Abituriyentlarga yordam:chet ( English ) tilidan tayyorlov kurslari  ( 118461 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Robiya  13 Aprel 2008, 14:26:57

The new words and expressions:

1. to go shopping ['$с”piА…] — xarid qilmoq
2. the grocer's ['grousс’z] — oziq-ovqat do‘koni
3. the greengrocer's ['gri:ngrousс’z] — sabzavot do‘koni
4. the baker's ['beikс’z] — non do‘koni
5. the butcher's ['but$с’z] — go‘sht do‘koni
6. the fishmonger's ['fi$mА‡А…gс’z] — baliq do‘koni
7. a department-store [di'pa:tmс’nt stс”:] — univermag
8. butter [bА‡tс’] — sariyog‘
9. cucumbers ['kju:kс’mbс’z] — bodring
10. a loaf of bread [louf с’v bred] — bir buxanka non
11. a pair of shoes [p±с’r с’v $u:z] — tufli
12. a shop-assistant ['$opс’sistс’nt] — sotuvchi
13. a size [saiz] — razmer
14. to try on ['trai 'с”n] — kiyib ko‘rmoq
15. to fit [fit] — to‘g‘ri kelmoq, yarashmoq
16. to cost [kс”st] — turmoq (narx haqida), narx, baho

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  13 Aprel 2008, 14:37:40


I. Modal fe’llar. Ingliz tilida bir guruh modal fe’llar deb ataluvchi to‘liqsiz fe’llar bor. Bu guruhga «can», «may», «must» fe’llari kiradi. Ularning to‘liqsiz deyilishiga sabab quyidagilar:
1. Hamma zamon shakllarida qo‘llana olmaydilar.
2. Ular III shaxs birlikda (hozirgi noaniq zamonda) «s» qo‘shimchasini olmaydi.
3. Ular mustaqil holda ishlatilmaydilar, faqat mustaqil fe’l o‘zagi bilangina keladilar.

II. «can» modal fe’li mustaqil fe’l bilan birga kelib, shu ish-harakatning bajarilishi uchun jismoniy yoki aqliy qobiliyatning yetish yoki yetmasligi yoki shuni bajarishga qodirligini ifodalaydi. Uning ikkita shakli bor:
1. Hozirgi zamon shakli «can».
2. O‘tgan zamon shakli «could»

I can play tennis. — Men tennis o‘ynay olaman.
He can play tennis. — U tennis o‘ynay oladi.
I could play tennis yesterday. — Men kecha tennis o‘ynay oldim.

III. Kelasi zamonda «can» ning ma’nosini uning ekvivalenti «to be able to + fe’l» ifodalaydi.

I shall be able to play tennis next month. — Men kelasi oyda tennis o‘ynay olaman.

IV. «can» bilan kelgan gaplarning bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun «can» modal fe’lidan keyin «not» inkor yuklamasi qo‘yiladi.
I cannot play tennis. — Men tennis o‘ynay olmayman.
He couldn't play tennis. — U tennis o‘ynay olmas edi.

I shall not be able to play tennis next week. — Men kelasi haftada tennis o‘ynay olmayman.

V. «can» bilan kelgan gaplarning so‘roq shaklini yasash uchun «can» modal fe’li ega oldiga chiqarib qo‘yiladi va shu bilan javob beriladi.
Can you play tennis?  Yes, I can. No, I cannot.

Will you be able to play tennis next month?   — Yes, I shall.
                        — No, I shall not.

Eslatma: «can (could)» modal fe’li asosiy ma’nosidan tashqari quyidagi ma’nolarni ifodalashi ham mumkin:

1. «Can» modal fe’li imkoniyatdan kelib chiqqan ruxsat ma’nosini bildiradi.
Misol:      You can use my car tomorrow.

2. «Can» modal fe’li bo‘lishsiz shaklda kelib, ish-harakatning bajarilishi mumkin emasligini bildiradi.
Misol:      That can't be true.
      That couldn't be true.

