Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari  ( 118447 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 16:47:23


I. Hafta kunlari o‘qilishini mashq qiling:

   Sunday ['sА‡ndi]      Wednesday ['wenzdi]      
   Monday ['mА‡ndi]      Thursday ['|с’:zdi]
   Tuesday ['tju:zdi]      Friday ['fraidi]
         Saturday ['s#tс’di]

II. Oylar nomlaridagi urg‘uli bo‘g‘inlarning talaffuziga e’tibor berib o‘qing:

January ['d¦#njuс’ri]      July [d¦u:'lai]
February ['februс’ri]      August ['с”:gс’st]
March ['m°:t$]      September [sep'tembс’]
April ['eipril]         October [с”k'toubс’]
May [mei]         November [nou'vembс’]
June [d¦u:n]         December [di'sembс’]

III. Тranskripsiya qiling. Sifat darajasi qo‘shimchalarining o‘qilishiga ahamiyat bering:
Big   —   bigger      —   the biggest
Large   —   larger      —   the largest
Easy      —   easier      —   the easiest
Narrow      —   narrower   —   the narrowest
Clever      —   cleverer   —   the cleverest
Good      —   better      —   the best.

IV. Quyidagi gaplarni umumiy so‘roq gaplarga aylantiring va javob bering:

Namuna:   It is morning.
         Is it morning? — Yes, it is. (No, it is not).
1. It is evening.       2. It is a fine day.
3. It is December.      4. It is the First of May.
5. It is Saturday.      6. It is cold in winter.
7. It is early.         8. It is difficult to do this exercise.
9. It is time to go home   10. It is 4 o'clock.

V. Gaplarda sifatlarni lozim bo‘lgan darajada yozing.

1. It is (cold) today than it was yesterday. 2. She is (busy) today. 3. Dilbar plays the piano (well) than her sister does. 4. He is (tall) boy in our street. 5. It is (cold) in Uzbekistan in winter than it is in England. 6. He is two years (old) than me. He is my (old) brother. 7. The ocean is (deep) than the sea. 8. February is (short) month in the year. 9. Winter is (cold) season in the year. 10. July is (hot) month in the year.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 16:49:38

VI. Namunaga qarab, quyidagi mashqni bajaring:

Namuna:   Which is older:          Tashkent or Chirchik?
         — Tashkent is older than Chirchik.
1. Which is shorter: May or February?
2. Which is farther: Bukhara or Moscow?
3. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia?
4. Which is colder: February or April?
5. Which is faster: an airoplane or a train?
6. Which is larger: Andijan or Tashkent?
7. Which is warmer: autumn or summer?
8. Which is easier: to study English or Chinese?
9. Which is harder: the stone or the chalk?
10. Which is longer: the Sirdarya or the Zarafshan?

VII. Namunadan foydalanib, mashqni bajaring:

Is this book as interesting as that one?  No, that book is more interesting.
1. Is hockey as popular as football?
2. Is this exercise as difficult as that one?
3. Has she got as many English books as I have?
4. Does he write as many words as his friend does?
5. Do they have got as many fruit-trees as you have?
6. Is your bedroom as comfortable as your sitting-room?
7. Are there as many pictures in the sitting-room as in the bedroom?
8. Is winter as beautiful season as spring?
9. Is it as rainy weather in Great Britain as in Uzbekistan?
10. Are there as many flowers in winter as in spring?

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz gapga aylantiring:

1. The teacher is writing a sentence on the blackboard. 2. The students are speaking English now. 3. Pete is waiting for Bob now. 4. He is listening to the radio. 5. The children are doing their morning exercises. 6. The boys are swimming in the river now. 7. The family is having breakfast. 8. It is snowing hard.

