O'zbek askarlar: "Agar o'lsak, tirik qolganlar ko'mib, duo o'qisin",  deydi.
(foshizmg'a jon tikkan shu urushta jon tasadduq qilgan O'zbek askarlar xotirisiga:

Yosh idik mushkul safarga otlonip chiqqonda biz,
Andi otga mingadak cho'ng bo'ldi ana navramiz.
Oz idik mushkul safarga otlonip chiqqonda biz ,
Andi cho'ng korovon otalduq qoldirip cho'llarda iz.
Qoldi iz cho'llar ora, gohi dovonlarda yana,
Qoldi ni-ni orslonlar dashti-cho'lda qabrasiz.
Qabrasiz qoldi demang, yulg'un qizorgan dolida,
Gul — chechakka purkanir tongla bahorda qabramiz.
Qoldi iz, qoldi manzil, qoldi uzoqda hammasi,
Chiqsa bo'ron, ko'chsa qumlar hem ko'milmas izimiz.
To'xtimos korovon yo'lidan garcha otlar bak o'ruq,
Topqusi hech bo'lmasa, bu izni bir kun navramiz, yo avramiz.

Qayd etilgan

Arkmon  13 Dekabr 2011, 20:34:41

We started our journey which was too tough as we young,
Now grandsons grown up, war horses can be ridden on.
We were too few journey was hard at the very beginning,
Foot marks left on deserts, we’re now named a caravan.
Cross the desert, cover the tops, leaving footprints behind,
Many left unburied there, they were the men of the men!
Though unburied in open field with the bright red tamarisk,
Flowery graves will be made in a spring by freedom fan.
Footprints left, destiny left, all of them left in the past,
Either it winds or sand moves, won’t erase them, never can!
The caravan keeps going, though the horses week and hurt,
The footprints will be followed by grandsons or the great ones

Qayd etilgan

Arkmon  13 Dekabr 2011, 20:41:18

<a href="http://player.56.com/v_NTg0MzAxNjA.swf" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://player.56.com/v_NTg0MzAxNjA.swf</a>

Qayd etilgan

Muxsiya  05 Iyun 2013, 17:17:36

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Qayd etilgan