3. «Could» modal fe’li ish-harakat bajarilishi (50%) ehtimolligini bildiradi.
Where is Tom?  He could be at the meeting.
4. «Could» xushmuomalalik bilan qilingan iltimosni ifodalaydi.
Could I borrow your pen?
Could you help me?

VI. 1. «To be going to + verb» birikmasi shaxsning biror ish-harakatni yaqin kelajakda bajarishni mo‘ljallaganini bildiradi.
I am going to buy a dictionary tomorrow. — Men ertaga lug‘at sotib olmoqchiman.
He is going to visit his grandparents next weekend. — U kelasi dam olish kunida bobosi va buvisini ko‘rib kelmoqchi.

2. «To be going (to)» birikmasi yaqin kelajakka belgilangan ish-harakatni ifodalagani uchun quyidagi payt hollari bilan qo‘llanadi: tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening, in two days, in a week (month, year), next week (month, year), soon va h.k.
Eslatma: «To be going (to)» birikmasi harakatni ifodalovchi to come, to go, to leave, to arrive kabi fe’llar bilan qo‘llana olmaydi.
When are you coming?
— Tomorrow morning.
He is leaving next week.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  13 Aprel 2008, 14:54:20


I. Gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. Tom can lift that heavy box. 2. The boy can see gold fish in an aquarium. 3. Mary can cook pudding. 4. You are going to visit the Museum of Temurids tomorrow. 5. She was able to translate that text yesterday. 6. My father could run fast 5 years ago. 7. It could be Linda's tape-recorder. 8. He sent a letter to his friend last week. 9. We are going to have a test next week. 10. They are going to do the homework together.

II. Qavsdagi fe’lni «to be going to» birikmasi bilan zarur shaklda qo‘llab, yozing:

1. Mary ... (begin) work at an office. 2. They ... (be) at the meeting tomorrow. 3. I ... (see) him at the club tonight. 4. She ... (do shopping) this afternoon. 5. His father ... (send) him to Medical College this summer. 6. His son ... (be) a football player. 7. I ... (buy) a new light bulb. 8. Peter ... (leave)  in an hour. 9. We ... (have dinner) at 5. 10. She ... (not, watch) TV this evening.

III. Nuqtalar o‘rniga zarur artiklni topib qo‘ying:

1. «Just ... moment, please», ... shopman said. 2. Mary bought ... grey coat and ... gloves. 3. ... meat is warm but ... potatoes are cold. 4. He gave ... interesting talk yesterday. 5. He bought ... new  watch. 6. They bought carrots at ... greengrocer's. 7. I have got ... pair of black shoes. 8. What's ... time by your watch?

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli predloglarni qo‘ying:

1. He decided to buy a gold watch ... her. 2. The old man is going to sell his pictures ... the museum. 3. Sally couldn't buy the shoes because they were too expensive ... her. 4. Could you have a look ... this dress? 5. He looked ... all the telegrams ... foreign firms. 6. Would you like to buy any ... these cups? 7. He asked ... him to go ... the bookshop and buy some English books. 8. There are different kinds ... shops ... Navoiy Street. 9. When we want to buy something, we take our shoppingbag and go ... a shop. 10. We can see shopgirls and shopmen ... the department store.

V. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagi so‘zlardan mosini joylashtiring: at the grocers, flour, rice, the fitting-room, cost, white shirt, size, to buy, the shopgirl, to sell.

1. «What is your ... ?» -asked the shop-assistant. 2. His mother went to the market ... some greenery. 3. Mary needed some ... to cook pudding. 4. We can buy sweets ... . 5. You can't cook palov without ... .   6. Mike bought  a pair of shoes for his daughter. They ... 5000 soums. 7. «What can I do for you?» ... said. 8. There was too much fruit in my uncle's garden. He decided ... some of it. 9. «You can try the dress on in ...» said the shopgirl. 10. Men like to wear ... in summer.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  13 Aprel 2008, 14:56:29

VI. Berilgan so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, quyidagi namunalar asosida gaplar tuzing:

1- namuna.   Mr. Smith can (can't) speak Uzbek. Mr. Smith couldn't speak Uzbek last year, but he can do it now.
To help, to answer one's question, to walk, to pay, to type, to run.
2- namuna.   «Can I use your phone?»
      — Certainly.
      — I'm afraid not.
To borrow one's pen, to cook, to write, to speak, to give, to see.