IX. Qavs ichidagi fe’llarni tegishli zamonga qo‘yib, mashqni yozing:

1. Fred (to teach) English at school. 2. Jack (to have) an English lesson now. 3. Students (to ask) the teacher questions and the teacher (to answer) them now. 4. He  usually (to do) his homework in the evening. 5. What ... Bob (to do)?  He (to do) his homework. Look, Jennifer (to play) the piano. 7. Where (to be) Haul?  He (to play) football at the playground. 8. Where your parents (to live)?  They (to live) in the country. 9. We (to read) the texts, (to write) the new words and (to do) exercises at the English lesson. 10. She usually (to have dinner) at home.

X. Har biringiz bittadan faslni tanlang. O‘zbekistondagi fasl xususiyatlari bilan Buyuk Britaniyadagi fasl xislatlarini solishtirib, gapirib bering; berilgan so‘zlardan foydalaning:

1. Spring: warm, fog, to rain, long, short, to shine, to be in blossom, a fruit-tree,     grass, sky, green, blue, fresh.
2. Summer: hot, above zero, a flower, a camp, holidays, to go boating, to go fishing, to swim, fruits, garden.
3. Autumn: cloud, cool, fog, rain, a farmer, September, to begin, a school-year, cotton, to pick.
4. Winter: cold, to snow, to be covered, to play snowballs, to make a snowman, to play hockey, to go skating, to go skiing, a skating rink, below zero.

XI. Quyidagilarni o‘qing va yod oling:

1. Everything is good in its season.
2. One swallow does not make a summer.
3. Solomon Grundy.

Solomon Grundy         Worse on Friday,
Born on Monday,         Died on Saturday,
Named on Tuesday.         Burried on Sunday.
Married on Wednesday,      That was the end
Ill on Thursday,         Of Solomon Grundy.

4. Wind and Weather.

The South wind brings wet weather.
The North wind wet and cold weather.
The West wind always brings us rain.
The East wind blows it back again.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 16:52:17


Text: My Weekend.
Phonetics: «o» + «n, m, v, th».
Grammar:   I. The Formation of new words.
         II. The Past Indefinite Tense.
         III. The Disjunctive Question.


   People spend their weekends in different ways.
   Some people like to stay in town. They use radio or television. Television helps them to «visit» different countries. If they want to go out, there are cinemas, theatres or museums in the city.
   Some people like to spend their days off out of town. I like to go to the country at my weekend. Last weekend we decided to go to Humson. It is far from noisy Tashkent. There is a river and high hills there. The air is fresh. There is much green. The hills are full of fruits.
   My friends and I were very glad to be among the trees, grass and singing birds. We swam in the river and sunbathed. Then we had a good dinner. After dinner we played volley-ball. We picked flowers on the hills. The weather was fine and we didn't feel any hot. In the evening we returned home tired and pleased.
   We enjoyed our day off.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 16:57:35

Answer the questions:

1. How do people spend their weekends?
2. What do people do in town at the weekend?
3. Who likes to spend the weekend in the country?
4. Where do they go at their weekend?
5. Is Humson near or far from Tashkent?
6. Are the hills full of fruits?
7. Who was glad to be among trees and singing birds?
8. Did they swim in the river?
9. What did they do after dinner?
10. Was the weather fine on that day?
11.When did they return home?
12. Did they enjoy their day off?

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 17:00:37

The new words:

a way [ wei] — usul, yo‘l
in town [taun] — shaharda
ant.: out of town — shahardan tashqarida
to spend [tс’spend] — o‘tkazmoq, sarflamoq
a day off ['dei'с”f] — dam olish kuni
syn.: a weekend ['wi:kend] — dam olish kunlari (shanba, yakshanba)
to decide [di'said] — qaror qilmoq
noisy ['nс”izi] — shovqinli
a river ['rivс’] — daryo
to swim [swim] — cho‘milmoq, suzmoq
to sunbathe ['sА‡nbei`] — quyoshda qoraymoq
volleyball ['vс”libс”:l] — voleybol
a hill [hil] — tepalik
tired [taiс’d] — charchamoq
pleased [pli:zd] — mamnun
to enjoy ['end¦с”i] — qoniqmoq, huzur qilmoq

