Ilm va ziyo > Chet tillari

Do you want to learn English?!

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first you have to study then you can get good result
let's speak English , if you don't understand you may ask a question in other language that you know
all right?

O.k, o.k

try your best, don't give up
beshikdan qabrgacha ilm urgan deyishgan, doim urganishga harakat qiliylar sekin sekin chunib olasizlar
bir ishni boshlab yarim yulda qoldirish , ovqatni chala yeydigan odamga uxshiydi, bazan til urganish qiyindek tuyiladi qachon ozroq urgansayiz urgangan narsalariz kamdek tuyiladi, doim intilib yashasaylar nazarimda yaxshi resultatga erishasiz
so my muslim brother, and muslima sisters i believe you can learn as fast as you think
good luck!

you said right sentence. I am learning English, but I have a little time,
so result too a little. I want speaking and writing my friends, and
I don't waste my time

Where are who wants to learnr english why are in silence?


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