3-namuna.   «Could you pass me the salt?»
To do smth. for smb., to open, to help, to show, to answer, to stay.
4-namuna.   He was able to buy that coat.
To lift, to translate, to do one's homework, to pay, to reach, to convince (ko‘ndirmoq).

VII. Gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:

A. 1. Biz ertaga mashhur yozuvchi bilan uchrashmoqchimiz. 2. Kelasi yili akam yangi uy sotib olmoqchi, chunki u hovlida gullar o‘stirishni (to grow) yoqtiradi. 3. Uning ish joyi (office) uzoqda, shuning uchun u mashina sotib olmoqchi. 4. Ertaga Тoshkentga Londondan yoshlar delegatsiyasi (youth delegation) kelyapti. 5. Men Nik bilan soat 5 da kutubxonada uchrashmoqchiman. 6. Siz kelasi haftada Buxoroga jo‘namoqchimisiz?  Ha. 7. Ular futbol matchiga bormoqchi emaslar, ular matchni televizorda ko‘rmoqchilar. 8. U do‘stiga telefon qilmoqchimi?  Yo‘q, chunki u do‘stidan xafa (to be angry with).
B. 1. Men yoshligimda tez chopa olardim, endi tez chopa olmayman. 2. Kecha u litseyga bora olmadi, chunki u kasal edi. 3. U do‘stiga telefon qila olmaydi, chunki uning telefoni buzuq (there is smth. wrong with). 4. Siz kecha teatrga bora oldingizmi?  Ha. Men u yerda ko‘p do‘stlarim bilan uchrashishga ham muyassar (qodir) bo‘ldim. 5. Opam ingliz tilidan dars bera oladi, chunki u o‘tgan yili chet tillar institutini tamomlagan. 6. Inglizcha kitobingizdan foydalanishim mumkinmi? 7. Iltimos, menga yordam bera olasizmi? 8. Jak qayerda?  U darsda bo‘lsa kerak.

VIII. Quyidagi so‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan foydalanib, kichik hikoya tuzing:

At the Department Store

To be going to do shopping, on Saturday, the department store, the ready-made clothes department, to come up to the counter, to ask the shop assistant, to show, a dress, a size, not to like the colour, to try on, a fitting-room, to fit smb., not expensive, to pay, to feel comfortable, to be glad to have smth.

IX. Dialogni yod oling:

At the shoe shop

Shop assistant:   (to Anna) Can I help you, madam?
Anna:      Yes. I am going to have a pair of sandals, please.
Sh.ass.:   Certainly. What size?
Anna:      I don't really know, Sizes are  different in England.
Sh.ass.:   Try this one. It's a 5 x (five and a half).
Anna:      But I really wanted a white pair.
Sh.ass.:   I'm afraid we haven't got this style in white, but I             can order a pair for you.
Anna:      How much do they cost?
Sh.ass.:   Just under two pounds, madam.
Anna:      That's a reasonable price. Will you order a pair for             me then, please? Can I come for them next                Saturday?
Sh.ass.:   Certainly, madam.

X. Maqolni yodda tuting:

The early bird catches the worm.
Idleness is the mother of all evil.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 14:48:24


Text: Great Britain.
Phonetics: «ai» —
Grammar:   I. The Usage of Definite Article «the»
   II. Modal verb «may», «must».