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  01 Aprel 2008, 17:03:11


I. «Oo» harfi  «n», «m», «v» undosh harflari yoki «th» digrafidan oldin kelsa, [А‡] unli tovushini ifodalaydi. Misol:
1. son [sА‡n] — o‘g‘il (o‘g‘li)
2. come [kА‡m] — kelmoq
3. dove [dА‡v] — kabutar
4. mother ['mА‡`с’] — ona
5. brother ['brА‡`с’] — aka yoki uka
6. onions ['А‡njс’nz] — piyoz
7. money ['mА‡ni] — pul

II. Ingliz tilida so‘z yasashning, asosan, ikki yo‘li bor: qo‘shma so‘z yasash, yasama so‘z yasash.
a) so‘zlarning o‘zaklarini yonma-yon qo‘yish yo‘li bilan qo‘shma so‘z yasaladi:
A text-book, a blackboard

Odatda bunday qo‘shma so‘zlarning birinchi o‘zagiga urg‘u tushadi.

b) so‘z o‘zagiga so‘z yasovchi prefiks yoki suffiksni qo‘shish yo‘li bilan yasama so‘zlar vujudga keladi:
   Work + er = worker (ot)
   Rain + y = rainy (sifat)
   Short + ly = shortly (ravish)
   Un + dress = undress (fe’l) va h.k.

III. Quyidagi birikmalarda «town» so‘zi oldida artikl ishlatilmaydi:
in town  shaharda
out of town — shahardan tashqarida

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  09 Aprel 2008, 19:32:45

The Past Indefinite Tense zamoni.
Noaniq o‘tgan zamon fe’li

I. Past Indefinite zamoni nutq so‘zlanib turgan paytdan oldin bo‘lib o‘tgan, hozirgi zamonga bog‘liqligi bo‘lmagan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi.
Misol:                      I saw my friend yesterday.
         Men kecha do‘stimni ko‘rdim.

II. Past Indefinite zamonini yasashda hamma mustaqil fe’llar 2 ta guruhga bo‘linadi:
1. Regular verbs — Тo‘g‘ri fe’llar
2. Irregular verbs — Noto‘g‘ri fe’llar.

1. Тo‘g‘ri fe’llarning noaniq o‘tgan zamonini yasash uchun fe’l o‘zagiga «d» ( yoki «-ed») qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi: (work+ed). Noto‘g‘ri fe’llarning esa jadvaldagi II shakli shu zamonga mos keladi (to write— wrote). Endi to‘g‘ri fe’l «to work» bilan noto‘g‘ri fe’l «to write» ni shu zamonda tuslaymiz.

I. I worked (wrote) yesterday. — Men kecha ishladim (yozdim).
II. You worked  (wrote) yesterday.  — Sen kecha ishlading (yozding).
III. He/she worked (wrote) yesterday. — U kecha ishladi (yozdi).


I. We worked (wrote) yesterday. — Biz kecha ishladik (yozdik).
II. You worked (wrote) yesterday. — Siz(lar) kecha ishladingiz (yozdingiz).
III. They worked (wrote) yesterday. — Ular kecha ishladilar  (yozdilar).

III. Bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun fe’l o‘zagi oldiga«Past Indefinite» dagi»do» (did) yordamchi fe’li va «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.
I. I did not work (write) yesterday.
II. You did not work (write) yesterday.
III. He/she did not work (write) yesterday.
I. We did not work (write) yesterday
II. You did not work (write) yesterday
III. They did not work (write) yesterday

IV. So‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «do» (did) yordamchi fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu bilan javob beriladi:
I. Did I work (write) yesterday?      — Yes, you did.                           — No, you did not.
II. Did you work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, I did.
                     — No, I didn't.
III. Did he (she) work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, he/she did.                            — No, he/she did not.

