Ilm va ziyo => Darsxona => Chet tillari => Mavzu boshlandi: registan 22 Sentyabr 2008, 11:53:53

Nom: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 22 Sentyabr 2008, 11:53:53
John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400. Which does he like?

A. 400
B. 900
C. 2400
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: Mars 27 Sentyabr 2008, 02:44:54
I guess he doesn't like any   ???
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 28 Sentyabr 2008, 14:52:26
You are wrong. he likes 2400. The answer is C.
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: Mars 01 Oktyabr 2008, 08:48:37
I'm sorry I just guess.Give me next  questions.
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 01 Oktyabr 2008, 13:48:14
Try this one and feel yourself in 2% of the cleverest men in the world. :)
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 09 Oktyabr 2008, 16:18:28
I think it's a bit difficult for you because it's in english, I'm sure that you can easily solve it if it's in your native language. Anyways, I want to give you the easiest one. No doubt you can solve it. :)

+    30
+    40
+    20
+    10
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: Mars 11 Oktyabr 2008, 10:28:10
Registan that's really easy
+    30
+    40
+    20
+    10

I hope  :)
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 11 Oktyabr 2008, 17:38:06
You are wrong, try again.
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 12 Oktyabr 2008, 08:09:42

how about 4100?
There are 4x1000 and 30+40+20+10=100 ----- 4000+100=4100

So total is 4100, isn't it?

i tried, i wasn't that good at mathematics so if I'm wrong sorry....

The Alchemist

Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 12 Oktyabr 2008, 11:31:53
Yes it's the right answer.
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: Mars 12 Oktyabr 2008, 16:08:50
The_Alchemist wow I newer think this way.Registan you said  this is easy?Ok next 
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 12 Oktyabr 2008, 18:05:27
There are 10 white, 7 red and 5 green balls in the box. How many balls, at least, without looking, you must take out from the box to have balls with all color?
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 12 Oktyabr 2008, 19:13:15

I'm not sure about that but what you if my answer is 18?
Because if you take 5 balls out all of them could be green, but if you take 7 balls out all could be red, if you take 10 again all could be white and if you take 12 balls out they could be red and green and same thing with number 17 which means if you take 17 balls out they could be white balls and red balls only. So for the 100% result you need to take 18 balls out which you won't miss any color.
But if you are extremly lucky you can collect all colours in 3 shots and for extremly unlucky people 18 is the perfect number....
But I'm not sure in my answer, I'm just trying to answer....

The Alchemist

Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 13 Oktyabr 2008, 21:59:44
Bravo Alchemist! You are right, again. I really envy you. :) Hey, here is the next question. I think it makes u think deeper. :)

You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus

    * An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
    * An old friend who once saved your life.
    * The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 15 Oktyabr 2008, 18:23:01
What, can't any of you solve this? OK, I'll give you a tip. You should make all of them happy, including yourself :). Choose one of them so that all of you would be happy.

So, here is a new question: If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go untill you would find the letter "A"? (enough interesting, yeah? ;))
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 15 Oktyabr 2008, 18:51:10
Until 1000, ONE THOUSAND...

I think so but not sure again....

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 16 Oktyabr 2008, 12:43:58

Next question: Put 1 rice in the first cell of chess board, 2 in second cell, 4 in third, 8 in 4th and go on till it ends up in 64th cell. What will be the sum of all the rice? I need the exact number. ;)
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 16 Oktyabr 2008, 12:58:09
I think answer is 2080

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 16 Oktyabr 2008, 12:59:26
Nooooooooooooooooo my friend, this time you are wrong. It's not the right answer.
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 16 Oktyabr 2008, 13:01:49
OK, maybe i made a mistake...

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 16 Oktyabr 2008, 16:09:33
I'll try one more time.
This time my answer is 18446744073709600000 (or 1.84467E+19)

I think this is the right answer, but still not sure...

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 16 Oktyabr 2008, 16:31:10
At last you have the answer, but a bit wrong. It's geometrik progression. b1=1, q=2 n=64 b64=b1*q"(n-1)=1*2"63=2"63=9223372036854775808 S64=(b1*q"n-1)/(q-1)=(1*2"64-1)/1=2"63-1=18446744073709551616-1=18446744073709551615

So the right answer is: 18446744073709551615  (There are not enough rice amount of this in the world. :))
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 16 Oktyabr 2008, 23:26:04
OK, next one: How do you explain this?

Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Oktyabr 2008, 15:22:17
The area of a right triangle is computed by multiplying the base times the height and dividing by two. The pieces of the puzzle have an area of 32 square units. Although they can be assembled to form what appears to be a 13×5 right triangle, they actually form quadrilaterals that are slightly smaller or slightly bigger than a 13×5 right triangle. The long side of the these triangles, i.e, the hypotenuse, is not a straight line.

The top figure has an area of 32 square units. The bottom figure, including the empty square, has an area of 33 square units. A real 13×5 right triangle would have an area of 32.5 square units. The distortion is difficult to see because one square of the picture is approximately 3% of the area.