The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
The United Kingdom (the UK) is situated on more than 5000 large and small islands. The largest island is Great Britain. It includes England, Scotland and Wales. English Channel and Strait of Dover separate Great Britain from the continent. From all sides Great Britain is washed by seas and oceans. The mountains in Great Britain are not very high. The highest mountains are Ben Nevis (in Scotland, 1343) and Snowdon (in Wales, 1085). There are a lot of  short rivers there. The longest river is the Severn. The deepest and the most important river is the Thames. There is much rain and fog in spring and autumn. The summer is not very hot (the highest temperature in summer is above + 32°C). The winter is mild (the lowest temperature is below
—10°C). October is the wettest month, July is the hottest and January is the coldest one. Great Btitain is not very rich in mineral resources. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It exports machinery, electronics, ships, aircraft and navigation equipment. There are about 59 million people in the UK.
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of the government is the Queen. But the Prime Minister is responsible for the policy conducted by the Parliament. The Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are two leading parties in Great Britain: the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. There are well-known ports in the country: London, Manchester, Bristol, Portsmouth and others.
Great Britain has many industrial cities: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and others.
Oxford and Cambridge are called University cities.
The capital of the United Kingdom is London. London is also the capital of England, the capital of Wales is Cardiff, the Scottish capital is Edinburgh and the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 14:53:56

Answer the questions:

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?
2. How many parts are there in the U.K.?
3. How many parts are there in the island of Great Britain?
4. What separates Great Britain from the continent?
5. The Severn is the longest river, isn't it?
6. What kind of river is the Thames?
7. What kind of mountains are there in Great Britain?
8. What kind of climate is in Great Britain?
9. Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial or an agricultural country?
10. What kind of system has the government got?
11. How many Chambers does the Parliament consist of?
12. Name the well-known ports of the country.
13. What kind of cities are Oxford and Cambridge?
14. What is London?

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 14:55:26

I. «ai» digrafi urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda bir undoshdan keyin kelsa, o‘qilmaydi, ikki undoshdan keyin kelsa, bo‘lib o‘qiladi:
      Britain ['britn]
      Mountain ['mauntin]

II. Uch bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarning birinchi bo‘g‘ini urg‘uli bo‘lib, ochiq bo‘g‘in bo‘lsa ham yopiq bo‘g‘in qoidasiga binoan o‘qiladi:
      Capital  ['k#pitс’l]
      Eliphant [elifс’nt]

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 14:58:04


I. Aniq artiklning doimiy ishlatilishi hollari quyidagicha:

1. Ba’zi bir geografik nomlar oldida:
a)the UK, the Ukraine, the Caucasus, the USA, the Hague (Gaaga).

b) Suvli joylarning nomlari bilan:
    the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Thames.

v) jahonda yagona bo‘lgan otlar bilan:
   the moon, the sun, the earth, the world, the Uzbek language.

g) dunyoning to‘rt tomoni nomlari oldida:
   the North, the South, the East, the West.

d) bir oilaning hamma a’zolarini ifodalovchi ko‘plikdagi atoqli ot oldida:
   the Smiths
   the Alimovs

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:04:19

II. «May» modal fe’li.

1. «May» modal fe’li yetakchi fe’l bilan kelib, shu fe’ldan anglashilgan ish-harakatning bajarilishi uchun ruxsat bor yoki yo‘qligini bildiradi.
Misol:      You may take my pen.
«Must» modal fe’li esa zaruriyat, keraklik, majburiylikni bildiradi.
Misol:      The pupils must come in time.

2. «May», «must» ishtirokidagi gaplarning so‘roq shakli modal fe’lni egadan oldinga qo‘yish orqali yasaladi.
Misol:      May I come in?  Yes, you may. No, you may not.
         May I open the window?  Do, please.
         May I smoke?  No, you mustn't ['mА‡snt]
Eslatma: «mustn't» inkor javobi butunlay taqiqlash ma’nosini anglatadi.
Misol:      Must we do Ex. 5?  Yes, you must. No, you needn't.

3. Modal fe’llar bilan kelgan gaplarning bo‘lishsiz shakli «not» inkor yuklamasini shu modal fe’ldan keyin qo‘yish orqali yasaladi.    
      Misol:        You must not smoke.
      You may not go to the cinema in the evening.