I. Did we work (write) yesterday?      — Yes, you did.
                     — No, you did not.
II. Did you work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, we did.                           — No, we did not.
III. Did they work (write) yesterday?   — Yes, they did.                           — No, they did not.

V. Past Indefinite zamoni ishlatilishi kerakligini ko‘rsatuvchi turtki (signal) so‘z va so‘z birikmalari quyidagilar:

1. yesterday ['jestс’di] — kecha
2. last week [la:st wi:k] — o‘tgan haftada
3. last month [la:st mА‡n|] — o‘tgan oyda
4. last winter (spring....) — o‘tgan qishda (bahorda va h.k.)
5. three days ago [с’'gou] — 3 kun avval
6. the day before yesterday — o‘tgan kuni

VI. Тasdiq so‘roq gap. Bu so‘roq gap ikki qismdan iborat bo‘ladi: 1. Darak gap; 2. Qisqa umumiy so‘roq gap.

1. Agar darak gap bo‘lishli shaklda bo‘lsa, umumiy so‘roq gap bo‘lishsiz shaklda bo‘ladi va javobi bo‘lishli bo‘ladi.

2. Agar darak gap bo‘lishsiz shaklda bo‘lsa, umumiy so‘roq gap bo‘lishli bo‘ladi va javob bo‘lishsiz shaklda bo‘ladi.
He plays the piano well, doesn't he? — Yes, he does.
He doesn't play the piano well, does he? — No, he doesn't.
Тasdiq so‘roq gapning birinchi qismi darak gap bo‘lgani uchun pasayuvchi ohang bilan ikkinchi qismi esa ko‘tariluvchi ohang bilan talaffuz qilinadi.
He plays the piano well, doesn't he?  Yes, he does.
hi 'pleiz `с’ pi#nouwel |dА‡znt hi: ||jes | hi'dА‡z ||

He doesn't play the piano well, does he?  No, he doesn't.
hi 'dА‡znt 'plei `с’ pi'#nou wel |dА‡z hi: ||nou | hidА‡znt ||

Eslatma: Kishilik olmoshlari gap oxirida kelganda, urg‘usiz holatda bo‘lsa ham to‘liq talaffuz qilinadi. Yuqoridagi  «does he», «doesn't he» umumiy savollaridagi «he» kishilik olmoshining holatiga e’tibor bering.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  09 Aprel 2008, 19:37:39


I. «-d» (yoki «-ed») qo‘shimchalarining o‘qilishiga e’tibor berib, fe’llarni transkripsiya qiling:
      [t]      [d]      [id]
      helped      lived      ended
      worked      called      wanted
      watched      stayed      repeated
      danced      listened      greeted
      passed      answered      decided

II. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. My friend studied English at school. 2. He asked the teacher a lot of questions. 3. The delegation arrived in Tashkent yesterday. 4. You visited your parents last month. 5. He spent his weekend in the country. 6. I brought him two English books last week.

III. Тagiga chizilgan so‘zlarga maxsus so‘roqlar qo‘ying:

1. He lived in Bukhara last year. 2. Jack wrote to me very often last year. 3. My father took my nephew to the nursery school yesterday. 4. Mr. Brown spoke about the plan at the meeting. 5. Helen goes to English classes after work. 6. Richard did his homework very well yesterday.
IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga lozim bo‘lgan joylarga predlog qo‘ying:

1. Yesterday we didn't go ... the University. 2. He lives ... the country. 3. We went ... there ... bus. 4. ... 9 o'clock they got ... the office. 5. The teacher put her book ... her bag. 6.  He showed ... us the places ... interest. 7. ...  dinner we talked a little. 8. The boy took his toys  ... the box and played ... them. 9. They returned ... home late yesterday. 10. He likes to spend his day off ... ... town.

V. Quyidagi predlogli birikmalardan foydalanib, gaplar tuzing:
         winter, spring, summer, autumn.
In                       January, February ...
         the morning, the afternoon, the evening
         Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
         Saturday, Sunday
         the first of September, the eighth of December,
         the 21st of March.