The distortion can be seen more clearly when the empty square constitutes a larger percentage of the area, as in the figure below where 1 square represents 13% of the area.

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Oktyabr 2008, 15:35:39
At a party, everyone shook hands everybody else. There were 66 handshakes. How many people were at the party?

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 18 Oktyabr 2008, 16:19:10
I think there were 12 people, weren't there?
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Oktyabr 2008, 16:21:14
Yes they were 12 people at the party...

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Oktyabr 2008, 16:25:43
A bear walks south for one kilometer, then it walks west for one kilometer, then it walks north for one kilometer and ends up at the same point from which it started.
Question: what color was the bear?

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 18 Oktyabr 2008, 16:36:34
White :)
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Oktyabr 2008, 17:29:08
No you made a little mistake,
the bear was not white, it was WHITE....:) (just like rice question)

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 27 Oktyabr 2008, 15:39:41
At an eBay auction, a woman's ring and a filigree jewelry box with a hand-painted ceramic top are on sale for $200 Dollars.  The jewelry box is valued at $190 Dollars more than the ring.
So, how much is the ring worth?

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 29 Oktyabr 2008, 20:10:37
If the box is valued $190 & it's valued more than the ring, so the ring is valued less than $190. :)
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 30 Oktyabr 2008, 07:49:48
I repeat the question: how much is the ring worth?
You must give me exact number...

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 13 Noyabr 2008, 14:18:24
I didn't get the question, each of them $200...?
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 13 Noyabr 2008, 17:24:15

Jewelry box and the ring together cost 200$
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 13 Noyabr 2008, 17:41:06
So, the ring is valued at $10. yeah?
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 13 Noyabr 2008, 17:49:46
No you are wrong,
the value of the ring is $5

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: Abdul_Malik 14 Noyabr 2008, 08:23:39
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 14 Noyabr 2008, 18:03:34

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 15 Noyabr 2008, 01:12:34
Can u find the missed mistake if there is any?

Let a & b each be equal to 1.
Since a ^ b are equal,
b^2 = ab (eq.1)
Since a equals itself, it is obvious that
a^2 = a^2 (eq.2)
Subtract equation 1 from equation 2.
(a^2) - (b^2) = (a^2)-ab (eq. 3)
We can factor both sides of the equation:
(a^2)-ab equals a(a-b).
Likewise, (a^2)-(b^2) equals (a + b)(a - b)
(Nothing fishy is going on here. This statement is perfectly true. Plug in numbers and see for yourself!) Substituting into the equation 3, we get
(a+b)(a-b) = a (a-b)
So far, so good. Now divide both sides of the equation by (a-b) and we get
a + b = a
b = 0
But we set b to 1 at the very beginning of this proof, so this means that
1 = 0

wow! im lost, lol.
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 17 Noyabr 2008, 09:14:03
Please next question :(

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 17 Noyabr 2008, 13:32:03

Everyone knows that u can never devide any number by zero, in this proof a=1, b=1 and (a-b)=0. At the end of the proof both sides devided by (a-b). I think that is the mistake.  ;)

Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Noyabr 2008, 07:37:37
A chicken farmer also has some cows for a total of 30 animals, and the animals have 74 legs in all.
How many chickens does the farmer have?

The Alchemist
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: Mars 18 Noyabr 2008, 09:52:50
I think a farmer has 25 chickens
Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: The_Alchemist 18 Noyabr 2008, 10:35:47

You are wrong because if there are 25 chickens then it'll be
25X2=50 chicken legs

74-50=24 cow legs

24 legs means 6 cows
so 25 chickens plus 6 cows total 31 animals.

Total number of animals in the question is 30 ea.

The Alchemist

Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 18 Noyabr 2008, 17:02:41
I think the answer is 23.

Here are some logical puzzles:

1. What can be full of water and full of holes at at the same time?

2. In a game of chess, how many different choices do you have for your first move?

3. It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it?

4. Lizzie is 16 years younger than Joanna. In 10 years time Joanna will be twice as old as Lizzie. How old are they now?

5. What are the next four letters in this series.

Y Y H L Y E Y T ...

6. ENUMERATION is an anagram of which other 11 character word in the English language?

7. Can you decode the following to find a hidden message? You've probably got a tool to do so with you now.

Q5A6Q3 A1Z6A2Q2Q3Q4 Q8A2 A1Q5 Q6Q9Q7Q4 A4Q8Z6AGQ3Q4Q5Q8Q10A2

8. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

9. What time is it when the number of minutes since midnight is nine times the number of minutes before noon?

And the last: How many black circles can you see in the image below?

Nom: Re: English puzzles and logical questions.
Yuborildi: registan 27 Noyabr 2008, 14:11:54

Solve this if you are a Genius!!!
Nom: Wow
Yuborildi: fazilat 22 May 2011, 13:04:38
Hi guys! Reading the abovementioned puzzle & logic questions I felt pity I couldn't fine any of them. I'll to find answers later. Thanks 4them