ENGLISH Speaking  ( 94379 marta o'qilgan) Chop etish

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Salmoni Forsiy  13 Yanvar 2008, 15:50:39


dear Ikbaljohn,i also live near to farhatskiy and study at inyaz but not near to farhatskiy  ;D

Salmoni Forsiy,
what was ur university ?in which country r u now?and how is life going on there?
i think u miss ur hometown,yeah dude?

Hi jassonnur.I think you are student.
I studied TSAU,the faculty of  Economy.
Right now I live in Scandinavia.
yes i am a student .u know inyaz?i study there
what about studying there? i mean study fee?
i am gonna study there
look at pm
where is Ikbaljohn?

INYAZmi yoki University of Foreign languagesmi?
Agar usha yerda o'qib institutni otini Eng.chasini bilmasez "Shame on you"   bo'ladi.....

Qayd etilgan

dilshodnod  15 Yanvar 2008, 07:25:52

Yes. I am speak english litlle too. Can you help me?

Qayd etilgan

ikbaljohn  15 Yanvar 2008, 17:33:15

Yes. I am speak english litlle too. Can you help me?
Firstly,u should introduce yourself and post your photo on the right thread.Then,we'll decide to help you or not to help you. (dilshodnod,ko'rmayapsizmi,o'zimizam zo'rg'a hij gaplashyapmiz) :D
jasonnur, nechinchi kurssiz? Sizdan bitta iltimosim bor edi,agar yo'q dimasez?

Qayd etilgan

fazilat  16 Yanvar 2008, 17:29:00

Be Allah's greeting Dilshodnod!

If u r very interested in learning any language u should know grammar and fonetics of that language. Definitly if it is English i offer u to go to the British Council or Learning Center of USWLU (Inyaz) that is situated near the Charsu...

If questions appears don't hesitate to contact....

Qayd etilgan

Rukhiya  17 Yanvar 2008, 01:11:21

Bu erda faqat englizcha gaplashiladimi?
Lexikon tuzsilar yaxshi bo'lardi.......
Man boshlab beraman,sizlar da'vom ettirasilar ;)

Hello - Assalomu alaykum
Goodbye - Xayr
Excuse me - Kechirasiz

Please - Marhamat
Thanks (to you) - Rahmat (sizga)
You're welcome - Arzimaydi

Do you understand? - Tushunasizmi?
I understand - Tushunaman
I don't understand - Tushunmayman

What's this? - Nima bu?
What's your name? - Ismingiz nima?
My name is... - Ismim...

Are you happy? - Xursandmisiz?
I am happy - Xursandman
You are happy - Xursandsiz

Are you sad? - Xafamisiz?
I am sad - Xafaman
You are sad - Xafasiz

Are you tired? - Charchaganmisiz?
I am tired - Charchaganman
You are tired - Charchagansiz

Ps:Man englizcha bilmayman,hammasi kopia qilingan.
Sizlar ham lexin tuzilar,o'rganayotganlarga yordam bo'ladi(insha Allah)

Qayd etilgan

Rukhiya  17 Yanvar 2008, 01:12:21

I'm sorry - Uzr
How are you? - Yaxshimisiz?
(I'm) fine - Yaxshi(man)

Where is...? - ...qayerda?
Bus station - Avtostansiya
Where is the bus station? - Avtostansiya qayerda?

Airport - Aeroport
Market - Bozor
Train station - Vokzal

Restaurant - Oshxona
Hotel - Mehmonxona
Where is the hotel? - Mehmonxona qayerda?

Police - Militsiya
Ambulance - Tez yordam
Doctor - Doktor

Qayd etilgan

Rukhiya  17 Yanvar 2008, 01:15:12

Water - Suv
Meat - Go'sht
Bread - Non

Coffee - Kofe
Tea - Choy
Milk - Sut

Room - Xona
Bed - Karavat
Bathroom - Hojatxona

Table - Stol
Chair - Stul
Desk - Stol

Person - Kishi
Place - Yer
Thing - Narsa

House - Uy
Car - Mashina
City - Shahan

Cat - Mushuk
Dog - Kuchuk
Friend - O'rtoq

Qayd etilgan

Rukhiya  17 Yanvar 2008, 01:17:09

I am) American - (Men) amerikalik(man)
(I am) British - (Men) britaniyalik(man)
How much is it? - Necha pul?

Please write it - Yozib berolasizmi
Thank you - Rahmat
Credit card - Kredit kartochka

I like it - Menga yoqdi
I don't like it - Menga yoqmadi
Good - Yaxshi

Come - Keling
Look - Qarang
Stop - To'xtang

I don't understand - Tushunmayman
I'm sorry - Uzr
Where is the hotel? - Mehmonxona qayerda?

I want... - Menga... kerak
Just a minute - Ozgina sabr qiling
Check, please - Iltimos, hisobni bering

Qayd etilgan

fazilat  21 Yanvar 2008, 11:36:47

Hello Rukhiya how r u?

It was good deal u began... If it is not so difficult or strange by my side would u be so kind explain the abb. "bc" & "c.a.f.e"

Previously, thnx

Qayd etilgan

Usmon  21 Yanvar 2008, 11:50:05

Gapilaga aralashayotganim uchun uzr.
Manimcha, BC British Council, c.a.f.e - Learning Center of USWLU (Inyaz) bo'lsa kerak, yana bilmadim ;D

Qayd etilgan