VI. Shu so‘z va so‘z birikmalariga antonimlar topib yozing va yod oling:

a day         early
a working-day      before classes
to go         to get up
in town      noisy

VII. Gaplarga tasdiq savollar qo‘ying.

1. Ann is not lazy, ... . 2. He always comes in time, ... . 3. They are in the classroom, ... . 4. You are not fifteen, ... . 5. My friend was not busy on Saturday, ... . 6. Pete was absent yesterday, ... . 7. John has got a sister, ... . 8. Your brother had many friends at school, ... . 9. Children helped the farmers last Sunday, ... . 10. He didn't go to the library yesterday,  ... .

VIII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Kecha do‘stimning dam olish kuni edi. 2. Yakshanba kunida u odatda o‘rnidan kech turadi. 3. Men kitoblarni kitob javoniga qo‘ydim. 4. Mehmonlar kecha yangi kollejni ko‘rishdi. 5. Biz o‘tgan haftada Chirchiqqa poyezd bilan bordik. 6. Talabalar har kuni universitetga avtobus yoki trolleybus bilan keladilar. 6. Ular dam olish kunlarini shahar chekkasida o‘tkazadilar, shundaymi? 7. Braunlar oilasi yozda shaharda qolmaydilar, shundaymi? 8. Dadam o‘tgan jumada ammamni borib ko‘rdi. 9. Syuzan kecha uyga kech qaytdi. 10. Men kecha do‘stlarimni ko‘rishdan xursand bo‘ldim.

IX. Dialogni o‘qing va yod oling:

Jack:      Hello, Sandy?
Sandy:      Yes, this is Sandy.
Jack:      Hi, this is Jack.
Sandy:      Oh, hi, Jack. How are you?
Jack:      Fine, Sandy, I'm going to a party tonight. Would             you like to go?
Sandy:      Sorry, Jack. I'm staying home tonight. My sister             and her husband are coming over.
Jack:      Uh... What are you doing Friday night?
Sandy:      Oh, nothing.
Jack:      Would you like to go to the movies?
Sandy:      Sure, that sounds great. See you Friday.

X. Maqolni o‘qing va yodda tuting:

Early to bed and early to rise.
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.   

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  13 Aprel 2008, 14:21:48

Text: Shopping.
Grammar:   I. Modal verb «can».
   II. Combination «to be going (to)».


After classes we often go shopping. Malika and I like to go shopping.
   First we go to the grocer's. At the grocer's I buy some butter, sugar and salt. Malika buys some macaroni.
Then we go to the greengrocer's. At the greengrocer's I buy some carrots, onions and Malika buys some potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Sometimes we go to the baker's. At the baker's we buy a loaf of brown-bread (a loaf of white bread), buns or biscuits.
Every Sunday we go to the butcher's. At the butcher's I buy some meat and Malika buys some sausage.
Then we go to the fishmonger's. At the fishmonger's we buy some fish.
Every month we go to the department-store. I want to buy a dress and Malika wants to buy a pair of shoes. I ask the shop-assistant to show me a summer dress. The shop-assistant asks my size. I can try it on in the fitting-room. If the dress fits me well I can buy it. The shop-assistant says that the dress costs 8000 soums. We can buy socks, stockings, a shirt or trousers at the department store too.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  13 Aprel 2008, 14:23:42

Answer the questions:

1. What do you do after classes?
2. Where do you go first?
3. What can you buy at the grocer's?
4. Can you buy onions at the green grocer's?
5. What can Malika buy at the butcher's?
6. You go to the baker's too, don't you?
7. What do you usually buy at the baker's?
8. When do you go to the department-store?
9. What can you buy at the department-store?
10. What do you ask the shop-assistant?
11. The shop-assistant asks your size, doesn't she?
12. What does Malika want to buy?
13. Does Malika like black or white shoes?
14. How much do the shoes cost?

Qayd etilgan