«May» modal fe’lining faqat Present Indefinite (may) va Past Indefinite (might) shakli bor.
Misol:      You may use my pen.   
      Siz ruchkamdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
      You might use my pen yesterday.
      Siz kecha ruchkamdan foydalanishingiz mumkin edi.

   «Future Indefinite» zamonida esa «may» modal fe’li o‘rnida «to be allowed to» birikmasi qo‘llanadi.
   Misol: You will be allowed to use my pen tomorrow. — Siz ertaga ruchkamdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

  4. «Must» modal fe’lining faqat bitta Present Indefinite shakli (must) bor. «Past Indefinite» va «Future Indefinite» zamonlarida «must» modal  fe’li ma’nosini, "œto have to», «to be to» birikmalari ifodalaydi.
Misol:                      I must do Ex.5.
         Men 5-mashqni bajarishim shart.
         I had to do Ex.5 yesterday.
         Men kecha 5-mashqni bajarishim shart edi. 
         I shall have to do Ex.5 tomorrow.
         Men ertaga 5-mashqni bajarishga majburman.

Eslatma: «to have to» birikmasi bilan kelgan gaplarning so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakli («Present va Past Indefinite» da) «do»    yordamchi fe’li vositasida yasaladi.
Misol:                      I have to stay at home today.
         I don't have to stay at home today.
         Do you have to stay at home today?  Yes, I do.
         I had to stay at home yesterday.
         I didn't have to stay at home yesterday.
         Did you have  to stay at home yesterday?  Yes, I did.
Lekin:                      I shall have to stay at home tomorrow.
         I shall not have to stay at home tomorrow.
         Will you have to stay at home tomorrow?
         — Yes, I shall.

5. «May» va «must» modal fe’llari yuqoridagi ma’nolaridan tash¬qari ehtimollikni ham ifodalaydilar: «may»  ehtimollikni, «must»  ishonchliroq ehtimollikni ifodalaydi.
The sky is cloudy. It may rain.
Osmon bulutli. Yomg‘ir yog‘ishi ehtimol yoki yomg‘ir yog‘ishi mumkin.
Where is Nick? — He must be at the sports ground.
Nik qayerda? — U sport maydonchasida bo‘lishi kerak.

Qayd etilgan

Robiya  27 Aprel 2008, 15:11:11


I. Quyidagi modal fe’llarning ekvivalentlarini yozing:
   can —
   may —
   must —

II. Quyidagi gaplarni Past Indefinite zamoniga qo‘ying:

1. Our sportsmen can win gold medals in the competition. 2. The students may borrow books from the University library. 3. You may ring me up. 4. On Sunday I may get up later. 5. The students must work hard. 6. My uncle can bathe in the river in winter. 7. They must be in time for the lessons. 8. She can speak well. 9. You may open the window. 10. He  must translate the telegram today.

III. Quyidagi gaplarni so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz shakllarga qo‘ying:

1. His brother can help him with his mathematics. 2. Our students must train every day. 3. Young men have to serve in the Uzbekistan Armed Forces. 4. The students have to do their best to pass exams well. 5. He  may come a little later. 6. He was able to win the game last week. 7. He was allowed to go to the museum yesterday. 8. You may take my English book.

IV. Nuqtalar o‘rniga quyidagilardan mosini qo‘ying: can, could, may, must, to have to, to be able to, to be allowed to.

1. ... I have this red pen?  Yes, you ... . Here you are. 2. Where is Mary?  She ... be in the library. She wanted to get a dictionary. 3. ... I smoke here?  No, you ... . 4. ... he translate this text now?  No, he ... . He ... do it tomorrow. 5. She has a high temperature. She ... to send for a doctor. 6. The vase was expensive and the young man ... (not) to buy it. 7. It was late. She ... (not) to go to the cinema. 8. ... you pass me the pepper?  Certainly. 9. When I was young I ... run a bicycle. 10. Where is the boy?  He ... be on the playground.

Qayd etilgan